
A Lucky? Dude Journey

Warning : - This is my first ever fanfic, Good or not, I am going to try to at least finish this. - English is not my native language - I don't own anything except the MC - Don't expect a very good plot or character manifestation. This is the first time I ever write something like this. - The earliest chapter were very degenerates. If you wondering if it changed or not, ask those who still read until the newest chapter. (This is important and I won't change it) - Don't forget this is an AU so anything can happen. -This is a wish-fulfillment story and degenerates as well. A lucky dude reincarnated in AU animeverse with a weird gacha system. Current crossover : - Grand Blue - Your lie in April - Kaguya sama : Love is war - Campione! - a bit of strike the blood - a bit of FGO - Haganai - a bit of oregairu ---- Other than that, if you like this story (who am I kidding) consider buying me a cup of coffee to accompany me in writing. (No, no benefit at all since this story isn't worth to sell, just a pure donation link) Ko-fi. com/kimyurin

KimYurin · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Chapter 54 - Going to Tokyo

Chapter 54

Summer is the time for students to spread their wings and having fun with their friends or couple. In Japan, summer always started with a test before long summer vacation. Our school was also the same.

Naturally, I am the first in the entire year. What made me surprised is Miyuki-chan who able to become the third rank in the entire year. That's big progress from his previous rank which is nine. The second was obviously Kaguya.

Though I don't know if he will be able to defeat Kaguya for the second rank, I think he did a good job progressing to the third rank. It's not like he needs to be the second to be the president of the disciplinary committee.

Anyway, today is the start of summer vacation. The most waited month for every student in Japan or even in the world. Right now I am in the station with Natsuki-chan. We're going to Tokyo for the first week of Summer Vacation because they eagerly wanted to celebrate me who became a Campione.

Teleport is naturally doable. But I choose not to as I want to spend my time looking at the scenery on the train to Tokyo. And additionally spending quality time with Natsuki-chan.

"When is the party started, Natsuki-chan?" I curiously asked Natsuki who sit in front of me.

"The day after tomorrow in the Sayanomiya's private residence," Natsuki answered.

"One of the five ancient families, huh. Why don't we hold it in your residence?" I asked again.

"There is only me in the family, you know. It would be hard for me to prepare for the party while I stayed as your assistant." Natsuki gently explained.

"Haha...But I won't say sorry about that. It's a blessing for me to have a cute assistant, don't you think so?" I smiled wryly then said with a teasing smile.

"*Chuckled* Don't worry I don't blame you for that as I am the one who chooses to. Besides, being your assistant is not bad." Natsuki said with a gentle smile while looking at the radiant sky from the window.

"Hoho...What do we have here... Does this legal loli start to like me?" I smirked and said.

"I wonder..." Natsuki looked at me with a charming smile and said.

"Damn, you really are strong, Natsuki-chan. Regardless, I told you before I'm going to build a new business, right?" I asked to subtly change the topic.

"Come to think of it, indeed. Do you have the plan for that already?" Natsuki curiously asked.

"It can't be said as a plan. But I think I want to make a restaurant or hospital." I answered promptly.

"That's really random, can I know why?" Natsuki asked wonderingly.

"It is random. My intuition told me there is a chance for me to make one of it come true if I go to Tokyo with you. It's actually the third reason I accepted the invitation." I explained.

"The third reason? What's the first and the second?" Natsuki tilted her head and wonderingly asked.

"The second is clearly to see the organization. The first one is to spend time with you." I said with a teasing smile.

"...*sigh* Okay, I undoubtedly lose this one." Natsuki sighed and looked away with her cheek reddened a bit.



When we arrived in Tokyo, Natsuki's driver has been waiting for us at the station. Because it stills afternoon, I told Natsuki I wanted to look around Tokyo before going to her house.

"Where do you want to go, Izumi?" Natsuki asked.

"Hmm... How about Shibuya, I wanted to see the world's busiest pedestrian crossing." I said after thinking for a bit.

"Okay, Jii please take us to Shibuya Crossing," Natsuki said to the old driver. It seems she is very familiar with the old driver from the way she called him. Most likely the old driver has been with her since her parents still alive.

"Right away miss." The old driver politely said with a pleasant smile.

Then the driver takes us the Shibuya Crossing. The ride was very pleasant, not even the tea which Natsuki prepared for me spilled.

Because I want to walk around the crossing, Natsuki and I decided to get out of the car while the old driver waits in the parking lot beside Shibuya station. Naturally, I used a health mask and hat. The fanbase is essentially made in Tokyo after all.

We leisurely walk while looking around the crowded Shibuya Crossing. I look around searching for something or maybe someone my intuition told me about. This is the reason why I wanted to walk around Shibuya Crossing.

"What are you looking for, Izumi?" Natsuki curiously asked.

"As I said before, my intuition told me I can make a new business if I went to Tokyo. It was most likely because there is something or someone that can help make such a thing happen. And I feel like that something or someone is here in Shibuya Crossing." I explained while looking left and right.

"Is it Campione sense or something?" Natsuki wonderingly asked.

"Hehe, it can be said so. Oh?" I smilingly said. Then I can sense someone's presence from a big building's back-alley. The presence has an aura of hatred, and revenge surrounds him or her.

"Did you discover anything?" Natsuki asked.

"Indeed, let's go." I nodded affirmatively and lead Natsuki to the presence I sensed before.

When we arrived, there is a man with black hair wearing red bandana while revealing his front hair. He is wearing a dirty white old Chinese outfit as I have seen in the movie called Ip man.

The man is sitting while leaning his back on the building and looking to the sky with a painful and sorrowful expression. The man also only has one hand which is his right hand. Natsuki and I slowly approached the man because I want to talk to him.

"Yo, don't you think looking at the sky with that kind of painful expression isn't good for a young man that isn't even 30?" I jokingly said.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW, KID?" Maybe because of his emotions that currently unstable, the man looked at me with a hostile face and shouted. Before I answered him, it seems Natsuki want to do something to the man for shouting at me but I stopped her.

"Haha... that wasn't a pleasant thing to say to a stranger who approached you with a good intention, right?" I said with a smile but intentionally I raised my aura a bit. That man can sense it and made him gulped.

"W-what do you want?" The man nervously asked.

"I told you right? I come here with good intention. Anyway, how about I introduced myself first. My name is Kitahara Izumi, a popular pianist. This cute girl is my assistant, Minamiya Natsuki. How about you?" I lowered my aura to let him know I'm not doing anything bad and smilingly said as I introduced myself and Natsuki.

"Nn" Natsuki only nodded while looking at the man.

Maybe it's because I lowered my aura or my unnaturally high charm did its works, the man lowered his defense and introduced himself.

"My name is Liu Maoxing, a chef." The man, Liu Maoxing introduced himself with a sad smile as if he thinks it doesn't matter if one more people know about him since his career has ended.

Liu Maoxing = The MC of Cooking master boy (Adult version)

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