
A Love In The Time

In her eagerness to fix her present, Yelena will try to solve the origin of her problems by traveling to the past. During her journey, she will unknowingly bump into the one who caused the chaos in the present, will she be able to accomplish her mission or will something stop her?

YeyoPeg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Chapter 1

This is not OK.

"This is not good at all." The young Latina said in her mind as she walked in circles around her room. Despair was present in her and with increasing intensity than the previous days.

For more than 8 days, everything had fallen apart. His mentor, the Lady, had turned back into that terrifying beast that almost ended the lives of all the inhabitants of the house, if not for the ingenuity of Yelena and Joshua, leaning on their new glyphs.

But that time was different, and worse in many ways.

Mark was left with deep scratches on the door where he lay most of the time, in addition to the fact that it was missing pieces of wood of considerable size.

Joshua, on the other hand, ended up permanently with half a horn of what appears to be a skull uncovered in part of his head, its base having been detached by a strong impact on the wall by Joshua.

To her luck, Yelena did not sustain considerable bodily harm, the most serious of all being a shallow scratch on her shoulder ripping through her cat hoodie. On the other hand, his mind was a separate matter, that empty and aggressive look of the beast had prevailed in his thoughts, being more intense than the first time in that boiling rain. It didn't matter what she was doing or what she was trying to distract herself with, those eyes simply stayed in her mind, leaving her in a state of total nerves.

That event left more lasting consequences than anyone would like to admit.

Lunch and dinner had become a little more uncomfortable as well as heavy, Mary tried to apologize and reassure her apprentice, but her way of expressing herself, including her typical jokes, only ended up making things even worse.

On the way to school neither of them said any words beyond the typical farewell, Sur and Tom tried to help Yelena, but she was curt on that subject, which only increased their worries.

And not to mention the sales in the market, which were like before the arrival of the human, simply Joshua with Spidy and from time to time with Joshua, if the latter decided to keep him company or otherwise, spend the afternoon along with his professional sweetie machine.

Everything seemed to have no solution, until Yelena overheard a conversation between Mary and Joshua, dealing with what happened and looking for a way to restore that lost trust.

"Oh come on Mary, don't be so hard on yourself" Said the worried little demon of her friend. Putting one of its paws on his shoulder" You know that transforming into that beast is not your fault, you didn't put that curse on yourself.

"I know Joshua, but that's not what worries me"She spoke with a fragile tone as if she was going to break at any moment" Yelena is the one that worries me, I'm scared that Mary will transform again and harm her again. true, or even worse. It makes me sick that he sees me as a monster, I don't want him to see me like that."She was on the verge of tears, Joshua to comfort her, gave her a hug as if she were a Koala"

"Yelena doesn't see you as a monster, she still admires you. He is simply afraid, this time it affected him to see you transformed. He just needs a little time to assimilate and forgive you, as soon as you least expect it everything will be like before."His words expressed an omen of happiness, they both knew he was telling the truth, but what they didn't know was when or how would occur.

"I hope so Joshua...I hope so" He released a sigh that he didn't know he had been keeping for a long time, those words gave him a lot to think about.

Yelena had listened long enough, her actions had been, while justifiable, really quite foolish. Now he didn't know what to do for sure to make amends for the damage both parties had caused, but before he came up with some absurd plan that would possibly involve some monster putting everyone in danger, something in particular from the previously overheard conversation had stuck. to his mind replacing that vision of empty eyes.

The curse.

That evil that for years and years has persecuted her mentor, affecting not only her life but her status and health, the one that some ruthless monster had thrown at her when she was just a girl. Yelena knew her mentor wasn't the nicest person she knew, but even she would admit that a curse like hers is too much for what she's done.

If it weren't for that, her mentor would have had a better life in every way, being freer than she is now. He wouldn't have to worry about elixirs, his business would be more profitable, he could even overthrow that emperor he's told him about on short and small occasions.

And she would even have more advantages in general, but she didn't see that, now she was determined to save her mentor from the curse she carries. A way to make up for everything he's done for her.

It was time to cure his curse.

But how would you do it? Frankly he had no idea, but he would do everything in his power to find the solution, however, there was a problem.

She knew that if her teacher found out about her plans and actions, she would stop her with some comment like "You don't have to risk that much for me, I'll find a way to heal myself or keep my curse in check", so she had to be very discreet in As for his actions, and that would make his mission a complete odyssey.

She was about to throw in the towel before starting, until she remembered something her mother once told her "It's better to try and fail than not to try out of fear." Her mother, the only person Yelena cares about on earth, she missed it.

Thinking about it made her realize something else, Mary was like her mother, even though neither of them says so. They have had so many adventures together that their relationship is very strong and close, just like their biological mother's.

That convinced her to strive and do everything possible to free her from her curse, she did not want to lose her second mother for something that she could solve.

But what could he do? His elixirs were no longer as effective as before, it would take a long time just to find the recipe and even more to enhance it, so that option was ruled out.

Healing magic had also not been effective in the past with both his illness and other illnesses.

Human medicine wasn't an option either, what could they do to cure her? It's not a tumor or any physical damage to her body, not counting the differences between Witches and humans, it could be counterproductive and kill her.

"This is so difficult" The young woman thought as she walked around her room, looking at her things and the human garbage that Mary kept there, waiting for something to occur to her. That was until I looked at her book The Good Witch Azura" My book, I haven't read you for a long time...book "Something in her mind had clicked" Books... The library!"

The girl had found the first clue, the library. The place where a large number of books on many topics and information were stored, there must be some information there that could be useful to you in your search.

This raised him like few things had before, but his smile faded as he remembered two drawbacks regarding that place.

Time would not be enough to search in a single day, his classes, training "temporarily stopped", mountains of homework to study in the 9 classes and accompanying Mary at her post consumed a large part, if not all of his day.

As if that weren't enough, his second problem has to do with the hairhaired girl with whom he tried to befriend, but failed miserably like the time he tried to make an invisibility potion.

