
Chapter 6 Digging Holes to Jump In

Translator: 549690339

Tang Huai quickly returned with a lid for the pot.

Once back home, Jing Xuan and Jing Min were still there.

Tang Huai walked up to Jing Xuan and Jing Min and smiled, "Brother Jing Xuan, Jing Min, thank you for helping me out."

Jing Min got along well with Tang Ying, and now knowing that Tang Ying had stolen money, and that her mother had wrongfully accused Tang Huai, Jing Min felt deeply disappointed in Tang Ying.

She looked at Tang Huai and pursed her lips, "You didn't steal the money in the first place."

Jing Xuan looked at Tang Huai, "If you can't solve a problem on your own in the future, you can come to my dad."

The village chief was like the emperor of the village; as long as he spoke, the villagers dared not disobey.

"Okay…" Tang Huai nodded and went to the kitchen.

Jing Xuan and Jing Min said goodbye to Liu Xiaoyu and went back.

In the kitchen, Peng Jiayao was still slumped on the ground, letting out cries of "aiyo, aiyo."

Seeing Tang Huai's return, her cries intensified, "Aiyo, aiyo, the pain is killing me, this old lady."

Tang Huai walked past her indifferently, reached the stove, and properly covered the pot with the lid, which was the same size as the one that had shattered, then casually started the fire.

The fire roared, the aroma of the meat filled the kitchen, causing Peng Jiayao's mouth to water.

She greedily watched the steam rising from the side of the lid, swallowed her saliva, and continued to wail, "I must have sinned in my past life, having a granddaughter who's a murderer, aiyo, aiyo..."

Liu Xiaoyu, standing beside her, was at a loss with this old lady; Tang Huai hadn't hit her, it was she who stubbornly sat there pretending.

Tang Huai sat leisurely on a stool, smiling enigmatically at Peng Jiayao, "Which granddaughter of yours is a murderer?"

Peng Jiayao glared at Tang Huai with her beady eyes fiercely, "It's you!"

Tang Huai smiled, "I think you've not only sinned in your past life, but you've also created quite a bit of karma in this life."

"You…" Peng Jiayao was furious.

"You've caused enough trouble. My family is like this now, without rice or money. What exactly are you trying to get out of this?"

"You injured me; I must be compensated. I'm going to have dinner at your house today!" Just like Yang Hongxing, Peng Jiayao was greedy, seeing the pot full of pork trotters, she wished she could devour them right away.

The moment Tang Huai heard this, her face darkened, "I didn't hit you, and my family is out of rice!"

"I'll just eat the pork trotters."

"Grandma, my mom hasn't eaten a single meat dish during her confinement. If you eat it, what will my mom eat?"

"How can you be so undutiful and heartless? I'm your grandmother, your elder! What's wrong with eating a couple of pieces of pork trotters that your granddaughter has bought? You injured me, and now you won't let me eat pork trotters? Are you really raised with proper morals?" Peng Jiayao was dead set on eating the pork trotters in the pot. When Tang Huai wouldn't allow it, she naturally became angry and got up to scold Tang Huai.

"Mom, how can you speak about Tang Huai like that?" Although Liu Xiaoyu was timid, she loved her daughter dearly. Hearing Peng Jiayao speak about Tang Huai like that made her somewhat angry.

"Am I wrong to speak about her this way?" Peng Jiayao turned around and pointed at Liu Xiaoyu, scolding fiercely, "You broom star, not only have you failed to provide an heir to continue the family line but also you've either produced an ill-mannered daughter or a disabled child, a whole house of worthless people!"

Not being able to bear a son to carry on the line had always been a source of great distress for Liu Xiaoyu, and now being scolded so by Peng Jiayao, Liu Xiaoyu's eyes immediately reddened, and she dared not talk back.

"Since you think I'm ill-bred, Grandma, perhaps you can leave?" Tang Huai, too, was angry and spoke harshly to Peng Jiayao, dismissing any familial respect, "What kind of elder are you—just go to hell!"

