

I got dressed in the traditional flowing gown. My hair have been cut till it wasn't as long as before. It was as short as it was when I came here.

"Are you sure you want to stay here looking after the babies?" I ask Bianca who was feeding Lijah. 

Getting Bianca's forgiveness after I got back with my mates wasn't all that difficult because she was the one who took the first step while I cowardly waited.

" Who wants to see you four getting mated? it's certainly not I. " She made a face of disgust.

I've lived with my mates for four months before I finally agreed to a mating ceremony with them.

"Isn't that the custom of your pack?" I raised a brow.

I might have loved the people of Haji pack, but I don't understand their idea of mating in the presence of the entire adult members of the pack.

"It might be our customs, but that doesn't mean I support it at all."

She placed Lijah on his bed, and carried Nabel. 

Lijah's hair which was Blonde have started getting darker just like Nabel's own. If not for the small white strands on his hair, you wouldn't be able to differentiate the two of them if they're dressed in one apparel.

"I also don't feel comfortable about it all. Am just doing it because I know it will make my mates happy."

They might not be pressuring me to mate with them, but I can tell how much they want to go through the ceremony with me.

The ceremony is the only thing that can complete our union.

Without it, I might be a Luna, but not a complete one.

"Ordinary wolves might not take the mating ceremony serious but to Alphas, it's something they desire." She said with a smile.

" I know, and that's why I agreed to complete our union." I know my mates won't blame me if I decide not to get joined with them, but I will feel real bad about it knowing it's something they truly desire.

Something they've always wanted.

I walked down the path. The moonlight was the only thing lighting my path. 

The presence of the moonlight was the only thing making me feel less nervous about what's about to happen.

At least no other light will be needed, and that in itself is a solace.

It will feel not only embarrassing, but awkward if we're to get joined in a bright place.

My parents who are still unaware of the fact their sons in law are wolves,  are aware of the ceremony, but I asked them not to attend. 

I made it seem like the ceremony is only for those who are members of of this town.

It's one thing to have sex in front of strangers, and another thing to do so in the presence of your parents.

It will be downright embarrassing. Something I don't think I can live with.

My mates were waiting for me at the center of the cleared forest. Each of them were putting on black robes just like I did.

Their hair have been cut shirt like mine, but unlike mine, it was real short.

They walked towards me the moment I came into view. 

It was their idea they go before me. The reason being they want to give me enough chance to think on what's about to happen. 

"Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? We can cancel it if you want." Damien held on to my shaking hand.

Even if I don't want to go ahead with this, I can't do that now.  Canceling when the entire members have been invited is equivalent to a bride leaving the bridegroom on the altar.

" We've come this far to cancel." 

It took all the boldness in me to agree to this, giving up isn't an option, at least it's not one I will take.

"You look really beautiful," Daniel touched my cheek.

 " Am I not always beautiful?" I raised a brow at him. My sassy nature coming out to play despite how nervous I feel right now. 

"Much more beautiful batted in the soft glow of the moon." Donald placed a soft kiss on my hair.

"She's up there gazing down at us," I waved up at the moon.

I will forever be grateful to the moon goddess for all she've done for me. She was there when I needed her the most.

She saved my babies, and for that I will forever be indebted to her.

"She will always be up there watching us," Damien and Daniel linked my hand in theirs, and led me to the raised mating platform.

I guess it's time.

Gathered round the place are people I might have had a run in with a time or two. People I might have schooled with.

But luckily I can't make out their faces because of how dim the moon have become. The dimness making me unable to make out the faces of those around me.

"In the presence of the goddess and werewolves of the Haji pack, I join you together in the unity of the moon. " The elder in the pack said.

Purifications were made.

Vows were taken.

Love was shared.

As we joined not only in the presence of the goddess, but of the people, I felt more whole than I've ever felt.

The howls of my mates echoing through the entire forest was prove of our completed mating bond.

I've become one with them. United forever, never to be separated.

I might have been lonely when I came to this town, but that's in the past.

With my babies, Mates, family and friends, I have no cause to be alone anymore. 

As I lay in the aftermath of our love. My heart soared with much love and contentment.

Am not alone.

"You're never alone," my mates said through our mating bond. Their hands holding on to me in deep reassurance of their words.

" Am never going to be alone."