This decline occurred since the witches' convention because when she counterattacked with her fire glyph, she incinerated a construction glyph that her rival was wearing during their confrontation, exposing her to the public who saw her as someone perfect and powerful, only to stop seeing her like that. and classify her as a cheater. Or like when she met her brothers and helped them find their diary, which they both ended up exposing to the whole school, it didn't take long for Lucia to discover that Yelena had a hand in this, making their relationship even more tense and aggressive. rivals.

The third nail that was hammered into what could have been their friendship occurred when Pelimenta "accidentally" burned the memories of her Ex Friend Sur, an action that ended up harming the plant witch, being forced by the brunette to do bad things. Help her sort out her memories.

Throughout the journey, she learned more about the story that both witches had, and she was close to having empathy for her, if it were not for the last memory they repaired, the one that showed how Lucia had ended their young friendship, causing disappointment and annoyance in the Latina who vanished all the good things she thought of her.

And to top it off, the Grudby game where he had to face Lucia along with Raria and Amelia in the company of Sur and Tom, ending the game with an injured arm for the latter.

Any chance of friendship between the two girls had been destroyed, and that was a problem because her rival worked in the library in a position that didn't interest her, but it would affect her when she wanted to look for information.

Even with all this, he would not give up for the world.

With all the cards on the table, Yelena thought for many hours about what her plan would be, arriving at nightfall without her noticing, the good news is that she already had the first step in her plan, and that was to fix things With your mentor, repair your relationship with a talk and a possible hug, this in order to raise less suspicion.

"Yelena, it's dinner time! "The ivory-skinned witch shouted at full volume, as a result of not having been heard in the last 3 calls made previously" Prepare your favorite dish, Griffin Eggs! "

"I'll be down in a minute, Mary," Yelena answered, loud enough to be heard. He opened the door of his room and went downstairs very quickly for someone his age, reaching the kitchen table in a few seconds" Sorry, I didn't hear you"

It was time to start with the first step of his plan.

She waited a few seconds for her teacher to sit at the table like Joshua, she expected the atmosphere to be tense and it was, but that was about to change it.

Mary ate with some discomfort what seemed to be a ramen made of tentacles and eyes while Joshua devoured without problems what seemed to be a steak from some creature from the islands, not interested in knowing where it came from at the moment.

Halfway through the meal, Yelena cleared her throat, drawing the attention of both of them for her action. With this done, she took a drink of water and then spoke to her mentor.

"Mary... "The young woman thought for a second about what she was going to say, since she was dealing with something delicate "I'm sorry for being so distant in recent days, I just... "Before she could continue speaking, her mentor interrupted her. -

-No Yelena, it's not your fault that you act like that, I understand you, who wouldn't be scared of dying for a beast? -She said with a certain sadness trying not to collapse right there and cry, but she knew she wouldn't take it much longer- It's my fault for not being careful with my curse and preventing them from being in danger-

-We care a lot about you, Mary, we don't want to lose you- The little king of demons had stood up on the baby chair where he used to sit at mealtime. She spoke with a certain seriousness, but her voice also revealed understanding and concern for her old friend- I love you very much and I don't know what I would do without you-

The environment had become more melancholic, one of the 3 had to take the first step to solve all the current conflict, an action that the human carried out.

She got up from her chair and quickly approached her mentor to give her a warmer hug than the ones she usually gives, without realizing it, both of them had begun to cry in silence. Joshua walked over and joined in this warm embrace.

-I'm sorry Mary, I didn't want to make you feel bad for my emotions, I'm sorry- Every few seconds as she spoke, she sobbed as she tried not to overwhelm herself completely, Mary's hair covered part of her head as she gave that hug-

-No Yelena, I hope you can forgive me. I will try not to become that beast again, I don't know what I would do if I lost you. -Said that, she began to cry harder because of the sadness and repentance she felt, as had rarely been seen of the lady. Joshua clung to her left arm like a Koala, pretty cute she thought.

-Family hug! -Mark had realized what was happening so he decided to approach the 3 of them, he rolled his body in an attempt to join that moment, luckily he was received by the rest and was able to enjoy the warm situation- I them! I love you 3, Mar! –

The four of them spent around ten minutes in that position, no one wanted to break away from the embrace and break the moment, but they knew it couldn't last forever. It was Joshua who broke the hug by getting up from the ground where he was, Mark untangled his body leaving Mary free and Yelena who continued to hug her for a few more seconds until she was separated from her mentor.

Joshua returned to his seat with the help of Mark and gave him a cake as thanks for helping him up, because he only had a hard time and Mary was the one who helped him sit down without problems, Mark accepted the food expressing his classic Mar when trying it, and then return to the door where he usually resides.

The first step of Yelena's plan had turned out better than she expected, she knew that things were back to the way they were before, or at least they would be again soon.

The rest of the dinner was more comforting for the 3 of them, jokes, anecdotes and things that happened in recent days was what each one talked about, so they lasted an hour until it was time to sleep, what happened more than an hour ago I leave everyone emotionally exhausted.

Joshua stayed to sleep on the sofa with all his "war" stuffed animals, Yelena and Mary went up to the second floor together. Yelena gave her mentor a short hug and wished her good night, touching Joshua who said good night too with a smile on her face.

Entering her room and closing the door, Yelena let out a sigh she didn't know she was containing, she was happy with the results of the This is not OK.

"This is not good at all." The young Latina said in her mind as she walked in circles around her room. Despair was present in her and with increasing intensity than the previous days.

For more than 8 days, everything had fallen apart. His mentor, the Lady, had turned back into that terrifying beast that almost ended the lives of all the inhabitants of the house, if not for the ingenuity of Yelena and Joshua, leaning on their new glyphs.

But that time was different, and worse in many ways.

Mark was left with deep scratches on the door where he lay most of the time, in addition to the fact that it was missing pieces of wood of considerable size.

Joshua, on the other hand, ended up permanently with half a horn of what appears to be a skull uncovered in part of his head, its base having been detached by a strong impact on the wall by Joshua.

