
a magician and his giant squirrel in another world

fourth_wall · Fantasy
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wait what!?!(you will understand eventually)

"Hi my name is Iras Smoke! This is another of my daily self monologues because I'm bored."

We can see a average looking gall walking out of a apartment building and heading toward a nearby gass station to get some chocolate because she's hungry. Atleast that's what her monologue says....

"So yea I'm just heading to buy me, myself and I some chocolate because I have a case of the munchies! So I'll talk to you later me! Bye!"

Right after she finished talking and was about to cross the street to get inside the gass station and buy some chocolate she was hit by a speeding truck!

But then.... We see someone walk out of the gass station who is a very handsome youth maybe 17-18 he had white hair and blue eyes with a giant squirrel on his shoulder. This youth was wearing a open black blazer a top hat and a white t-shirt and had a magic wand in a holster on his hip

Seeing the nearly dead person on the road he immediately stopped moving in shock and screamed after the shock died down a little "AHHHHH SOMEONE CALL A AMBULANCE!"

And as If the truck which had slowed down to make sure there target died heard that it spun around slightly and realized it had hit the WRONG PERSON! Because of the monologue the truck thought she was the main character after realising it's mistake it quickly did a U-turn and went as fast as it could and-

Barely missed the magician and hit some person who seemed to be a person who had been through surgery to make them neither guy nor gall.

After this we can see the truck panic about the fact it might lose its job and the truck slowly drove over to the guy who had barely doged the truck and was busy panicking about the fact there where two dead people and didn't notice the truck coming up behind him and actually jumping on him causing him to finally die from the blunt force trauma. Only to wake up in a NEW BODY THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE HIS.... except slightly more handsome and unhuman with his squirrel on his shoulder... Wait a minute-

We then see the dude fall over from the weight of the squirrel which seemed to be more than 10× what it used to be "ughh... What's on my shoulder...?" He slowly pushed of the fluffy blob and got up... Just to see a ACTUAL giant squirrel that looked just like his pet squirrel!

"Wait a minute... FLUFFY!? WHY ARE YOU SO BIG BONED NOW?! WAIT FLUFFY I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT PLEASE DON'T-" we then see Fluffy tackle our main character who attempted to bribe Fluffy with a magic trick to make a marble he had in his back pocket shrink and grow (it was actually just a ball which absorbs liquid really easy and he had a cup of water behind him whenever he performed the trick and he had noticed he had a glass filled with red liquid on the bed side table of the room he was in)

Fluffy let him get up so he could do the trick and he walked over to the bedside table and started his show introduction

"Hello lady's and gentlemen! Today we have me! The one the only... Jack Grail the great and grand!" When he finished Jack thought he could hear the sparkling of the sparklers going off which goes of whenever he introduced himself when doing a magic trick professionally but he though it was a figment of his imagination and he usually kept his marble in a special secret pocket inside his back pocket so when he reached into his trousers and searched for the button to his secret pocket he found it and pressed it but suddenly a actual marble appeared in his hand

Seeing he had no choice but go along with it because fluffy had seen the marble he grasping the marble hard and asked fluffy one thing "are you ready to see this magic marble shrink?" After Fluffy rapid nodded his head jack squeezed the marble a bit harder which was meant to make the liquid leave the marble in his old magic trick but instead of liquid coming out jack could feel the marble shrink and finally realised that his magic tricks where actually magic now!

Smiling confidently he opened his hand to show a smaller versions of the marble he had earlier "and now to make it grow back to its original size!" He put his hand behind him like he does in his actual magic shows incase it was just a fluke what he had done before and was ready to drop the marble in the liquid behind him if needed. But willed the marble as hard as he could to grow back to its original size... And it did! And feeling the marble had grown Jack was a very happy man and he opened his hand and showed Fluffy the marble and then he absentmindedly took a swig of the liquid he had seen and suddenly felt way healthier than he had ever been... Putting all the facts together about his squirrel being giant now and his magic tricks working jack realized that this world must have magic or something of the like

And then we heard a knock in the door and someone saying "are you ready yet sir Jack? We must be going to see the-" Jack tuned out this voice to instead observe the sentence and the room

'so I'm a noble then considering he called me sir... Or maybe I'm like a knight or something... But considering that red liquid made me feel so good must mean it's a high quality elixir or healing potion or something like that...'

"Sir Jack are you listening? You can't just dilly dally we must be off to hear what his majesty has to say!"

"Wait what!?!"

(and cut!)

(how was that? I'm a very unmotivated person so in order to continue I require comments on the book. anyway I hope you lovely guys and galls have a nice day!)

book cover here