
A lucky escape

THANDEKA_Selepe · Urban
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Who are you and what are doing here the old? women asked

She was scared to be caught again what if they handed her to the authorities what we will she do to escape. ohh my God not again she said as tears started to fall she cannot take it any more when will this end she cried

The old women take pity on her when she see the tears in her eyes and asked why are here? she asked as she sit on the opposite chair as she was sitting and answer quickly as I'm suppose to be finishing my work load in this huge villa you know and stop crying tears will never bring a solution only more problems so on with it .

It's a very long story you will need atleast three to five hours for me to finish the young lady said to the old women

so make it short I don't have all day to be here so the old lady said

I'm....I'm a foreigner my name is Thandi Zulu from south africa I'm was very unlucky when I was looking for job on the internet and found it and ended up being sold human traffickers and forced prostitution lucky for me one of my buyers grew fond of me I was to serve him only and he treated me with a little bit of respect compare to those old man I always been with .One day he took me to his house and we gone about the normal business and unfortunately his wife came back and he told me to hide outside he is going to come and get me after he has deal with his wife

I managed to get out of the house without his wife noticing as I was outside the house I thought about running but this is a foreign country I did not know where to run too so I stay call it Stockholm syndrome or what but I stayed mean while the husband and wife were fighting but it was not about me it was about the husband affair with the wife's sister and a child was involve ,the husband was not even guilty that the wife has found out infact he was happy saying that atleast she knows atlast so what was the wife going to do the wife threatened him with divorce but the husband told her she will leave without a dime he

moved everything the wife owned to his name including the wife's inheritance left by the wife parents

The was silence inside the house for at least fifteen minutes I thought that the women will cry and ask why the husband did this but not this women total silence I thought the men will come get me but he did not for the fifteen minutes and then baam I hear I thought the man has short his wife but man was I wrong the women has short the husband dead out cold and after a minute the women called the police and told them that someone has broken in and has short her husband and after that I had to run as far as my feet can take me

I slept in the street and found few shelters some days for a month. Two weeks after a month has passed I meet a police man on the road he was one of the disgusting men that has bought me on the sex slave boss once and he was obsessed with abusing the girls on the camp I was so scared unfortunately for me he recognized me and I ran again he did not manange to catch me but following days I left that city on a back of a truck hitching a ride without the owner noticing me on the back of the truck the was some disgusting trash I did not know what were they going to use it for .

While we pass the entrance of the city the was a gas station and the owner of the truck stopped for some gas and when he went in the small shop The sex slave boss came out talking to someone on the phone

Don't tell me that you can't find one foreign girl on the street I have despatch so many man if you can't find her don't came back he dropped the call and got in the car and they entered the city The truck driver drove away

When we reach four town away I got away as soon as The truck driver stopped to buy something. I was wondering the street for two month and then I hitch another ride after another until I was atleast ten towns and cities away from where they found me.

A year passed but they haven't found me and one day as I was walking this area I find out the family that live in this huge villa do not use this cottage even their employees they use the dorms near the mansion as their rooms so I invited myself in.and after that it've been here for the past six months I found a job in the bar down the road the owner is a women and she knows my story she tried once to get me back home but the people who are looking for me nearly caught me so we stopped

I worked for her ever since and she can send money home without them tracing it back to me I left two children at home my son who is fourteen years old and my daughter who is seven years old I have never seen them within the four years that I left them please madam do not tell your boss that I am here please this Is the only place that I am safe