To her luck, Yelena did not sustain considerable bodily harm, the most serious of all being a shallow scratch on her shoulder ripping through her cat hoodie. On the other hand, his mind was a separate matter, that empty and aggressive look of the beast had prevailed in his thoughts, being more intense than the first time in that boiling rain. It didn't matter what she was doing or what she was trying to distract herself with, those eyes simply stayed in her mind, leaving her in a state of total nerves.

That event left more lasting consequences than anyone would like to admit.

Lunch and dinner had become a little more uncomfortable as well as heavy, Mary tried to apologize and reassure her apprentice, but her way of expressing herself, including her typical jokes, only ended up making things even worse.

On the way to school neither of them said any words beyond the typical farewell, Sur and Tom tried to help Yelena, but she was curt on that subject, which only increased their worries.

And not to mention the sales in the market, which were like before the arrival of the human, simply Joshua with Spidy and from time to time with Joshua, if the latter decided to keep him company or otherwise, spend the afternoon along with his professional sweetie machine.

Everything seemed to have no solution, until Yelena overheard a conversation between Mary and Joshua, dealing with what happened and looking for a way to restore that lost trust.

"Oh come on Mary, don't be so hard on yourself" Said the worried little demon of her friend. Putting one of its paws on his shoulder" You know that transforming into that beast is not your fault, you didn't put that curse on yourself.

"I know Joshua, but that's not what worries me"She spoke with a fragile tone as if she was going to break at any moment" Yelena is the one that worries me, I'm scared that Mary will transform again and harm her again. true, or even worse. It makes me sick that he sees me as a monster, I don't want him to see me like that."She was on the verge of tears, Joshua to comfort her, gave her a hug as if she were a Koala"

"Yelena doesn't see you as a monster, she still admires you. He is simply afraid, this time it affected him to see you transformed. He just needs a little time to assimilate and forgive you, as soon as you least expect it everything will be like before."His words expressed an omen of happiness, they both knew he was telling the truth, but what they didn't know was when or how would occur.

"I hope so Joshua...I hope so" He released a sigh that he didn't know he had been keeping for a long time, those words gave him a lot to think about.

Yelena had listened long enough, her actions had been, while justifiable, really quite foolish. Now he didn't know what to do for sure to make amends for the damage both parties had caused, but before he came up with some absurd plan that would possibly involve some monster putting everyone in danger, something in particular from the previously overheard conversation had stuck. to his mind replacing that vision of empty eyes.

The curse.

That evil that for years and years has persecuted her mentor, affecting not only her life but her status and health, the one that some ruthless monster had thrown at her when she was just a girl. Yelena knew her mentor wasn't the nicest person she knew, but even she would admit that a curse like hers is too much for what she's done.

If it weren't for that, her mentor would have had a better life in every way, being freer than she is now. He wouldn't have to worry about elixirs, his business would be more profitable, he could even overthrow that emperor he's told him about on short and small occasions.

And she would even have more advantages in general, but she didn't see that, now she was determined to save her mentor from the curse she carries. A way to make up for everything he's done for her.

It was time to cure his curse.

But how would you do it? Frankly he had no idea, but he would do everything in his power to find the solution, however, there was a problem.

She knew that if her teacher found out about her plans and actions, she would stop her with some comment like "You don't have to risk that much for me, I'll find a way to heal myself or keep my curse in check", so she had to be very discreet in As for his actions, and that would make his mission a complete odyssey.

She was about to throw in the towel before starting, until she remembered something her mother once told her "It's better to try and fail than not to try out of fear." Her mother, the only person Yelena cares about on earth, she missed it.

Thinking about it made her realize something else, Mary was like her mother, even though neither of them says so. They have had so many adventures together that their relationship is very strong and close, just like their biological mother's.

That convinced her to strive and do everything possible to free her from her curse, she did not want to lose her second mother for something that she could solve.

But what could he do? His elixirs were no longer as effective as before, it would take a long time just to find the recipe and even more to enhance it, so that option was ruled out.

Healing magic had also not been effective in the past with both his illness and other illnesses.

Human medicine wasn't an option either, what could they do to cure her? It's not a tumor or any physical damage to her body, not counting the differences between Witches and humans, it could be counterproductive and kill her.

"This is so difficult" The young woman thought as she walked around her room, looking at her things and the human garbage that Mary kept there, waiting for something to occur to her. That was until I looked at her book The Good Witch Azura" My book, I haven't read you for a long time...book "Something in her mind had clicked" Books... The library!"

The girl had found the first clue, the library. The place where a large number of books on many topics and information were stored, there must be some information there that could be useful to you in your search.

This raised him like few things had before, but his smile faded as he remembered two drawbacks regarding that place.

Time would not be enough to search in a single day, his classes, training "temporarily stopped", mountains of homework to study in the 9 classes and accompanying Mary at her post consumed a large part, if not all of his day.

As if that weren't enough, his second problem has to do with the hairhaired girl with whom he tried to befriend, but failed miserably like the time he tried to make an invisibility potion.

This decline occurred since the witches' convention because when she counterattacked with her fire glyph, she incinerated a construction glyph that her rival was wearing during their confrontation, exposing her to the public who saw her as someone perfect and powerful, only to stop seeing her like that. and classify her as a cheater. Or like when she met her brothers and helped them find their diary, which they both ended up exposing to the whole school, it didn't take long for Lucia to discover that Yelena had a hand in this, making their relationship even more tense and aggressive. rivals.

The third nail that was hammered into what could have been their friendship occurred when Pelimenta "accidentally" burned the memories of her Ex Friend Sur, an action that ended up harming the plant witch, being forced by the brunette to do bad things. Help her sort out her memories.

Throughout the journey, she learned more about the story that both witches had, and she was close to having empathy for her, if it were not for the last memory they repaired, the one that showed how Lucia had ended their young friendship, causing disappointment and annoyance in the Latina who vanished all the good things she thought of her.

And to top it off, the Grudby game where he had to face Lucia along with Raria and Amelia in the company of Sur and Tom, ending the game with an injured arm for the latter.

Any chance of friendship between the two girls had been destroyed, and that was a problem because her rival worked in the library in a position that didn't interest her, but it would affect her when she wanted to look for information.