Tang Huai could never forget, in her previous life, the things the Peng Family did to her family!

In her last life, she was like Liu Xiaoyu, dull, timid, and self-deprecating, meek, and wouldn't dare talk back when Peng Jiayao scolded and beat her, thinking of her as a grandmother, an elder.

Now, having been reborn, Tang Huai was no longer held hostage by morality, regardless of whether they were elders or juniors, as long as they bullied her, she would retaliate.

"You little bitch!" Peng Jiayao glared at Tang Huai and, seeing Tang Huai's pitch-black eyes cold and terrifying, felt inexplicably intimidated. She could only glare fiercely at Liu Xiaoyu: "A scourge, a whole family of scourges! My misfortune must have been caused by your jinxing!"

After she finished scolding, she left.

After Peng Jiayao had left, Liu Xiaoyu came in and scolded Tang Huai, "Tang Huai, she is still your grandmother. If she wants to eat pig's trotters, let her eat. You can't be so disrespectful to the elderly."

Tang Huai snorted disdainfully, "Mom, not every elderly person deserves respect. With a grandmother who has such sharp eyes, always thinking about how to strangle me, why should I respect her?"

"At least let her have the pig's trotters if she wants them."

"All year round, our family hardly gets to eat meat even a few times. Our sister has been born for several days, and you haven't had any meat at all. I caught a venomous snake to have the money to buy meat for you. Our grandmother lives with Third Aunt, whose family gets to eat meat at least three times a week." Tang Huai looked displeased at Liu Xiaoyu. "Mom, the more timid a person is, the more they get bullied. You can't keep this up."

Liu Xiaoyu lowered her head, mumbling softly, "I also want to stand tall and proud, but I can't compare with your several aunts. Each of them has given birth to a son."

"Whether you have boys or girls isn't up to you, it also has to do with..." Tang Huai felt that the explanation was weak and abruptly stopped talking.

They weren't like her, a person reborn, having experienced a lifetime of events. She knew that having boys or girls wasn't only decided by the woman; the man also had responsibility.

If she tried to explain to Liu Xiaoyu about male factors like sperm count, it would be a long story. Besides, their father was already gone, making explanations pointless.

Tang Huai looked deeply at Liu Xiaoyu, "Mom, you've been standing out here for a long time. Go back and lie down. The pig trotter will take a long time to stew. I'll cook it slowly over charcoal. I'll serve some for you when I come back from feeding the pigs."

Having stood for too long, Liu Xiaoyu felt a faint pain in her lower abdomen, "Okay, I'll go lie down for a while."

Tang Huai watched Liu Xiaoyu's frail figure, feeling complicated.

In her last life, Liu Xiaoyu fell ill due to excessive childbirth and never properly recovering during her confinement period.

Ever since the family's sole breadwinner was gone, her health collapsed, and she was always plagued by illness.

In this life, Tang Huai hoped that Liu Xiaoyu's health would be better, free from the torment of sickness.

Tang Huai carried two full buckets of pig feed to the pigsty; the three pigs were the only valuable assets their family had.

Her and Tang Li's school fees, as well as the family's expenses, all depended on these three pigs.

The pig feed consisted of cooked sweet potato leaves, some rice bran, and then it was diluted with rice water.

After feeding the pigs, Tang Huai carried water back to clean the pigsty.


"You're always so smart, how could you become such a fool in front of young master Jing?" After dragging Tang Ying back home, Yang Hongxing's first reaction wasn't to blame her for stealing money, but to scold her while pointing at Tang Ying's nose.

Tang Ying's eyes were red, and tears twinkled in them, showing immense grievance, "Mom, will Brother Jing Xuan tell everyone that I stole money?"

"That bitch Tang Huai set a trap for you, and you just jumped in, idiot! The Jing Family will definitely not like a girl with sticky fingers!"


The winners of the third day are: Five yuan red envelope: zx, Searching, Sister.

Three yuan red envelope: Blank, Lone Patient.