
A Maid For MR CEO

SYNOPSIS Her life is in Shambles and she needs a job to Save her Dying Father. But she could never imagine working for the CEO that almost got her killed. He is a rude , handsome and Wealthy CEO. He lives a life of isolation and he never imagined he would need a Maid like her. But they both didn't know what awaits their life. She would have to watch herself Spend her life serving what looks like Eternity wrapping around a Triangle and the Hidden secret of The CEO. An Aging SECRET! Read on to Find out......

Queen2OtZ88 · Urban
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10 Chs



 Sam's Mistake

Aunty Elna , my Dad's sister from a different mother, had gone to Scotland years ago with my Dad's help to work in one of their platform Businesses. 

After she left, My Dad got diagnosed with prostate cancer and was placed on chemotherapy ,shortly after all his business sites collapsed and the bank had to take away all his assets to clear the company's debts.

Ever since, Dad kept calling Aunty Elna's line and she has never picked up. All efforts to reach her in Scotland proved abortive as all the lines were blocked . It meant  clearly She had completely forgotten us ,it was super strange and I hate her for that.

I wish Dad could stop wishing for the impossible,  I was definitely sure she has left us for good.We were already so miserable she won't need any of such in her beautiful life.


Though I didn't have any close relationship with her, I knew better what to expect from not just her but all other relatives who left just the moment Dad needed them the most. 

I mean ,Aunty Elna alone could single Handedly have Dad's Surgery paid and taken good care of but there was no idea on how to find her. 

Everyone disappeared , all those who Dad had made very successful with his connection and wealth before all these befell us.

I wiped my running nose and stared at Dad , he was so lean I barely could look at him.

"Please Dad, stop thinking of Aunty Elna. Sam and I are very fine staying here to watch over you, that is the greatest Joy in my heart Dad. I don't ever wish to leave you no matter what happens . And nothing will happen to you so get ready cause I will gather all the money for your treatment ,you will be fine very soon ,Okay ?", I assured .

He nodded and I gave him his cup of water from his bedside table. I took out the last tablets of his drugs and made him drink up.

He laid back down on his bed and I left the room with the plates and cup.

I needed to go to the Doctor but since it was getting late I decided to go later whenever I left the house again.

Just then, I remembered Sam was still not back from school.

I glanced at the clock ,it was past his dismissal time and it sent worries into my heart. Fear gripped me as I remembered how lonely the road to his school was.

I quickly wore my slippers and walked out of the house heading down the lane to the school.

I didn't even reach the school when I saw someone from a far looking messy with torn clothes and crying out loud. I looked clearly, doubting my eyes but it was really who I was seeing. 

My little Brother !.

I ran up to him and he hugged me tightly immediately, he was just 10 years old.

I released him and threw questions at him;

" What is going on?Why do you look messy and who tore your uniform?, don't tell me you fought someone in School Sam?'' My God ,Sam what Is happening to you?",I cried out looking all around the lonely road.

I was getting really pissed with worries but he just kept crying out.

" Talk to me now ,Sam. Who did this to you?Why didn't you come home ? Talk !",I shouted, getting scared .

I stared at him and when he couldn't utter any word yet, I pulled him and asked for answers. 

Then he finally talked .

" It was John and Tau ,Abby....",

" Yes, what did they do?", I voiced.

" Am such a Fool Abby, I should have told you about it, I wish.They asked me to give them my textbook fee to have it doubled so that we will be able to pay Dad's bills. At first I refused but  Tau forced me, I gave them the money today and they asked me to wait til dismissal. I followed them to Tau's house but when we got there. They denied taking money from me, they beat me up when I argued and refused to go. I didn't know how to come back home Abby. I receive insults everyday in school because I'm the only one who comes from a poor home and would never meet up the school standard....I was trying to do something for Dad but I messed everything up, I have lost the only $700 that we have left. Abby !", He cried louder.

I was so broken,I stared back at him speechlessly as hot tears escaped my eyes.I put my hand on my head scratching my hair .I didn't know whether to shout or console Sam.

I quickly wiped my tears, that money was what I had borrowed from Molly and I Can't believe we didn't solve a single thing with it.

I didn't even know how I was going to earn that amount to pay back to Molly.

My heart hurts the most and my head aches.

" It's alright Sam, let's go home now", I finally said.

" But..Abby what do we do, I don't want to go back to that school again.How do we pay Dad's bills?", He asked.

"Listen to me Sam, everything will be alright soon.We will find money for Dad and he will be fine soon. We will all live very fine and comfortable like we used to before and your school will not have to insult you anymore.Trust me okay?",.

I looked into his eyes and he nodded, wiping his tears.

" Now, let's go home. Dad is all alone at home",.

I held his tiny hand and we walked back home.

I met Molly at the gate with her little daughter

" Ah! Abby,what happened to sam?", She asked me.

Her eyes ran down Sam's clothes.

"Oh, you know how kids are these days Molly, he tore his clothes while playing with his friends. I will have to sew it neatly this night",.

 I lied , touching Sam on his shoulders.

" Sam dear, be more careful next time , Look how messy you look, don't you know your sister has a lot to think about other than to worry over you?",.

Sam looked down while I nodded .

" Let me finish up things inside ,Molly", I voiced .

I beckoned Sam and we walked inside