Even with all this, he would not give up for the world.

With all the cards on the table, Yelena thought for many hours about what her plan would be, arriving at nightfall without her noticing, the good news is that she already had the first step in her plan, and that was to fix things With your mentor, repair your relationship with a talk and a possible hug, this in order to raise less suspicion.

"Yelena, it's dinner time! "The ivory-skinned witch shouted at full volume, as a result of not having been heard in the last 3 calls made previously" Prepare your favorite dish, Griffin Eggs! "

"I'll be down in a minute, Mary," Yelena answered, loud enough to be heard. He opened the door of his room and went downstairs very quickly for someone his age, reaching the kitchen table in a few seconds" Sorry, I didn't hear you"

It was time to start with the first step of his plan.

She waited a few seconds for her teacher to sit at the table like Joshua, she expected the atmosphere to be tense and it was, but that was about to change it.

Mary ate with some discomfort what seemed to be a ramen made of tentacles and eyes while Joshua devoured without problems what seemed to be a steak from some creature from the islands, not interested in knowing where it came from at the moment.

Halfway through the meal, Yelena cleared her throat, drawing the attention of both of them for her action. With this done, she took a drink of water and then spoke to her mentor.

"Mary... "The young woman thought for a second about what she was going to say, since she was dealing with something delicate "I'm sorry for being so distant in recent days, I just... "Before she could continue speaking, her mentor interrupted her. -

-No Yelena, it's not your fault that you act like that, I understand you, who wouldn't be scared of dying for a beast? -She said with a certain sadness trying not to collapse right there and cry, but she knew she wouldn't take it much longer- It's my fault for not being careful with my curse and preventing them from being in danger-

-We care a lot about you, Mary, we don't want to lose you- The little king of demons had stood up on the baby chair where he used to sit at mealtime. She spoke with a certain seriousness, but her voice also revealed understanding and concern for her old friend- I love you very much and I don't know what I would do without you-

The environment had become more melancholic, one of the 3 had to take the first step to solve all the current conflict, an action that the human carried out.

She got up from her chair and quickly approached her mentor to give her a warmer hug than the ones she usually gives, without realizing it, both of them had begun to cry in silence. Joshua walked over and joined in this warm embrace.

-I'm sorry Mary, I didn't want to make you feel bad for my emotions, I'm sorry- Every few seconds as she spoke, she sobbed as she tried not to overwhelm herself completely, Mary's hair covered part of her head as she gave that hug-

-No Yelena, I hope you can forgive me. I will try not to become that beast again, I don't know what I would do if I lost you. -Said that, she began to cry harder because of the sadness and repentance she felt, as had rarely been seen of the lady. Joshua clung to her left arm like a Koala, pretty cute she thought.

-Family hug! -Mark had realized what was happening so he decided to approach the 3 of them, he rolled his body in an attempt to join that moment, luckily he was received by the rest and was able to enjoy the warm situation- I them! I love you 3, Mar! –

The four of them spent around ten minutes in that position, no one wanted to break away from the embrace and break the moment, but they knew it couldn't last forever. It was Joshua who broke the hug by getting up from the ground where he was, Mark untangled his body leaving Mary free and Yelena who continued to hug her for a few more seconds until she was separated from her mentor.

Joshua returned to his seat with the help of Mark and gave him a cake as thanks for helping him up, because he only had a hard time and Mary was the one who helped him sit down without problems, Mark accepted the food expressing his classic Mar when trying it, and then return to the door where he usually resides.

The first step of Yelena's plan had turned out better than she expected, she knew that things were back to the way they were before, or at least they would be again soon.

The rest of the dinner was more comforting for the 3 of them, jokes, anecdotes and things that happened in recent days was what each one talked about, so they lasted an hour until it was time to sleep, what happened more than an hour ago I leave everyone emotionally exhausted.

Joshua stayed to sleep on the sofa with all his "war" stuffed animals, Yelena and Mary went up to the second floor together. Yelena gave her mentor a short hug and wished her good night, touching Joshua who said good night too with a smile on her face.

Entering her room and closing the door, Yelena let out a sigh she didn't know she was containing, she was happy with the results of the first step of her plan.

As he put on his pajamas to sleep, he began to think about the next move he would make, it didn't take long for him to have the answer.

I would go to the library with the excuse of looking for information or solving some pending task that I had. She must use every available moment to investigate and find some way to cure Joshua's curse.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep due to the exhaustion she felt, having calmer dreams than the nightmares she had suffered in recent days, those dark eyes no longer appeared in her mind.

"I won't give up for the world" was her last thought before falling completely asleep-

The next morning things were back to the way they were before.

Yelena took a few minutes to get ready to go to school, dressing in her colorful uniform, when she finished getting ready, she went down to the kitchen to have some breakfast before leaving.

Her mentor was already there preparing breakfast for the three of them, noticing her presence, she greeted her mentor with great joy as she had rarely seen.

-Good morning Yelena, I hope you slept well. – The woman was noticeable with more energy and enthusiasm, she quickly prepared some pancakes for her mentor, a bowl of "cereal" for Joshua and an Omelette with faucet eggs and eyes. – Eat, I hope you like them. -With the help of magic I take Yelena's plate to where she was sitting, breakfast looked incredible-

-Thank you Mary, they look so incredible- I don't hesitate for a moment to devour his breakfast, I almost cried with happiness because of how good they tasted- Wow, it's the best I've tasted in years!-

Mary just gave a small laugh at that, remembering Joshua when he ate.

The minutes passed and it was time to go to school, with his cane he took her to the entrance where his apprentice said goodbye to her with a hug and his typical enthusiasm.

The following days were the same as before, but with the difference of being happier.

Yelena helped her teacher in the sale of human garbage, having to escape on a few occasions by the coven guards who had warrants for Joshua's capture.

On the other hand, Yelena had continued with her training on glyphs and other types of magic, making good progress along with the discovery of a new glyph, an electrical glyph that she discovered in a thunderstorm when lightning struck a nearby tree.

