
A Mafia Family's Reincarnation

"Please accept me again, my beloved family." After the heiress, Reverie serves her revenge, she took her life to be with her family in hell. Little did she know that her action caused a great change in their lives. In a mansion, a little girl saw her reflection in the water. "who is this little girl? This is not me, I'm a mafia donna!" Somewhere in the slumps, a little boy fell to the ground. "I'm Vincent? No, where's my wife?!" In the land of vampires, a boy was getting beaten by a noble "Wow, a consigliere like me is a slave now? how funny"

Ethrea_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Vn: Guilon

"Vincent huh? I'm Guilon, are you planning to join the Innocence?" the young man asked.

Vincent pondered for a bit. Seeing how many knots are on his belt, he must have a pretty high position in the organization. More than that, his skills are exceptional for his age. For him to be able to sneak behind him and go unnoticed until the very last moment shows how much experience he had.

With his control of the wind, his scent, footsteps, and bloodlust he was able to mask everything like a ghost. That is quite an impossible feat for someone so young unless you're trained to be an assassin from birth.

But his strength isn't the only thing Vincent was looking out for. The alley, slumps, red districts, and black markets aren't the nicest place to be in. There's no trust here, only benefit.

Vincent was looking for that benefit while knowing that some of them could be a trap. That's how things work around here, in that aspect, it isn't much different from Earth. You either become the predator or the target.

"Will Brother Guilon help me enter Innocence then?" Vincent had to look up due to their height difference, but there was no need for that at all. Guilon immediately agreed and guided the boy inside the building.

The building wasn't anything out of the ordinary as it was outside. They were selling harmless toys and trinkets as souvenirs that could only be bought in this place.

There aren't many customers though. After all, who would want a souvenir from this place? A cursed doll might be better than anything they can offer.

Guilon led Vincent inside and went to the back corner. There was an old woman behind the counter, sleeping with a book covering her face.

"Grandma Orde" Guilon knocked on the counter. "Grandma Orde!" he knocked again but the old woman didn't respond.

Guilon had to do the same thing several times before earning a slight movement from her, but that was it, she didn't even open her eyes.

Vincent couldn't help but creased his brows. The woman was very old but she was still working, and what's with that ridiculous aura around her?

"Grandma Orde!!" Guilon slammed the counter so hard that one could see a crack on the surface.

The old woman jumped in fright, as the book fell to the ground. "ah, you rascal! What are you shouting for!" she yelled after seeing the culprit who interrupted her sleep. "you almost give me a heart attack, goodness!"

Guilon felt like crying. She was the one sleeping like a log and now she's blaming him? That's unfair, ah!

"Anyway, Grandma Orde, "Guilon called her attention before showing the boy to the old woman. "I saw him outside the door, it seems like he wanted to join Innocence. Can you take care of the papers?"

Grandma Orde had to look down to fully see the boy. It was nothing unusual, he was wearing rag clothes and was dirty like any other children she saw before however, Grandma Orde noticed something different.

"Hmm, what's your name?" she narrowed her eyes and scanned him from head to toe.

"I'm called Vincent, Grandma" Vincent politely answered but that just made her more suspicious. She then shifted her eyes to Guilon and gave a meaningful stare which the other returned with a smile.

"he's interesting isn't he?"

"That's a good seedling, he's much like you, will you keep him?"

"Well, let's see in the future." the two didn't say anything after that. Grandma also started preparing the papers and asking Vincent questions from time to time.

While the two were busy, Guilon sat quietly in the corner and watched the boy in amusement. 'he was able to notice my presence earlier. No, more than that, his adaptability is frightening.' Guilon remembered how fast his expression changed. He was cautious of him but the next second, he was smiling and acting cute to catch his attention. How crazy was that? He was what, like eight or ten? 'let's see what you'll turn out to be, will you be a fox or a snake?'

Of course, how could Vincent not feel such an obvious stare? He was pretending not to care but that proved difficult when he make it so obvious.

Well, he was right about one thing though, that guy has a high position in Innocence. How did he know? It's because of the old woman.

She felt more dangerous and had an aura of a veteran which the young man didn't have but even so, she was subtly respectful of her actions. Maybe she was doing it unconsciously but it was there, that little strain when they talk.

This happened when a master and servant have a close relationship. They would be comfortable and treat each other like relatives or friends but there will always be a thin and invisible barrier between them.

And Vincent could see that barrier.

'well, well, it hasn't been long but I already found a juicy piece of information.'

"Alright, that's about it for now" Grandma Orde took the papers back and put them in a different file to be encoded later. She then looked at Guilon and asked saying, "Since you're on your way out, show him the dorm so he could sleep there tonight."

Guilon nodded in response, "alright" He stood from his seat and went to the boy. "I'll visit you tomorrow then"

"yeah yeah, sure get out" Grandma Orde frowned and made a dismissive gesture, chasing them away. Guilon sighed and left the store together with Vincent.

Grandma was still in a bad mood and didn't want anything to do with him, well, he could just try again tomorrow.

With that said Guilon and Vincent left the alley and went to the buzzing city streets. It was the first time Vincent got a good look at the world he was in.

It was amazing...