
A Magical Hogwarts

///I'm not translating, I'm just bringing it to the Webnovel, I'm reading this Fanfic on MTL and I liked it, so I'm bringing it so others can know this good Fanfic. it is good if you compare it with other Chinese LMAO Fanfic/// Hogwarts is a strange place. The demon king who failed plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search. The white-haired old man wearing two layers of wool socks is still too cold in summer. The potion professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald, and the key keeper loves to play dragons! William wanted to spend seven ordinary years, until that night, the door handle of the college lounge was stolen…

Cadmus_black · Book&Literature
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109 Chs

Chapter 81: terrible Dumbledore

Professor Flitwick looked at William with deep confusion, as if trying to see something on his face.

This soaring combat power is definitely not a normal situation.

The first element of fighting is not to be distracted. This is what he taught William on the first day.

But Professor Flitwick had to take a moment's attention to ease the horror in his heart.

Not to mention first-year little wizards, there are many students who are about to graduate. They will only stand in place, like baboons, waving their wands indiscriminately, and don't understand the essence of wizard fighting at all.

For that kind of wizard, Professor Flitwick can solve a lot of it with one move.

William's fighting style, although limited by his age, is still very immature on the whole, but it is already a beginner.

Professor Flitwick would get distracted during training, but William would not. The countless beatings reminded him that distractedness would end tragically.

William kept his feet on the ground, his wand spun, and the eight panes of glass burst, condensed like a ball of snowballs.

"Ten thousand bullets fired at once!"

The glass condensed into countless spikes and shot out like bullets, and soon the debris occupied most of the classroom.

Although Professor Flitwick was distracted, he had a lot of combat experience. After the first round of blows, his right wrist subconsciously shook.

The classroom creaked without warning, and his wand slanted upwards, as if he had caught a deep-sea giant whale, and suddenly hit the glass in the air.

William secretly thought that something was wrong, he tried his best to back up, and took a series of messy little steps under his feet. When he was about to retreat to the edge of the classroom, he finally stabilized his body and swallowed a mouthful of blood back to his stomach, but his wand did not tremble at all.

Professor Flitwick was not in a hurry to pursue, but stood still.

This is the accident I mentioned earlier. When Professor Flitwick was distracted, his subconscious reaction was a powerful magic. This kind of rebound caused William to suffer a lot of damage.

After a while, Professor Flitwick asked excitedly, "I gave you a 30-second break, are you still playing?"

Holding the wand in his right hand, William nodded fiercely. What he needed was this kind of training.

He doesn't think that if you put a spell on him and I cast a spell on Bo, you can become a master of combat.

Seeing this situation, Professor Flitwick showed an admiring smile on the corner of his mouth.

"William, your strength is beyond my imagination, then I won't treat you as a child."

William didn't answer, and sprinted again without life. His training achievements in the past month were incisive, but his spells were all broken down by Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick seems to be deliberately trying to see how far he can do it, completely defending, and wants to wait for the moment when his magic power is exhausted, to decide the outcome decisively.

This kind of torture is like pointing a magic wand on the head, but it does not allow the person under the wand to breathe.

But an accident happened.

This is not a classroom for fighting at all. The load-bearing beam of the room, after being hit by the magic spell several times, was hit by a magic arrow cast by Flitwick. m cracks.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the beams moving slightly, and William knew something was wrong, forcibly suppressed the urge to fight back, and retreated again and again.

Professor Flitwick's second wave of arrows was fired like a thousand arrows.

The wind suddenly rose, and countless arrows gathered in a certain direction together, forming a pilgrimage situation. It seemed that all the magic power was drawn.

Dumbledore floated out, indescribably graceful.

He casually "grabbed" William's wand, and after standing still, he pointed slightly, the cracks in the beams of the classroom were immediately restored to their original state, and the surrounding damage was also intact, as if there had never been a battle.

Dumbledore stood between William and Flitwick, his purple robe swelled and swelled like a ball, and he received the impact of countless magic arrows.

With the pair of black boot toe shoes as the center of the circle under his feet, a circle of ripples swayed, the dust billowed, and the beard floated, but the old man's burly stature remained motionless. Not only did the magic flow in the robe not decay, but it was full of food and swelled again.

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm sorry, I just went too far." Professor Flitwick apologized quickly.

Dumbledore smiled gently, his hands drooped, and the windless robe was slowly quiet. He returned his wand to William and stood still beside him.

"Felius, I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to be here."

"Professor, what happened?"

"Well, a child died in Ravenclaw College."

Dumbledore mourned.

"What, how is it possible." Professor Flitwick's hands trembled suddenly, and his voice became sharp.

Dumbledore quickly recounted the situation, and did not shy away from William at all.

"Who did it?" For a while, Professor Flitwick burst into tears.

"It's not clear yet," said Dumbledore. "You go to Ravenclaw now to maintain order."

"Okay." Professor Flitwick hurriedly walked out with short legs.

But after running for two steps, he turned around again and said, "William, let's go, you also come back to Ravenclaw College with me, it's too dangerous outside."

William and Dumbledore spoke at the same time.

"I still have something to tell the principal."

"I still have something to ask William."

Professor Flitwick left for unknown reasons. Dumbledore looked at William with a pair of blue pupils.

"William, your defense against the dark arts is very skilled."

"Of course, Professor, I have been training with Professor Flitwick for more than a month." William said happily.

William raised his right hand and showed Professor Dumbledore a look at the bronze ring on his index finger~www.mtlnovel.com~ Dumbledore shook his hands and recognized the ring quickly. William needs to go into too much detail.

To be honest, I've seen this scene a lot. When I saw the headmaster's expression a few times before, William would still find it funny, but now it's just scary.

Dumbledore was horrible.

It was obvious that Robert had just died. At this point, Professor Tywin's body may not have been found, but with William's words, he could quickly understand everything.

As if Dumbledore knew everything.

But he was in the loop and also had no memory.

William even thought that Dumbledore might have had a rough guess before Tywin died, but he just kept letting it go, waiting for the final arrival.

Although talking to such a person with intelligence close to the demon saves effort, one has to be cautious. Dumbledore's most terrifying thing is definitely not his combat power, that's just the icing on the cake. His most powerful thing is his IQ.

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and finally asked, "Then what are you going to do next?"

William thought for a while and said, "According to the plan, I need to learn Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall in the afternoon, so..."

"I will ask Professor McGonagall." Professor Dumbledore nodded.

Dumbledore will go to the Ministry of Magic later, it is impossible to stay at the school, and Professor McGonagall will temporarily manage the school. Without Dumbledore's message, she would not have been able to teach William Transfiguration at this special time.

William turned and walked out of the classroom.

"William," Dumbledore's voice sounded, "I should have told you before, right?"

"Every time I say, for a greater goal!"