On the other hand, Yelena's plan had been stalled by finding no new information.

At first he thought he had found the answer in a book about recorded curses, but he was disappointed to find nothing about the curse, there was nothing similar to it.

The days after had been just as fruitless, he was looking for anything that might help him: Potions, runes, artifacts, counter spells, whatever. But he couldn't find anything that could help him.

"This isn't working," she said quietly to herself, disappointed and sad for not finding something relevant, she was at an apparent dead end. She dropped her head on the table frustrated by the situation, this couldn't get any worse-

"Oh, but look who we have here, Yelena the misfit." I change my mind, if I could make things worse.-

-What do you want, mitts? I don't have time for your games- The Latina said with annoyance and displeasure towards the haired woman who has been causing her so much trouble. Even though she wanted to fight her for her current behavior, she decided she wasn't worth it, she couldn't allow herself to be banned from the only place where she could find information- Just leave me alone, I'm busy-

-You know, you're right. You are not worth my time or attention. You're just a stubborn woman trying to be something she's not, a witch- She left the table where Yelena was, finally leaving her alone, neither tolerated the other-

-Oxygenated witch- He said in a low voice before continuing to read his book trying to find information- This is not giving results-

Several days had passed since that meeting with his rival Lucia, days in which he had not registered any significant progress, ending up in an apparent impasse.

This frustrated the brunette as she did not advance anything in her plan, her options were quickly running out and she had to find even a bit of relevant information.

And he had to do it quickly because there was not much time left before he returned from that "camp" to which he was originally sent before ending up on the islands.

While reading a book on magical creatures for the fourth time, something in the place caught his attention.

A conversation between Lucia and what seemed to be a Pik student, both of them having a tense talk that seemed like it could break out at any moment.

-I already told you, you cannot access the prohibited section without prior authorization. These are the rules- With a serious look on her face, the green-haired girl spoke with annoyance to that boy who was beginning to tire her- And isn't there a library in your city?

-There are, better than this place, but there is no book on the subject I'm looking for- That Pik student demon boy who looked like a pale star, kept insisting with his request, adding more pressure to each attempt he made-

- I don't think they're so good if you didn't find what you were looking for, you guys from Pik really hurt-

-But...- The boy was interrupted by a look of fury originating from Lucia, she had finally tired her-

-Enough, you won't be able to enter the forbidden section- She raised her finger creating an Abominable bigger than her- It's better that you leave before I decide to expel you forever for bothering me, is that clear little star?-

The star boy had no choice but to leave "in peace" in the face of the threat he received, he knew he shouldn't respond or it would end very badly one way or another.

Lucia did not take her eyes off that student until she left through the main door, she waited a few seconds and stopped looking in that direction, she sighed and continued with her pending homework.

Yelena had listened to the entire conversation from behind a bookshelf, obtaining very good information that would be of help to her.

She felt very silly for not having thought of that option, the place where forbidden books with dark and dangerous themes, there must be something there.

After thinking about it for several seconds, he knew that the best option was to enter that part of the library stealthily, since he couldn't waste time doing that damn process, plus the hairy woman would reject his request just by mentioning a word about it.

So she prepared herself, taking a large amount of free blank sheets and drawing as many glyphs as she could in those few minutes. Getting in wouldn't be the biggest problem, but finding what she was looking for and getting out without being caught. It was time to start phase two of his plan.

In a stealthy way, he slipped through the entire library avoiding Lucia at all costs until he arrived in front of the large wooden door that protected those prohibited books.

Opening that door would cause a great noise throughout the place, drawing the attention of the manager and the oxygenated witch, she had to create a distraction to enter, and boy did she know how to create confusion with her human jokes.

Using two glyphs of fire, one of ice, and one of electricity, he activated a "storm" near a poor demon who was reading a cookbook at the time, in order to make it look like the one responsible.

Once the glyphs were activated, the water and the wild thunder began to wet everything in the library, from books, furniture, the manager and the other people who were there. The chaos didn't take long to start, people ran out of there and Lucia together with the manager tried to counteract the magic, Yelena took advantage of this and opened the door of the forbidden section enough to enter and not make too much noise, she managed to enter.

The forbidden section was, to say the least, disturbing. The place was dark due to the little lighting there was, the shelves looked worn, there were skeleton mice roaming the corridors and surroundings of the place, without a doubt Yelena did not want much time in that place so she got down to work and started her search.

I walk through the corridors of the site looking for a book that could serve you in your goal. In his search he found books about the history of the islands, their technology, strange gastronomy that had to do with humans and necromancy, although all those books were interesting to him, they were not what he was looking for at that time, so he did not investigate. in them more thoroughly.

-Come on, there must be something around here, I don't want to return empty-handed- She said to herself trying to be more optimistic, but nerves and desperation were doing her thing-

For more than an hour she had wandered around the premises trying to find relevant information, she was desperate to give up, when a bookseller mouse scared her.

-Agh, silly rat, why does everything in this place have to be so...Uh?- Upon looking better, the rat was on a more than interesting book: "The Magical Relics" -

Having no other options, she took that book from the shelf and began to read it right there, becoming interested in the content of the work.

The book detailed or explained the existence and operation of ancient magical relics with unique powers and abilities.

From gloves laced with plant magic, crystal balls that displayed what you wanted most, to a harp with mind control powers, however, she ignored all of the above as she found the only thing that could cure her master's curse.

The healing hat.

That relic, according to the writing or the information, had the ability to heal any disease, eliminate magical evils and even counteract any curse on the subject in question.

This was what she was looking for, the only thing that would end the curse, she had finally found something.

A big smile formed on his face and his happiness increased to the clouds, he had finally found something, but as he continued reading he found terrible news that wiped out all his happiness. That hat along with the rest of the magical relics were protected by the emperor's coven under the vague explanation of preventing them from being used for evil.

Yelena wanted to throw the book at the wall, but she stopped herself before doing so because the last thing she wanted was to get herself into unnecessary trouble. He simply sat on the ground and sighed, now he had to come up with a better plan to get that relic.

