
A Lucky? Dude Journey

Warning : - This is my first ever fanfic, Good or not, I am going to try to at least finish this. - English is not my native language - I don't own anything except the MC - Don't expect a very good plot or character manifestation. This is the first time I ever write something like this. - The earliest chapter were very degenerates. If you wondering if it changed or not, ask those who still read until the newest chapter. (This is important and I won't change it) - Don't forget this is an AU so anything can happen. -This is a wish-fulfillment story and degenerates as well. A lucky dude reincarnated in AU animeverse with a weird gacha system. Current crossover : - Grand Blue - Your lie in April - Kaguya sama : Love is war - Campione! - a bit of strike the blood - a bit of FGO - Haganai - a bit of oregairu ---- Other than that, if you like this story (who am I kidding) consider buying me a cup of coffee to accompany me in writing. (No, no benefit at all since this story isn't worth to sell, just a pure donation link) Ko-fi. com/kimyurin

KimYurin · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Chapter 119 - The Conclusion of a Certain Dream.

Chapter 119

Philharmonie de Paris concert hall, Paris, France.

Les Etoiles Dans le Ciel or the pianist only international concert will start from 10 in the morning and planned to be finished at 8 in the evening. The fifteen pianists will take turns to perform in 10 hours. Incidentally, I will be the last to perform because they said they wanted to save the best for the last.

The concert will be started with the introduction of the fifteen pianists who will be performing today. The organizer also asked us to speak some words to the audience about anything as long as it's related to us as pianists.

According to the staff, the ticket for the concert was immediately sold out ten minutes after they started to sell the tickets while announcing the pianists who will perform at this year's concert. Although the previous concert also got the tickets sold out, it wasn't as fast as this year.

Because of the high demand from people, the organizer decided to do something that never been done before. It is to live stream of the concert. Of course, the people who want to watch it also need to buy the tickets or they won't even be able to watch it.

Of course, the ticket to watch the live stream will be cheaper than watching it directly in the concert hall. Still, it was only a little bit cheaper. With that kind of planning, the organizer created a new channel only for this purpose and prepared 100k online tickets for people to watch the live stream.

The organizer thought that there wouldn't be many people who buy the tickets. Of course, they will think like that. Because everybody knows, watching a concert directly was a hundred times better than watching it from a live stream. Nevertheless, they prepared 100k tickets just in case.

However, it seems they were wrong this time. Because those 100k tickets sold out in just a day. And the demand was still higher than ever. When they put a survey asking why so many people wanted to buy a live stream ticket even with such prices, it seems I was the answer.

The last time I performed at this concert, although I was quite famous, I wasn't called number one in the world yet. That's of course because being recognized as the number one in the world by literally everyone who likes classical music was close to impossible.

Naturally, I wasn't the one who called myself that. Rather, I was quite surprised too when I saw that title in the international classical music magazine. But there is no way I wasn't happy with that. Because my skill as a pianist was one of the things that weren't obtained from the system after all.

In the end, the organizer keeps selling more and more to the point of the number of people who bought it was more than ten million. And it was decided besides paying the wages and many things, almost all of the money will be given to charity all over the world.

"Albeit still young, their skills weren't falling behind from adults. They even won some international competitions for juniors. Besides exceptionally talented, they're also hard-working and made so much effort to be the best.

That's why everyone has a great expectation for them. And right now, their hard work and efforts were paid as they will step in this stage alongside their senior who has been recognized around the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome them. The five most talented young pianists in the world!" When I was thinking about something like that, the host excitedly shouted signaling it's time for Emi's group to enter the stage.

*Clap* *Clap*

Thundering sounds of applause can be heard from literally every audience in the concert hall. Emi had been looking at me with a smile on her face before she went to follow the other four who got invited as talented young pianists.

Then, after the host introduced each of them, it's time for them to give a speech to the audience with Emi as the last one. Each of them was telling their story about why they wanted to be a pianist and of course as the host said, not only talented but also hard-working.

