
A Mafia Family's Reincarnation

"Please accept me again, my beloved family." After the heiress, Reverie serves her revenge, she took her life to be with her family in hell. Little did she know that her action caused a great change in their lives. In a mansion, a little girl saw her reflection in the water. "who is this little girl? This is not me, I'm a mafia donna!" Somewhere in the slumps, a little boy fell to the ground. "I'm Vincent? No, where's my wife?!" In the land of vampires, a boy was getting beaten by a noble "Wow, a consigliere like me is a slave now? how funny"

Ethrea_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Vn: New world

Everything he looked at was a novelty.

The buildings are so tall that they each resemble a skyscraper. The cars and trains are not only in the ground but in the sky as well.

The people are in the air, flying in the back of beasts and others of that kind. Everything was unusual and hard to digest but Vincent could only accept it as he marvel at their beauty.

Not everything is pretty, though. It hasn't been a full five minutes since they left that alley but he could already see chaos in the distance.

The ground trembled while the buildings shook a little. Vincent saw a man gather energy in his hand before lightning appeared. It crackled with electricity as he run towards a woman.

The woman didn't just watch, though. The energy gathered in her hands and feet. When the man got closer, she stopped her feet and the earth rose which serves as her protection. "seriously, there's no more gentleman these days! Don't you know it's basic courtesy for the man to pay on the first date?!"

"Well, we wouldn't have a problem if you hadn't ordered thirty plates of meal! Do you know how expensive their meals are?! Are you trying to rob in plain sight?!" the man went around the earth shield and attacked from the plank but the woman didn't act any slower and raised her defense with a counterattack in close combat.

An Earth ability user like her had high defense and is great in close combat while lighting users are skilled in speed and long-range attack so it was wise of her to close their distance.

Vincent narrowed his eyes. He was only seven years old and everything that happened before he was three was forgotten while his memories after that are blurry. But he swear he remembered a similar scene before.

Well, now that his mind matured, he was more aware of his surroundings. Everything he hadn't paid attention to was registering itself in his mind. The power scales, beasts, and weird things that shouldn't exist are quickly being absorbed like water in a sponge.

"Vincent?" Guilon called as he noticed that the boy was getting immersed in the fight. "fights like that are common anywhere in the country. If you stop at every encounter, you will not get anywhere."

"Ah," Vincent snapped back to reality, he was busy thinking about other things that he forgot about Guilon. "I'm sorry, uhm, should we get going then?"

Guilon didn't think too much of it and started walking ahead. After an hour or so, they reach another part of the city. Unlike the place they came out from, this place is a lot quieter since it's a residential area.

No one wants to get woken up at night because a fight broke out so fighting here is prohibited unless you want to pay a ridiculous amount of money.

Going down a little further, one would see a large mansion in the distance. There are other residences as well, but they're all half a kilometer away from each other.

Because of the distance, Guilon had to rent a vehicle plus a driver at the entrance. They didn't fly in the air though, just a normal car to get them around.

With the driver running the car at full speed, they reach their destination within thirty minutes. "have a great night, sirs!" the driver said after dropping them off. He then stepped at the gas and in a few seconds, he was gone from their sight.

Guilon looked at his watch and pressed a button. A hologram screen then appeared, revealing a woman on the monitor. "Monica, open the gate"

[Hm, I've sent Yino there so just wait for a couple of minutes] That was all he needed to hear so he ended the call after.

As Monica said, after three minutes of waiting, the gates opened on their own. Guilon then walked inside with Vincent who was busy marveling at the sight of the front garden.

This time, Vincent was truly amazed. The mansion was unexpected but it's not like he hadn't seen anything similar before. They had quite a few when he was alive, the only difference was the structures.

This kind of mansion might be of low quality in terms of the world's standards but it was amazing for Vincent. It's not about the style or whatever but the placement of the trees and construction is perfect.

It was like this place was built for outdoor training. He could see many blind spots to hide from, there are visible places that are easy to spot but hard to get around.

This kind of setting was rarely present on earth with a few exceptions like the Vavillin's main residence. The entire mansion was a fortress and this kind of construction was built as a playground for Vavillin's children below fifteen to train.

He remembered playing there as well, in fact, that was his go-to place when he was young, along with Roxana and Raphael. Those three would sleep under the stars or tree branches only to be scolded by Roxana and Raphael's mother the next morning.

While Vincent thinks about his past, they finally reached the door leading to the mansion's lobby. Like the one on the gate, the door opened on its own but this time there was someone on the other side to greet them.

"Sir Guilon!" a ten-year-old boy greeted. Guilon patted his head in response, it was an unconscious thing he developed towards children and the others knew that as well so it wasn't anything new.

"It's quite late so you should go to bed early," he said and gave way for the boy to see Vincent. "this is Vincent, Vincent this is Yino, he's your older brother here. So you two should get along, alright?" The two nodded at each other. They didn't need words to understand what was happening. Vincent was a new member and Yino was in charge of him, it's that simple.