-Why does everything have to be so difficult?- He reproached in a low voice, but with obvious anger- Why couldn't he simply be in a strange cave with some golem protecting him? That would save us a lot of trouble- I take the book again, but this time in order to take photos and save the information, reading some curious things about it- Pfff, who would put simple letters as a sign of authorship? It's ridiculous, excuse such LNP, but I have a mission to accomplish-

Deactivating the sound of the camera, Yelena took several photos where the healing hat was mentioned, she had to formulate her next step to take, but first she had to get out of there without being caught by anyone.

She walked until she reached the half-open door of the section and left without making much noise, closed the door and drank some water that had been left on several books to wet herself and not arouse suspicion.

As he walked to the exit, he observed all the chaos that he had caused with his distraction as well as that demon that he blamed for the storm being harshly reprimanded by Lucia with the help of his abominables, at his side was the manager who looked furious.

He knew that he had gone too far with what he did and he should apologize for his actions, but that would be later, now he had more important matters to worry about.

Before walking out the door, she took one last look at the chaos she caused earlier, sighed, and finally left the library without being discovered by anyone.

The afternoon had finally settled, he had spent much longer in the library than he thought, it wouldn't take long for the sun to set and night to come, he had to hurry to get home if he didn't want to be dinner for the night. some wild griffin or worse.

On her way back, Yelena would go through the photos she took from the book trying to find any detail or information that she had missed. The people in the market looked curiously at the girl for several seconds before returning to their business, either serving a customer or packing up their stall to leave.

Without realizing it, the brunette had entered the forest through an area that she did not travel and much less knew, she tried to go back the way she came, but the classic environment of a thick forest prevented her, she had gotten lost in a way as stupid as she was. could finish He put his cell phone away and began to walk through that wooded area that he knew little about with the hope of returning either to Lummut or by pure chance to the house.

-Great, I had to get lost in this forest and in a stupid way. Why am I not more careful with this?- She claimed to herself aloud, the annoyance she felt in these moments was evident when she spoke.-

The only thing that could be heard while walking was the singing of some birds and what seemed to be toads, nothing had tried to kill her...yet.

As if out of a cliché, a wild griffin appeared near her in order to make her dinner, attracted by the moans of the brunette who now seemed slightly scared and nervous for said creature.

In a quick movement, Yelena removed several of her glyphs from her clothing with the intention of defending herself in case things turned ugly for her, a scenario that was about to happen.

The beast let out a great cry towards Yelena and then ran at great speed in her direction, Yelena rolled out of its way in a quick maneuver avoiding the impact of the griffon, shortly after activating a glyph of plants which rolled up the body of the creature, For a few seconds he thought he had won, until his enemy freed himself from the vines with a quick cut. Now the griffin was angry about it.

The griffin charged again at Yelena at full speed, who in turn dodged it again as if it were a bullfighter.

He took a glyph of fire and another of ice with which he formed a smokescreen to escape from there, he didn't have time for a fight now, but the creature thought otherwise.

Yelena ran out of the mist at full speed using the trees to hide easily, the griffin noticed this and began to chase her from the air using his nose to find her.

Something similar to the game of cat and mouse was happening in the place, Yelena in the role of the mouse avoiding being caught and defending herself as best she could with the help of her glyphs, and the griffin in the role of a cat that would not give up anything until it was captured. to her prey, at least, that was until Yelena got fed up and brought out her new glyph, the electric glyph.

The human waited until the beast was close enough to her to activate it and attack her attacker, upon contact, the electric shock was so strong that it left the griffin with involuntary spasms as a result of the electric shock.

Yelena had won this confrontation, the griffon withdrew from that place as best he could, fleeing from the Latina who had defeated him, the duel was over and just in time, since Yelena did not have many glyphs left.

She remained on the ground for a few seconds, catching her breath and cleaning the dirt off of her, verifying that she had not inflicted any injuries because of that wild griffin, luckily she was unharmed but a little tired.

-I went, that was close- The girl got up from the ground and cracked some bones in her body, relaxing her and taking away the fatigue from her. She looked around and luckily she recognized the place, a torn tree helped guide her, it was halfway to La Casa.-

When she got up from the ground with the intention of continuing on her way, she noticed something on the ground where she was, a dirty necklace under layers of dirt, curiosity got the better of her so, using her hands, she removed the dirt from above, recovering the necklace.

A gold necklace with a small hourglass placed in the center as a pendant. She checked that it was not damaged or had something on it. Upon corroborating this, she was able to fully admire it.

-This necklace is very pretty, I wonder whose it was- The idea of putting it on suddenly appeared in her mind, a conflict now occupied her thoughts- Shall I wear it or not?-

For more than 5 minutes he thought about whether to do it or not, considering the pros and cons that this would bring, he was about to not do it until he reconsidered something, the necklace must have some property over time, if it was capable of slowing down or stopping the movement. time, I would get the hat without any problem.

That idea was enough to convince her to place the pendant around her body, a serious mistake.

At first it seemed that the pendant didn't do anything and it was just a trinket, I waited several seconds for it to do something, but nothing.

Feeling disappointed that nothing happened, she took the pendant with the intention of taking it off, that's when the magic began.

A red bubble arose around Yelena who, scared by what was happening, tried to get out of her confinement, but she couldn't do anything, her blows didn't damage the bubble or its glyphs.

Powerless over the situation, all he could do was resign himself to the worst, watching what was happening outside his bubble with horror and fear.

The place was distorted and twisted in strange ways, little by little things showed significant changes that left the brunette confused.

Different trees were repaired, some animals ceased to exist or simply shrank, the ground under it changed, the stones disappearing like a path, leaving simple earth. The day cycle also changed, from one moment to the next it changed from day to night, from night to day.

This was the situation for at least 2 more minutes until everything stopped and the red bubble disappeared, letting it fall to the ground.

Yelena took a breath before thinking about what just happened, she looked at the necklace in horror and tried to take it off and throw it, until a memory came to her mind, Joshua, Mark and her mentor.

