
Magician program, installation begin

It was a quiet night in Chiba prefecture, Japan. It was winter and the snow covering the ground was a good indicator of the cold and dreary weather. A young man of 21 named Hiiro Amekawa was walking along the sidewalk to his job. He worked at an office building that was made last year and it was called kumoko. A name like that was a sign of the owner being a fan of a certain online novel which dealt with spiders.

Hiiro had read some parts of the novel but he became busy so he had not read the rest of it. "Man it is cold" said Hiiro as he put his scarf around his neck another time. He did this in order to gain more warmth but it seemingly did not help much, only alleviating a small fraction of the cold air.

In order to warm up, Hiiro decided to stop by a 7-11 for some thing hot to help warm himself. He stepped in and went immediately to the coffee section. He made a quick cup of coffee and paid for it as he left. He drank the coffee which offered a warm sensation flowing through out his body. He checked his time and his eyes went wide. "Oh no I am gonna be late!" shouted Hiiro as he began running to reach his office building on time. He did not to be late and let his team down, nor did he want to be the reason why work was behind as that could be disaster for him.

Hiiro did arrive on time much to his comfort and sanity. He sighed in relief as he went to his computer and began his work like everyone else. He checked his emails from his team and began doing his work. He typed up financial reports and was making sure to keep track of records of their financial situation.

It was a tiring job but it offered a comfortable salary. He then heard the door open to his part of the building and glanced over at that direction. He saw a friend of his who had come back from vacation, Issei Himejima, a nice dude who Hiiro hung out with after work sometimes. "Hey Issei!" said Hiiro to his friend. "Hey Hiiro, you faring okay?" asked Issei.

"I am doing fine" said Hiiro to his friend. His friend came over and sat down at the computer next to him. "Here you go Hiiro" said Issei as he hand Hiiro something strange. It was a usb cartridge and it was unlabeled and looked strange. "What is it?" asked Hiiro perplexed about the strange object. "Well some guy handed it to me saying it contained a weird game. Seeing you like games sometimes, I got it for you" said Issei, worried that Hiiro would not like the gift. "Thanks man! I will try it out tonight" said Hiiro as he put the device in his pocket to try later.

It finally became five o'clock and Hiiro was heading home from his job, his mind on the strange object his friend gave him. "I wonder what it is" Hiiro mumbled to himself quietly as he reached his apartment door. He went inside and changed to his inside shoes and went to shower. After he finished showering he went looking through his fridge for dinner. He saw some leftover Korean food from the joint he visited yesterday and heated it up.

He then ate his food and it was Spivey, just the way he liked it. After he cleaned up he then sat in front of the computer and looked at the usb plug in. He carefully plugged it in as a new window opened on his computer. The window had a screen that said (Magician Program) on it. There also was a spot where it said 'install' or 'reject'. While carefully thinking things over, he decided to click 'install' and he then black out.

<program begin instillation>

<installing magician program>


<program successfully installed>

<beginning transfer to (world 778- Avalon)

<transfer is successful, initiating installation of magic core….. successful>

<program has finished functioning. begin merging with host>.