
A Magical Hogwarts

///I'm not translating, I'm just bringing it to the Webnovel, I'm reading this Fanfic on MTL and I liked it, so I'm bringing it so others can know this good Fanfic. it is good if you compare it with other Chinese LMAO Fanfic/// Hogwarts is a strange place. The demon king who failed plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search. The white-haired old man wearing two layers of wool socks is still too cold in summer. The potion professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald, and the key keeper loves to play dragons! William wanted to spend seven ordinary years, until that night, the door handle of the college lounge was stolen…

Cadmus_black · Book&Literature
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109 Chs

Chapter 65: Hogwarts Murder

Li Jordan's voice became louder and louder, and everyone stood up and cheered.

"Quaffle hits - she scored! Ten to zero, Gryffindor ahead!

Win or lose, Angelina, handsome girl, I will wash your underwear this month! "

William stood up and applauded. He had never seen such a wonderful Quidditch match. From the very beginning, the two teams showed extremely high tactical literacy.

In a Quidditch match, the Seeker can indeed play a huge role. After all, as long as you catch the Snitch, you have one hundred and fifty points and can end the game.

But the sport is not a one-man sport.

This is a team game, and the batsmen will control the roaming and interfere with the seekers.

There are more than 700 kinds of fouls in Quidditch, and it is not so easy for Seekers to catch the Golden Snitch.

Similarly, 150 points may seem like a lot, but a game can sometimes last for several months. Even this Quidditch World Cup final was played for three days and three nights.

At this time, 150 points doesn't seem so prominent. The main scoring method relies entirely on teamwork and the goals of the chasers.

William pressed the telescope tightly in front of his eyes.

At this time, Hufflepuff scored another goal and pulled the score back.

"The formation has changed, the Eagle Head attack formation, a beautiful change, and smooth flow."

Lee Jordan also showed sufficient tactical literacy, and he explained the formation used by Gryffindor at this time.

William could see the three Gryffindor Chasers galloping close to each other, all three closing in on the Hufflepuffs.

Then, Angelina pretended to charge up with the Quaffle, distracted Warrington, who was chasing the ball, and then threw the ball to Neymar.

Volco, one of Hufflepuff's batsmen, used the short stick in his hand to hit the flying Bludger hard and hit it towards Neymar; Neymar shrank down and avoided the Bludger The ball, threw the Quaffle, and Angelina, who was hovering below, caught the ball—

"Angelina scored again!" Lee Jordan roared loudly, and the audience cheered and cheered, causing the Quidditch field to tremble.

Qiu jumped up and down excitedly, waving her arms constantly.

Soon, the match went on for forty minutes, but the scores of both sides were still biting.

Hagrid roared excitedly: "This is definitely the most exciting final in recent years.

Unlike in previous years, Slytherin students always like to use foul tactics and break the game into pieces. "

Slytherin is good at using fouls, which is why they have won many championships.

And Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have much cleaner hands, at least there is no iron elbow, deliberately bumping into people.

Suddenly, a loud phoenix roar resounded above Hogwarts Castle.

A big silver guy came out of the window, it floated to the ground, and raised its proud head.

This is a phoenix, a silver phoenix - the patron saint of Dumbledore.

The phoenix was graceful and sparkling, and landed lightly in the middle of the arena.

The Patronus opened his mouth wide and spoke in Dumbledore's loud, thick, slow voice.

"The final is suspended, and under the protection of the professor, everyone immediately returned to their common room."

The phoenix disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Professor McGonagall was stunned, then glanced back at the castle.

Dumbledore seldom used the Patronus to deliver messages unless there was a special emergency.

McGonagall didn't think much, jumped up, showed an athletic athlete that didn't fit her age, appeared on the stage, and took the microphone from Lee Jordan's hand.

"The prefects of each college organize the students' order, don't panic, go back to the common room one by one!"

Many people didn't realize what happened, but Professor McGonagall's words were still echoing in the stadium, the prefects began to stand up, and the teachers of various subjects were maintaining order.

There were dissatisfied boos and shouts from the crowd, they didn't want to miss such a wonderful Quidditch final.

Oliver Wood looked dejected. He landed on the ground and ran towards Professor McGonagall without getting off the broom.

"But Professor!" he shouted. "We have to play... Quidditch Cup... Gryffindor... We're going to win!"

At this time, the difference between the two sides was only 20 points. He really dared to say it.

Professor McGonagall ignored him and continued to shout with the microphone: "All students must return to the common room of the academy, where the person in charge of the academy will tell you more about the situation. Please leave as soon as possible!"

Everyone was muttering, and crowded together and walked towards the castle. Some were muttering and complaining that the game was canceled, while others looked very nervous.

Everyone was discussing what happened, so serious that even the Quidditch final was canceled.

Marietta jokes that it was the Death Eaters who showed up.

Bradley thinks that the final exam questions were set on fire.

Many young wizards agree or look forward to this result, it seems that they don't have to take the exam.

When they were about to reach the Ravenclaw common room, Professor Flitwick suddenly appeared behind the crowd.

"Mr. Stark, I have something to ask you, come with me."

William had a bad premonition, and gestured to Qiu with innocent eyes, indicating that he didn't know what happened either.

William really didn't know, but he suspected that it was because he entered the secret passage yesterday, and something happened.

William followed Professor Flitwick away from the crowd and climbed the marble stairs, but this time they were not taken to anyone's office, but to the school hospital.

"Listen to William, what I'm going to say next~www.mtlnovel.com~ you may feel a little shocked."

When they approached the hospital, Professor Flitwick said in a serious voice, "A death has just happened..."

William's heartbeat seemed to slow a beat. He thought for a while. His friends were all on the Quidditch pitch, so it shouldn't be that his best friend died.

Professor Flitwick said in a very sad tone: "It's Prefect Robert Hilliard."

"How is this possible?" William paused and said in disbelief, "I met him at the door of the lounge two hours ago."

"Yes." Professor Flitwick said sadly: "The attack happened during the finals. He was killed by... black magic."

"Who did it?"

"It hasn't been investigated yet," Professor Flitwick said, "We found a bottle of life and death water in his hands.

Madam Pomfrey said that you made it. When you brewed the potion before, you asked her how to make it. "

"Yes, that's true." William quickly repeated the morning conversation between the two of them.

"Then have you found any other anomalies?"

William thought about it again and shook his head: "No, Professor."

Professor Flitwick sighed, as if the last clue was broken.

Dumbledore walked in, his face was serious, and Professor Flitwick shook his head at him.

Dumbledore was about to say something when suddenly there was a staggering footstep in the corridor.

Filch rushed over. He gasped heavily and stammered, "Headmaster, go...you go...Professor Tywin...he..."