At any rate, after the four of them had finished their speech, it was finally Emi's turn. She leisurely walks to the center with her hand holding a mic. She looked around the audience who has been silent waiting for her to talk.

Emi glanced at me who was watching her on the side and smiled before she looked back at the audience.

"When I was a child, being a pianist never came to my mind. That was because as expected, it was quite unlikely for a child to suddenly like something difficult to do like playing the piano. Of course, I don't even know there is a profession called 'Pianist'.

But one day when my family forced me to watch a piano tournament in my city, my life was changed. It's all because of a boy's performance in the tournament.

The moment his fingers touched the keys, my destiny was decided. His performance was very beautiful, and it even touched the deep of my heart. It even caused me to cry before he finished his performance.

Still, he didn��t stop his performance. He even glanced at me with a smile and continue with the same beautiful performance. And then, just under four minutes...A performance lasting under four minutes... that's what made me a pianist.

At that moment, it's like I can see my future. I want to be a pianist and most of all, I want to stand on the same stage as this boy. And I also thought, will I be able to play like him that so that people who hear me will think 'I want to be a pianist too...'

That's why, today, at this stage I will present my performance to that boy. Thank you very much!" Emi closed her eyes as she told her story then lowered her head with a smile.

*Clap* *Clap*

I was speechless but most of all, I was happy hearing that kind of heartfelt confession from her. While the audience applauded, Emi was looking at me with a dazzling smile on her face. Looking at that, I replied to her with a tender smile.

"What a heartfelt confession! It made me feel young again. At any rate, let's give the five of them applause. Now for the next one.

With many achievements, they're pianists who were recognized all around the world. Age doesn't matter. What matter is their performance touched the deep of people heart. That's what made them the best.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome them. The ten most talented pianists in the world!" The host excitedly said and hearing that one by one we entered the stage.

Like before, after the host introduced us, it's time for us to give our speech. As expected of everyone who has more experience than me, their speech was very encouraging. While hearing their speech, I waited for my turn to give a speech. Then, my turn finally comes.

"This is not a story about why I want to be a pianist. This is a very short story about a promise and a dream.

One day, after I was graduated from middle school, a girl confessed to me. That girl was the same as me, a pianist. We have been performed at the same tournament many times before. She always trying to talk to me after performing but she wasn't able to because of her shyness.

However, she decided to confess to me at that time. But before I was able to answer her confession, she told me that she wants to be able to perform on the international stage like me before hearing my answer. Thus, that day, a dream and a promise have made.

More than two years have passed since that time. Although we always called each other many times, we rarely met. Because that girl was in a different country to learn more about being a pianist so she could fulfill a promise and realizing her dream.

And last month, when I got invited to perform at this stage, I saw her name. At that moment, I am very happy. Because finally after more than two years, her dream and our promise can be fulfilled. That's why, today, in this stage. I will show you, the conclusion of a dream." I said with a smile then I went back to the line.

*Clap* *Clap*

Literally every people in the hall or even in their home applauded while looking at Emi whose cheek reddened. Because there is no way they didn't know who the girl is after hearing my story.

"Thanks for the beautiful story about a dream and a promise. It really made me want to be young again. At any rate, with this, Les Etoiles Dans le Ciel is started!"


Right now, I am watching Emi who currently performing a piece from Chopin, Etude Op.25 No.11. One of Chopin's difficult pieces with one of the most misleading introductions. Yet, there she is on the stage performing this beautiful and difficult piece beautifully.

The melody that she made was full of passion of love for a certain someone causing every people in the hall was mesmerized by the figure of Emi who performed this piece full of passion.

Then, after pressing the last key, all people in the hall were still silenced by her performance before after a while a man stood up and shouted while applauding.


The audience started to applause and even stood up following that man. Looking at that, Emi smiled before she stands up and went to the center of the stage to greet the audience. After that, in the middle of applause, she leisurely walks toward me.

