
A Magical Hogwarts

///I'm not translating, I'm just bringing it to the Webnovel, I'm reading this Fanfic on MTL and I liked it, so I'm bringing it so others can know this good Fanfic. it is good if you compare it with other Chinese LMAO Fanfic/// Hogwarts is a strange place. The demon king who failed plastic surgery was eliminated from the job search. The white-haired old man wearing two layers of wool socks is still too cold in summer. The potion professor who never washes his hair is afraid of going bald, and the key keeper loves to play dragons! William wanted to spend seven ordinary years, until that night, the door handle of the college lounge was stolen…

Cadmus_black · Book&Literature
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109 Chs

Chapter 48: Room of Requirement

On Saturday afternoon, William, Cedric, and Autumn had to drop their homework and leave the castle to Hagrid's cottage.

The hut has changed a lot, and the outside is reinforced with circles of fences, like a labyrinth.

The soul painter Hagrid drew a map, and William followed the crooked stick figure and walked around several times before entering.

When William knocked on the door, there was a tense struggle and three low-pitched barks.

Then came Hagrid's voice: "Go back, Lu Wei, go back!"

Hagrid opened the door a crack, revealing his large bearded face.

"Wait a minute." He said, "Go back, Lu Wei."

Hegra opened the door and let the three of them in, desperately grabbing the collar of a huge black hound.

Hagrid's hut has changed drastically, with ham and pheasants hanging from the ceiling, all gone, replaced by a few thick books:

The Three-Headed Dog Breeds of Great Britain and Ireland, The Three-Headed Dog - From Birth to Pregnancy to Death, The Three-Headed Dog's Guide to Cutting Eggs.

Except for these few books, nothing in the wooden house is intact.

The big bed in the corner, all four legs were broken, the bed was on the ground, and there was a row of dog teeth marks on the broken wood.

The house was messy, and there were shredded items everywhere.

Hagrid's hut was demolished by Lu Wei!

There was another boy standing in the hut, Charlie Weasley.

Like Hagrid, Charlie is very interested in furry magical creatures, and he and Hagrid are good friends.

Hagrid moved five stools from the corner and sat down separately.

Qiu glanced around and asked, "Where's Ya Ya?"

Hagrid sighed and said, "I put Fangya on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He would rather live there than go home!"

Lou Wei's body is already taller than Ya Ya. Some time ago, it robbed Lou Wei of snacks, and now he is afraid of retaliation.

Not only was Lu Wei big, but he was also getting uglier and uglier. His three heads were open and his mouth was flowing, making him look particularly terrifying.

"Let it go, Hagrid," Cedric advised. "Let it go."

"I can't," Hagrid said aggrieved. "It's only six months old, and it's still a child!"


Charlie said, "Hagrid, the three-headed dog grows so fast, it will be as tall as your cabin in less than a year.

Don't forget, it's unclear if Professor Snape attacked the Ministry of Magic, but what if the Auror came back and found your three-headed dog? "

Hagrid looked at Lu Wei with tears in his eyes. Lu Wei's three heads were still tearing apart the furry toy that Hagrid made for him.

"Then where do we put it?" Hagrid finally let go.

"Forbidden forest?" Qiu suggested.

"No." Hagrid shook his head, "I asked about the creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and the centaurs told me clearly that if they put Lou Wei there, they would kill him!"

Of course, the three-headed dog's combat effectiveness is very high when he is an adult, but now he is still a scumbag.

This matter is actually very simple, just tell Dumbledore, but Hagrid dare not tell the headmaster.

Although William suspected that Dumbledore knew it long ago.

"We can put Lou Wei in Hogwarts Castle." Charlie hesitated for a moment, then said, "I know it grows very fast, as long as I get through this year, I will graduate.

During the summer vacation, I can take Lou Wei to Romania, where I am going to study dragons! "

Everyone looked at Charlie in surprise.

Charlie is called a Quidditch genius by Professor McGonagall.

There is nothing wrong with saying that. Charlie showed great talent when he joined the academy team for the first time in the second year.

In the final that year, he withstood enormous pressure and caught the Golden Snitch in just 15 minutes, successfully helping Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup after a five-year absence.

Although he has not won the championship for four consecutive years, it does not affect his strength, it is just that his teammates are not good enough!

Almost every wizard who has watched Charlie's game thinks that after he graduates, he will definitely enter the national team.

There are even rumors that the England national team has made contact with Charlie.

However, he now says that he will go to Romania next year to study dragons... This news is too surprising!

Charlie raised his hand and said with a smile, "Don't look at me like that, if you add this last year, I've been playing Quidditch for six years.

Although I like this sport very much, I am tired and want to find some other adventures that are enough to stimulate my nerves. "

Charlie stood up and touched Lu Wei's head. Lu Wei immediately lay obediently on the ground, looking like Ren Jun Caijie "licking a dog".

Charlie laughed and said, "I'm not the kind of wizard who stays the same, I hate being calm!

Everyone thinks I'm going to be on the Quidditch team, and sometimes, when I'm alone at night, I think so... But that foreseeable future is really not what I want.

And I happen to like magical creatures, so one day, I asked myself, why not study dragons?

It's that simple. "

William and Cedric looked at Charlie in amazement. Such a blunt wizard is really a natural Gryffindor~www.mtlnovel.com~ Hagrid pursed his lips, like Professor McGonagall. After a while, he was serious Asked, "Have you spoken to Arthur and Molly?"

Charlie was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "I told my dad, he told me not to tell mom for a while, dad said he would find a chance..."

Hagrid sighed: "Yeah, that's how your brother Bill suddenly decided to go to Egypt.

Such an excellent boy, he got 12 certificates in the O.W.Ls exam, everyone thought he would enter the Ministry of Magic.

Molly was heartbroken by this, and this time you were too, far away in Romania. "

Charlie forced a smile from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's okay, my mother will definitely agree. It's not like I'm not coming back."

Hagrid stopped talking.

Although he also likes all kinds of magical creatures, he cherishes the word home even more!

He loves dragons, but he won't persuade Charlie to study dragons in Romania. Because Hagrid would never leave Hogwarts for the sake of the dragon.

This is his home!

Of course, Hagrid's usual practice was to bring those little cuties home. (akimbo)

After a moment of silence, Charlie pretended to be relaxed and said, "Don't reveal this, especially George and Fred."

William, Cedric, and Qiu all nodded hastily.

"Okay, let's not talk about me, let's talk about Lu Wei's problem first."

"Lu Wei definitely can't be kept here anymore, we need a very hidden place to keep Lou Wei.

And I happen to know a place called the Room of Requirement. "