
Chapter 177

Miguel's pov

" I hate you!" he sent a bolt of lightening towards me, and I got knocked off from the pain and hit from the lightening.


"Wake up," 

I felt something cold being poured on me. Waking up , I blinked when I realized it's morning. I must have slept all through the night.

"You could at least have woke me up with a breakfast in bed, or should I say prison?" I raised a brow at him.

He angrily dropped the bucket in his hand, and faced me.

"What's giving you the strength to defy me all the time and still remain unbothered?" he looked seriously angry compared to the calm and self satisfied Manuel I met was it two days ago.

"My Innocence."

I can recall mother advising me at my tender stage to always make sure I keep my hands and my heart clean. I guess it wasn't a hard thing to do because I was too soft to actually hurt a person.

Strangling Manuel's wolf to death was the only crime I've committed in all of my nineteen years.

"I can't believe am already nineteen. When did my birthday come and go?"

I really forgot all about the day I was born mostly because it was on the same day I gave birth to my babies.

I guess that was a sign from the universe. My babies were the presents I was sent to by the owner and creator of all.

"Are we talking about your birthday?" he looked at me in exasperation.

"We're not talking of my birthday?" I tilt my head to the side "I can't believe we're not talking of it. What then ate we talking about?"

I know I've made him more angry than I've ever known him, but I don't care.

I want him more angry than he have ever being, too angry for him not to try anything funny.

"I've almost killed you. I've sent those things and

letters to you. I've kidnapped you, tortured you, and is about to kill you, but!" he kicked the bucket metaphorically speaking.

  " you've not for once genuinely begged for forgiveness. If anything you turn a serious thing into a play!"

"Would you have allowed me go if I genuinely beg you to do so?"

Even if he was to tell me he will let me go of I genuinely asked him to, I won't believe it at all. Manuel isn't one to easily forgive. He's more of a murderer, and murderers hardly change, of ever.

" No!" he laughed. " I wouldn't have allowed you to leave, but it would have pleased me to hear you plead for your life.


It would have made my day."

" You sent those dead things to me?"

I think I will be this years winner of the master of topic changing. I can't even tell the relationship between begging, and those things sent. I just can't tell the relationship.

" Yes. If not for this stupid town and all those stupid powers guilding it, I would have had you dead those months ago. You were just lucky the town inky allows something in there, but won't allow anything that will hurt it's occupants."

He walked towards my sleeping babies " since I can't get you to genuinely beg for yourself, at least I can get you to beg for your babies."

He took out Nabel from the stroller.

I really pity my babies. Three days of sleeping in a stroller can't be all that comfortable for them.

" Put my baby down!"

I can't believe he's going to stoop so low as to make use of my children just to get me to beg him.

" With all die pleasure," 

He smiled before dropping Nabel.......On the floor.

Now I know what the ideom last straw that hits the camel's back actually mean, because him throwing my daughter to the floor made me release myself from the rope tying me together.

"How dare you!"

I charged towards him, but stopped first to pick up the still sleeping baby. Placing her beside her brother, I faced a stun looking Manuel.

"You weren't really tied to the bamboo? you had yourself loosed all along?" he looked more surprised than I've ever seen him. You can literally see his wheels Turning.

"I was bidding my time,"

I gave him a blow with all the strength I can muster, and he fell to the floor. His surprise also aided me in bringing him down. 

I guess the elements of surprise sure does work a lot.

Unlike the last time we were in a situation akin to this one, I didn't allow him rise. Instead I took the rod. The one he flung towards me on the first day, and with it I continuously hit him with it until am sure he can't rise again.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I crawled towards my babies.

"Nabel? Lijah?" I shook their stroller, but they were still soundly as asleep.

"Your babies are better as dead because it's only a pure wolf's blood that can save them and you don't have it."

Manuel whom I thought dead said those words a bloody smile on his face as he slowly raised his hand. A hand I know if it's to rise will mean death for me.

I can't have that. I've come too far to give up yet.

"Die!" I rushed towards him with a stone. One I got close to my babies' stroller, and with that I bashed his head in, but that still wasn't satisfactory to me. Despite his spilled brain and bashed head, I can't out it past him to find a way to return and torment me again.

Suffer not the witch to live.

I walked towards the racks of weapons. Taking a sword from their I walked towards him, but before I can do what I planned on doing, the door to my prison opened, and in came the tribal marked guy. 

His face etched in anger as he took in the scene in front of him.