
A Mafia Family's Reincarnation

"Please accept me again, my beloved family." After the heiress, Reverie serves her revenge, she took her life to be with her family in hell. Little did she know that her action caused a great change in their lives. In a mansion, a little girl saw her reflection in the water. "who is this little girl? This is not me, I'm a mafia donna!" Somewhere in the slumps, a little boy fell to the ground. "I'm Vincent? No, where's my wife?!" In the land of vampires, a boy was getting beaten by a noble "Wow, a consigliere like me is a slave now? how funny"

Ethrea_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Somewhere in the southwestern part of the mystical continent was the country of vampires, Sangria. 

It is one of the most isolated kingdoms if compared to the other countries around it. Because of that, they do things quite differently. They divided the country into settlements instead of cities, and each of them are ruled by a vampire who swore eternal loyalty to the king.

In one of these settlements, a human boy with light purple hair was sent flying. He landed on the ground, creating a small crater from the impact.


The boy coughs out blood. He was having a hard time breathing when suddenly, someone stomped on his head.


His face kissed the ground, and no matter how much he struggled he couldn't lift a single muscle on his body. "You slaves should crawl when your called and bark when you're asked. Yet a lowly being like you is questioning me, are you insane?"

The boy's head began to hurt. But not because of the pressure of the man's feet, the pain was coming from the inside. An unbearable pain attacked his head as memories of someone else's entered his mind.

"Lord Raphael!"

"Uncle! uncle! you're so cool~ how did you do that?"

"It's the consigliere!"

"That's Lady Roxana's brother?"

"Woah~ is this my new nephew? So ugly"

"Kill them all~ for Vavillin!"

"Hey, that's the demon of Vavillin!"

"The consigliere is coming! Run!"

The vampire continued his cruel act when suddenly, he heard a chuckle coming from the boy. "what's so funny?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

However, the boy didn't answer and instead, he looked down at his shoes. This man is the vampire he passed by and unluckily got involved with three months ago.

He took him from the streets and brought him back to his house only to be treated worse than an animal. The abuse just got worse after that and now, he was shaming him in public. Well, from the man's own words, this is called 'disciplining the dog'.

"This is all my fault, please forgive me, master!" Raphael went on his knees and bowed his head. He was clearly apologizing but his words didn't meet his eyes.

As soon, as the man couldn't see his expression, a cold smile crept on his face. His eyes glinted dangerously as he bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing.

'So I'm a slave now huh? Last time I checked, I'm supposed to be the master. Very well, let's play this game a little.'

However, that feeling was cut short when he felt an invisible sting on his back. Raphael narrowed his eyes and looked over in a certain direction. He felt it, someone was watching him from afar.

In a mansion quite far from where it was all happening, a man was watching from the window of his office. He was taking a break and just so happened to see the event. He didn't really do anything special but when he stared for more than ten seconds, he saw the boy looking in his direction.

"oh ho~ what's this, did he feel that? A coincidence?" the man raised a brow in amusement.

The door to his office opened as another vampire walked in. He was holding a bunch of documents before putting them on the table  "My lord, what are you doing?" he asked, "I thought you wanted to stay here because the castle fills stuffy. If you don't want to work, then let's just go back"

"That's not it, Creon" The man shook his head and walked away from the window. "I think I just found a very interesting pet."

"What?" The man called Creon was confused but didn't say anything. He followed the man out of the mansion as he led him to where Raphael was.

It didn't take but a few moments to arrive with their natural speed. In a distance, Creon noticed the human his lord was talking about. It was a purple-haired human. He was on his knees, begging for forgiveness.

Creon looked confused, why would his master want something like this? Isn't he just the typical slave that fears for his life, what's so interesting about it?

The Lord smiled, saying, "That child is really something"

"What are you talking about?"

The Lord looked at Creon with a pitiful expression, blaming himself for getting an emotionally idiotic servant. Most Vampires aren't suited for emotions and all that mushy stuff, so it's obvious that Creon's having a hard time understanding, however, it wasn't a reason to be 'that' dense. 

"look closely," he started, looking at the boy once more. "he's apologizing but his eyes are full of mockery. That human is playing with that guy. He's not even retaliating, he's just enjoying his stupidity" The lord's smile grew even wider, already forgetting the work he left behind.

"Get that child and bring him to me," He said before disappearing right after.

Creon felt a nerve pop from his forehead. "Seriously, that guy just does what he wants. Tch, I deserve a better superior" he mumbled, walking toward the center of the crowd "Why are you causing a scene in the middle of the road?" He asked, calling their attention.

"Lord Creon," someone called, after recognizing the man. There's no Vampire in the settlement that hadn't heard of the name 'Creon' before. He was the vampire lord's first knight! Like the myths of the sea, the crowd parted into two, they stopped whatever they were doing and bowed their heads in unison. "greetings to the first knight"

Creon saw this and nodded before waving his hand dismissively  "All of you leave, what are you even watching here?"

Creon didn't need to say that twice. Everyone disappeared within three seconds tops and no one except for him, Raphael, and the other vampire was left.

"G-greetings, Lord Creon!" the vampire held his breath. Creon's aura was making him stiff and nervous to do anything. His aura was even heavier than his father and the elders of his family.

"tch, stop shouting, so annoying" His cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. He was so nervous that he unknowingly raised his voice at the first knight! However, Creon couldn't care less, he's just another nobody in his eyes. 

Creon didn't want to waste more time, so he went straight to the point "Your slave is quite durable it seems" He approached Raphael and lightly nudge his body with his feet. "hey, get up"

Raphael did as told and didn't complain. Just one look at his guy exclaims danger. He wouldn't be idiotic to do something that might put him in real danger. That stupid vampire is the limit of who he can fool around with... not.

"hic* Sir vampire... please help me... it's so painful... hic* Raphael shamelessly latched on his leg as he looked at him with teary eyes.

For some reason, this powerful vampire took interest in him. It won't guarantee his safety, but danger usually rewards a huge sum in return.

Besides, he felt that Creon is different from that other guy.

His aura demands respect but at the same time, he felt comfortable to be with. Raphael was quite good at reading people, he was even better at it than his older sister, Roxana.

Just tell me if I should continue this or not. Remember, this is a trial story, if no one likes it, I'll drop it.

Ethrea_creators' thoughts