
A Magical Hogwarts

///I'm not translating, I'm just bringing it to the Webnovel, I'm reading this Fanfic on MTL and I liked it, so I'm bringing it so others can know this good Fanfic. it is good if you compare it with other Chinese LMAO Fanfic/// Hogwarts is a strange place. The demon king who failed plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search. The white-haired old man wearing two layers of wool socks is still too cold in summer. The potion professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald, and the key keeper loves to play dragons! William wanted to spend seven ordinary years, until that night, the door handle of the college lounge was stolen…

Cadmus_black · Book&Literature
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109 Chs

Chapter 58: sad professor

As Dumbledore left, there was an excited buzzing sound in the auditorium.

The students of Ravenclaw House were busy telling other students what had just happened.

"Everyone is in the sleeping bag!" Penello shouted loudly, "Ravenclaw students, hurry up and sleep, don't talk to anyone!"

Prefect Robert has turned into a waste dog, squatting on the ground absentmindedly, looking at the ceiling of the auditorium.

The loss of the knocker hit him hard. Even when he came to the auditorium, he was dragged by his roommate.

Penello had to replace Robert and temporarily perform the responsibility of the prefect.

"Come on." Cedric said to Qiu and William.

They grabbed three sleeping bags and hid them in the corner, and the twin brothers also squeezed in.

When Qiu told the three about the situation just now, they fell silent.

"You said, is that Death Eater still in the castle?" After a while, Qiu whispered.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks so," Cedric said.

"That man is really bold. I don't think he broke into Hogwarts suddenly. He probably sneaked in quietly while Dumbledore was away at Christmas."

"But we're watching the school at Christmas," Fred said.

"There are just a few students. If there are strangers, we will definitely be able to find them."

The five of them got into the sleeping bag with their clothes and then put their upper body on their elbows to chat.

"What do you think of Peeves' words?" George asked.

"He's lying," Qiu denied, "Professor Snape was sitting in the hall, everyone saw it."

"But, I don't think he's lying." Fred shook his head. "No one dares to lie in front of Professor Dumbledore, even Peeves."

"That's right!" George straightened up. "Remember the trial at the Ministry of Magic? Minister Fudge and the others also saw Snape appear at the scene of the attack."

"But Snape was in Dorset at the time," Cedric said. "Professor Dumbledore and Mr Newt Scamander both provided key evidence."

"Yeah, but I don't think the Ministry of Magic is lying either." Fred frowned, "Does this mean that someone is really pretending to be Snape to commit crimes?"

"It's possible." William nodded, "I know several ways to pretend to be someone else, for example, compound decoction."

"That Death Eater and Professor Snape probably have a grudge." Qiu analyzed, "but I still don't understand why he would steal a worn knocker."

"Could that kind of thing be able to revive... the mysterious person?"

No one could answer, where did William vaguely see the word Ravenclaw ring, but the book "Hogwarts, A History of the School" was brought home by him for Christmas.

"Turn off the lights now!" shouted the president of the Boys Student Union, "I want everyone to get into their sleeping bags and stop talking!"

All the candles went out at once. The only light now came from the silver ghosts, who were wandering about, speaking solemnly to the prefects. The enchanted ceiling is like the sky outside, full of stars.

Under these circumstances, there were still whispers in the auditorium, and William felt as if he was sleeping outdoors in a light breeze.

Bobo Tea hid in his arms, and was already sleeping peacefully at this time, but he had a big heart.

Every hour a teacher appears in the auditorium to see if all is well.

At about three o'clock in the morning, when many students finally fell asleep, Professor Dumbledore came in.

Dumbledore was looking around for Robert. Robert had eaten chocolate. Although he was down, he was almost recovered.

Robert was not far from William, Cedric, and the twins, who quickly pretended to be asleep.

At this moment, Dumbledore's footsteps were getting closer.

"Any sign of a knocker, Professor?" Robert asked in a hoarse voice.

"No, how is it here?"

"Everything is under control, Professor."

"Okay, they don't have to change places now. I've replaced the door knocker for Ravenclaw House, and you can tell everyone to go back tomorrow."

"What about the original... knocker, professor?" Robert's voice was trembling.

"It will come back when needed." Dumbledore said solemnly, "No one can take away the public property of Hogwarts."

The door of the hall banged and opened again, followed by a slight sound of footsteps.

You don't need to open your eyes to know it's Snape, only he walks like a ghost.

"Headmaster?" Snape said after walking in.

Several people were still lying quietly, listening attentively, including Qiu.

"I checked several secret passages, but they weren't there. Filch checked the main castle building, and it wasn't there either."

"Where's the Astronomy Tower? Professor Trelawney's room? Where the owls hang out?"

"I've checked it all..."

"Very well, Severus, I don't think a Death Eater would linger."

"How did the other party do it, do you have any opinion on this, Headmaster?" Snape asked.

William raised his head a little so that the other ear could hear more clearly.

"Many, Severus, each one different."

William opened his eyes a little and looked secretly at where they were standing.

Dumbledore had his back turned to him, but he could see Robert's face, engrossed, and Snape's profile, who seemed angry.

Snape glared at Robert, who immediately walked away knowingly.

"What did the Ministry of Magic say," Snape asked after a moment, "what is the Department of Mysteries missing?"

"Connelly said the planetary chamber was attacked..."

"Ha! Another lie." Snape mocked~www.mtlnovel.com~ I thought so too. ' said Dumbledore.

Snape was silent for a moment, then whispered, "You remember our conversation, Headmaster, just--oh- a week after term begins?"

When Snape spoke, his lips were barely parted, as if he didn't want anyone to hear their conversation.

"Remember, Severus," Dumbledore said.

"As if—the name of the Dark Lord—only his followers would—"

"It's just a title, it can't explain anything, we can't just because of this, we can't suspect innocent people for no reason." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Innocent? What about me?" Snape's voice suddenly became sharp, "Headmaster, someone is deliberately framing me to get revenge on me..."

"Sorry, Severus." There was a hint of guilt in Dumbledore's voice. "I won't let you in Azkaban again, facing those Dementors, I promise..."

Snape let out a "ha", as if mocking. He turned his back to Dumbledore and said coldly, "It's alright, Dementors are useless to me, you know, I'm no longer happy."

Dumbledore opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say. He was silent for a moment and patted the shoulder of the man in front of him.

Snape stared out the window in a daze. From William's angle, he could see the professor's hands trembling, and his tears could not be stopped.

This picture is funny and sad.