"How was my performance?" Emi smiled and asked. I took a handkerchief from my pocket and gently wipe the sweat on her face and answered.

"Is there even a need to ask? It's beautiful." I smiled and said with my hand stopped at her cheek.

"Hehe..." Emi closed her eyes and giggled as she tenderly touched my hand on her cheek.

"The concert finally about to come to an end. Which means, it's time for him to enter the stage. Someone who recognized by everyone as the number one pianist in the world.

As this man said, he is going to show us the conclusion of a dream and promise. Let's welcome him, Kitahara Izumi!" The host excitedly shouted with his hand spread to the right where Emi and I were standing behind the curtain.

"It's time, huh. Be prepared, Emi. Because I have a surprise for you." I smirked and said before I entered the stage.

"Eh?" I can hear Emi confused voice as I walk.

I lowered my head a bit to greet the audience and immediately sit in front of the grand piano. Every audience who previously clamoring when I entered the stage immediately silenced as I sit in front of the grand piano. Like that, my performance has finally started.

I performed many pieces such as La Campanella from Listz, Fantaisie Impromptu op.66 from Chopin, Concerto #2 from Rachmaninov, and my most favorite piece Clair de Lune from Debussy. And now, finally, time for the last piece to be performed.

But I will only be the accompaniment for this last piece. That's why, in the curious gaze of audiences, I stood up and took the mic that has been prepared before.

"Before the last piece performed, there is something I want to say. Previously, I said I would show you the conclusion of a dream. And I am sure I already know who was the girl in my story is.

That's why, right now for the last piece, I want her to be the one who plays it with me as the accompaniment. So, come here, Emi." I smiled and said as I looked at Emi who was watching from the side.

Emi looked at me with a surprised expression when she heard me calling for her. But suddenly, Liliana came and touched her shoulder before she gently pushes Emi while saying "Go, Emi. I will be cheering for you." with a smile.

Emi looked at Liliana with a smile and nodded. Then, she entered the stage and lowered her head to the audience who give her applause. After that, both of us immediately sit in front of the grand piano in a seat that has been changed to a two-people seat by the staff.

"I haven't trained for this, you know?" Although she said that, Emi was smiling happily.

"But I believe you can do it, nevertheless. Besides, did you forget who would be your accompaniment?" I asked.

"Hehe, that's true. Then, please help me, my number one pianist in the world who just about to officially become my boyfriend." Emi jokingly said.

"As you wish, my calm yet shy girl who just about to officially become my girlfriend." I smilingly answered. Then, both of us smiled at each other before looking at the grand piano while preparing ourselves to perform the last piece.

Even without me saying it, she already knows what piece we will perform right now. It's Nacht und Traume by Schubert. Different from yesterday, this time we will show them the conclusion of a dream. Like that, we started to perform as Emi's fingers pressed the first key.

Harmonious melody started to reverberate in the concert hall. While we pressed keys after keys, we showed them some scenes that we wanted them to see.

The scene where Emi confessed to me, the scene of Emi who was training while thinking about me, and the scene where her dream finally came true which is right now.

"Nee, Izumi..." Emi smilingly said while her face still looking at the grand piano and her hand still pressing the keys.

"What is it, Emi?" I answered also with my hands still pressing the keys.

"I love you..." As she pressed the last key, Emi looked at me with a dazzling smile and said.

"I love you too, Emi." I answered with a smile then lightly kissed her lips before offering my hand for her to take. Emi smiled as she takes my hand and then we greeted the audience.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Then, with the thunderous applauds and clamoring of people who shouted to praise us, the concert that shows the conclusion of a certain dream has finished.

How the fu this chapter can be this long...

God, I'm so tired. Goodnight everyone~

If you like this story (who am I kidding) consider buying me a cup of coffee to accompany me in writing. (No, no benefit at all since this story isn't worth to sell, just a pure donation link)

Ko-fi. com/kimyurin

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