
Chapter 3

“He’ll go with you when you leave.” Lex’s smile was more than a bit malicious and Tonio knew he’d picked up on what he’d been thinking.

Tonio scowled. Between you and Nina, nothing I think is sacred.

Lex nodded, saying to Dirk, “You might want to go put on something a bit nicer than those ratty jeans.”

Dirk looked at Tonio. “I don’t own a suit. Will slacks and a regular shirt work?”

“Yeah, sure. Go change.”

As soon as Dirk left the room, Tonio rounded on Lex. “Why are you sticking him with me?”

“He has talents you can use. He just has to sharpen them some.”

“He’d better do it quickly. He makes a mistake and he could be dead, or cause someone else’s death.”

“I’m counting on you not to let that happen.” Lex clapped a hand on Tonio’s shoulder. “I have faithin you or I wouldn’t have entrusted him to you. As a corollary, I have faith that he can handle things as long as you don’t push him too fast.”

“I’ll try not to, and let’s hope circumstances don’t warrant it.”