She wasn't sure what had happened and if anyone had answers it was Mary, she left the necklace around her neck and ran with all her strength to the house. Noticing on her journey how different plants and trees had undergone a change, from their size to the simple fact of not existing, her happiness at seeing her teacher faded before an image that was shocking to her.

She didn't know how, she didn't know why, but the house wasn't where it should be, it's as if it had never existed in that place.

At a slow pace Yelena approached the land of the house trying to find an explanation for her absence, there was no tower, no house, no Mark. Something was not right and he should know what was happening, he thought where to go and find answers.

-Come on Yelena, think, think! -A place appeared in his mind, the only place where he could find answers to what happened- Lummut, of course! –

Yelena had a new objective, to return to the market and ask the witches and demons about what happened, someone had to know something about it and she had to try, there was no other option.

She prepared to run back to where she came from, she ran with all her might in the direction of the city, not knowing that she would find even more shocking news for her.

Nothing was the same.

When one thinks of love, a general idea is that, for it, there are no barriers.

Many stories portray it, neither the language, the species, the gender, the race, each and every one of them was not enough to curb that fervent feeling.

And on this occasion, time will not be either.

Things seemed to be going relatively well, considering his surroundings and home, everything was always screwed up.

Poverty, abuse of authority, tyranny, misery wherever you look and endless problems that would horrify whoever looks at it.

Among all the people, equally bad or miserable, there was a woman. A girl with brown hair, brown skin and a bit stocky, green eyes and a thin complexion.

She could be seen in a hurry, hoping to get home as soon as possible without being intercepted by some guard or crazy person, the last thing she wants is to have to fight and get her clothes and hands dirty, after all, it is difficult to remove the blood stains.

On his way, he was able to observe an arrest of a cannibal, several guards used their weapons and spells to subdue him, they were very violent with the guy, but I would be lying if I had any empathy for him.

Nearby, two other guards posted various posters on the walls as usual, nothing to note except for new "Wanted" posters and propaganda from the emperor.

Seeing the image of that monster caused him disgust and hatred for everything he did to the people.

A guard noticed his expression, which he had to change quickly, he just quickened his pace while he still felt the gaze of that guard, luckily he decided to do nothing and just mutter an insult.

-Stupid- Said the guard with a serious voice and contemptuous tone-

-"Imbecile"- Said the girl in a low voice with a sweet but aggressive voice-

Shortly after, he arrived at his home, quickly opened the door and entered closing with more than 6 bolts and padlocks.

The sound caught the attention of her family, who were overjoyed after she returned safely.

-Sister!- Her brother, a little boy, went towards her and with all the warmth in the world, he hugged his sister's legs when he couldn't reach her-

-Hehe, be careful Joshua, I don't want to throw away the food- Being kind, he shook his legs a little to be able to walk smoothly and not lose his balance-

-Oh daughter- The mother spoke, an older woman with somewhat rustic clothes, gray hair and several wrinkles. Her expression showed concern and when she spoke- We thought something had happened to you. For an hour the guards have been making raids to catch various criminals.-

-Calm down ma, you know I know how to defend myself against those imbecile gorillas, several have already tried to mess with me and what they got was a beating- The brunette told her past experiences with pride and confidence.-

-I know, but you know that you are not invincible and that they do not play fair, tell me, what would we do if something happens to you, Yelena?- the mother said with fear and concern, hoping that her eldest daughter would understand and be more careful.-

Hearing that, he couldn't help but feel some guilt for his attitude, because everything they told him was true.

If she continued like this, sooner or later she would end up arrested and with a fate worse than death.

He sighed and headed for the kitchen as he calmed down his mother.

-You're right, don't worry, I'll avoid getting into trouble and not abuse my luck- She smiled at her mother as a sign of understanding, being returned by a small smile- Now... Who's hungry?!-

- Me, me, me!- The little man gave small jumps that were somewhat adorable-

-Then go and wash your hands where mother and I prepared the food- Yelena raised the food she brought a little, then she went to the kitchen being reached by her mother -

The two women rushed to prepare today's dinner, the little brother ran to the bathroom to wash his hands.

The atmosphere was calm, the dark green tapestry on the walls accompanied by a dark wooden floor and several candles that illuminated the interior gave the feeling of security and calm.

Yelena would show off her good cooking skills preparing her usual special, "Meatloaf".

The two women had a good synergy when preparing the kitchen, passing by and helping each other to stir, prepare and clean. It took them about fifteen minutes in comfortable silence, neither of them feeling the need to speak at the moment.

Once the dinner was cooked with the help of a stove and some fire magic, they took the dinner out of the pan and cut the dinner into several pieces, serving her brother first, then her mother, and lastly her.

The 3 of them sat down, but not before thanking them for the food and living another day in relative calm, at one point, the mother turned to look at the photograph of her late husband, she could only let out a sigh followed by a sad face. Yelena noticed and gave her a few words to comfort her.

-Calm down, everything will be fine- With a relaxing tone, he spoke to his mother and gave her a warm smile-

-T-thank you, daughter, it's just...- The older woman tried not to lose her composure, but when she spoke her frustration could be noticed, mixed with a certain annoyance and sadness- Things only get worse, because of of the imbecile emperor. If he wasn't there, everything would be better.-

-Your father would continue with us- When he said that, he couldn't help but shed a tear, it really hurt him to remember that occasion-

-I know, and if I could do something to solve all of this, I would.- A fervent feeling of hatred arose again-

Since I was little, I always hated the emperor and his way of governing, many friends no longer existed, she couldn't enjoy her life and she always had to live in fear of one day going out and those disgusting guards or some crazy kidnapping her and making her what you want.

He could only sigh so as not to explode, saving his will for later.

-Let's just hope that something happens and that monster ceases to exist-

-I hope daughter, I hope-

After that little conversation, dinner passed quite quickly, but calmly, Yelena ate slowly, enjoying her own creation, just like her mother, her brother, on the other hand, ate like a pig, devouring two pieces of the cake.

When he finished, his brother went up to his room to go to sleep, his mother got up and went to her bedroom, but not before saying goodnight to her daughter.

Yelena got down to business and started cleaning the kitchen, after all, it was her turn.

Washing dishes and removing dirt from surfaces helped to calm her down and leave her to her thoughts.

What he said a while ago stayed with her, she wished the emperor didn't exist anymore, but she knew it was basically impossible. If he has ruled for so long, it is for a good reason, and he cannot be underestimated.

Even so, he couldn't stop thinking about it, first, coming up with very silly and unrealistic plans, like throwing a rock at him, getting eaten by a pig, giving him stale cheese.

Little by little and the more he reflected on it, the more serious plans and ways to kill him came up.

An attack on a parade? Very obvious, implant an explosive in the castle? She couldn't even plant the bomb before being executed, battle with him? Okay, that wasn't getting her anywhere, so she stopped thinking about it and just focused on finishing cleaning as soon as possible and maybe reading a bit.

Several minutes passed, she had finally washed the last plate, now her night was free and she could do whatever she wanted.

If it weren't for the night watches and the ferocious animals, he would take a walk in the woods, he should stay inside and entertain himself with his books.

He went up to his room and entered quietly, trying not to wake his family.

Once inside, he lit a candle with a bit of magic to give it light, immediately afterwards, he stood in front of his shelf and looked for a book to read today.

After thinking about it a bit, he decided that today was mystery night.

He took his book titled "The Killer of Time" and quickly lay down on his bed to read it.

The story was most captivating, a man who traveled between different eras to annihilate certain people, without explaining very well why.

Thus the hours of the night passed, placing themselves in various positions on his bed, until the day claimed its turn over the darkness of the night.

Curiously, at the same moment that a ray of light reached his eyes, he stayed in the part where the reasons for the blessed man were explained, and what he said was enough to make him swear that he would do the impossible to fix everyone's lives. .

"I kill these people so that the future of hundreds of thousands more is prosperous."

It had been made clear, she would kill the emperor one way or another, perhaps in the same way as in the book, if that was possible, of course.

-Hmmm, I wonder if time travel is possible...- He got up from his bed and began to think about his doubt. Staying up late was not a problem for her, after all, she has gotten used to doing it occasionally-

While still believing in that plan and some way to make it real and possible, she left her room and went downstairs until she reached the kitchen, her mother was right there, humming a slow song while preparing what seemed to be eggs with some meat, his brother must still be asleep because he was not sitting at the table, waiting for his food as usual.

He didn't make much noise and just sat down to wait for his breakfast. With nothing else to think about or focus on, the idea of time travel was still in his head, he should investigate if possible, and he had in mind the best place to find answers, the library in his city.

In that place he could find everything, from more of his books that he loves to read so much, as well as writings of ancient magicians and their strange relics, after all, if a bearded man charmed a stone so that it would speak, there was a possibility that a magician more serious and dedicated to his work has done something with a watch or something like that.

-Erick, breakfast is ready!- The mother yelled with enough power to wake up and/or rush her youngest son, in turn, she was holding a plate with an omelet and placed it in the little one's place- I hope that child doesn't stayed up late-

-Calm down, she didn't do it- Without thinking much about what she said, she continued as if nothing had happened, helping herself to a plate of food-

-Again Yelena?- The mother said, a little annoyed to hear that, she didn't like at all that her daughter kept up doing anything herself- What do we agree on, daughter? You promised me you wouldn't do it again-

-And it's true, what I've done now was the first time I've done it in almost two months.- The brunette would say while she ate somewhat quickly, but not fast enough to avoid attracting her mother's attention-Besides, you know that I like to read a lot, and not sleeping one day doesn't really affect me.-

-Please, daughter, let this be the last time this happens, or I'll give Erick your favorite book- He would say firmly and without saying another word, he served his breakfast and began to eat, ending the conversation-

Thinking about that was very unpleasant, although he loved his brother very much, he did not tolerate his treatment of books and many of his toys in general. He knew it was his age, but he still didn't like it.

She felt a slight chill, which made her make a mental note not to see her favorite book die.

"Well, well, I won't do it anymore, okay?" The girl felt relieved when she received a nod from her mother, which calmed her down and made her continue with her breakfast-

While they were eating, little Erick went down the stairs very quickly until he reached his family and his treasured breakfast, he did not hesitate to eat it very quickly, receiving a scolding from his mother, Yelena giggled and continued eating.

As the food on her plate dwindled, her plan for today was almost complete. First she would take a dagger next to her hood to get out and be ready in case something happened, then she would go to the library to find any old books that might be of use to her, and probably steal them if necessary.

He hoped to find useful information to think about his next move, and he had to be quick, the emperor's monster had eyes and ears everywhere.

Finally, I'm done, so he quickly went up to his room while his mother washed the dishes and Erick would do anything to entertain himself.

He's quick, and without wasting a second, he pulls out a silver dagger with a detailed blue handle from his clothes drawer, courtesy of a kind thief who almost mugged an old lady, that day was interesting, and he got such a gift.

He left the dagger and went to his closet to get what he was looking for, a dark hood that his mother knitted for him with magic wool or something like that, what he likes the most is the color and that allows him to be agile, better if it's night because of its dark color.

He pulled the hood up and left the hat down for the moment, taking his dagger and hiding it among his clothes in case he had to make a quick move.

With everything ready, she left her room and reached the front door where she was stopped by her mother when she left without warning.

-Where do you think you're going, young lady?- Her mother would say behind her daughter, placing her hands on her waist and with a serious expression-

-I'll go to the library ma, remember that these days they bring new books and I don't want to miss them- Yelena would partly tell the truth, today new books arrived and from other places she doesn't know, but it wasn't the reason she left. Feeling very nervous, I hope her mother swallowed that excuse and let her go-

-Is it Wednesday already? Damn, I have to take Erick to his tutor and have him receive his classes- When he remembered this, his attention was fixed on something else, so he didn't think too much about his daughter-Okay, just be careful and arrive before dark-

-Thanks ma, I'll bring you something from the market when I come home- She opened the door and turned one last time to say goodbye to her mother and brother who just arrived in the living room-Bye ma and bye Erick, I'll be back later-