
Chapter Fourteen

"Aliyah?" He called once again as I returned to reality and blinked at him.

"You what?" I stammered and he smiled

"I have fallen in love with you" he said and impulsively I pulled him towards me and our lips intertwined.

with his hands wrapt firmly around my torso,there was absolutely no space between us as my hands explored his face.i kissed him,with so much desire and passion than I've ever had.and he returned the kiss with just as much adoration.I don't know whether it was the uncertainty or the fear,but hearing him say those seven words erupted butterflies in my stomach,for my heart yearned for them.

"I love you too,Kaiden.I will never get to say that to you,and I may never hear it from you as well.You have revealed yourself to me but I have yet to tell you who I am, and when our truths are out,We will only live in hate.We were never meant to be. Our story is not like there's,we won't have our happy ending" I thought to myself as the tears streamed my face

"And now ladies and gentlemen,the time you have all been waiting for.its time to announce this years prom king and queen!" A guy announced and people cheered

"His car still isn't back yet! Maybe we should check on them" Austin said

"They must be fine,besides Aliyah already knows everything.Kaiden wouldn't hurt her" Debby replied

"The winners are-!!" He anticipated

"How are you so sure of that?" Austin asked

"Because I can it in his eyes,whether you guys like it or not,he loves her.And I believe he wouldn't do anything to her"

Debby replied

"Kaiden Scott And Aliyah Reed!!" He announced and everyone cheered looking for them

"Yess! I knew they'd win." Debby exclaimed "he's risking his safety and the safety of his people for her,you don't just take that risk for anyone" she added

"Aliyah! Kaiden!" He called

"They are not here!" Laura replied

"Well in that case the winners become the second runner ups who are,Laura and Loyd!!" He announced and they went up on stage to get there crowns.

"I have to go,Jackson's here! You'll be okay?" Debby asked

"Relax! It's prom,I'm pretty sure I can survive " he teased and she left.

He looked around and spotted Kira seated at her table alone,and noticed the guys were dancing with their partners. He got up and left the room.

Following him behind,she found him seated by the pool alone.sneaking up to him,she tripped and twisted her ankle.

"Are you okay?!" He asked as he rushed to her "what are you doing here?" He asked helping her up

"Ouch!" She exclaimed putting weight on his leg.

"You've sprained your ankle!" He said and lifted her up to carry her to the empty nurse's office and placed her on the table.he looked around and found a first aid kit and took care of her leg.

All the while Kira stared at him in a daze, he removed her shoe carefully and slowly moved her ankle around,then applying some ointment he wrapt it up in a gauze.

"Why are you always helping me?" She asked

"Whenever we meet,you're always in some kind of a predicament" he replied as he finished

"But I'm always rude to you"

"Yes,occasionally! But that doesn't mean you're a rude person,maybe you just don't like me" he said and finished

"I'll go call one of your friends to come help you back" he said and was about to leave when she reached out to him.

"I'm sorry.You must think am mean and heartless like everybody else"

"No,I think your beautiful and you have hard time trusting people,I can understand that"

"Why were you here alone? Where's your date?" She asked and he chuckled

"Debby? She's just a friend. I was just escorting her tonight,her boyfriend just picked her up" he said "why were you following me?" He asked

"I wasn't following you!"

"Really?! Then what were you doing here?" He asked and she froze

"I wasn't here for you! Don't get any funny ideas!" She quickly protested

"I only have one thing in mind right now" he said and got closer to her as she sat still on the table.

"I don't like you!" She said

"I don't buy it!" He said and crept even closer to her.

Reaching out,he touched her now red cheeks and pulled her closer to her.

"You don't like me even a little?" He asked now inches apart

"No!" She replied less confident

"Well- I do" he said and kissed her slow and tenderly,and the response he got stunned him as she too kissed him back. And the kiss grew more intimate and more intense as the heat in the room built up.

"Why are you crying? You'll spoil your make up!" He said carefully wiping away

The tears from my face.

"Come one,let me show you my home" he said and we went back to the car.

He held my hand as he drove us to the outskirts of town,taking a corner we made our way to dusty road and came to a stop.we got out and walked the path by foot,until we arrived on a large estate,there laid a beautiful mansion.It was grand and exquisite,the kind of houses you'd see in movies.

It was guarded to the maximum with every entry or passway. They bowed whenever we made our way,and he took me around the massive building,to a secret entrance.

"You live here?!" I asked bewildered

"Yes,my entire pack lives here!" He replied as we got in and climbed some stairs.when we got to the top,there was a balcony with a clear view of the mansions interior,from the parapet we could see everything,there were soo many of them it was like a colony;there were women and children,other rooms for people to stay in,sporting grounds,a pool,play grounds and that was just one part of it.they were tiny pups running around and people helping each other while some could be seen inside watching tv while others cooked.

"My parents built this place for them to stay safe,for us to have a normal life.My father had planned to make a revolution and turn all werewolves good.he wanted for humans and werewolves to leave in peace.He made special recruit teams that saved people at there time of need. We would get to use our powers for the good,he had convinced plenty but one. One Alpha who completely declined,he believes that humans and werewolves would never get along,and so the only thing left was to either kill them or make them one of us.My parents were in constant battle with him,until one day he killed them" he said in anguish

"I'm so sorry Kaiden" I consoled and he smiled

"My parents started something that I intended to finish.I want for these people to also have a normal life,to go to school,to have friends,to get married.i believe that we don't have to live in fear, that it could be possible to live in peace. After that Alpha was killed,there was peace for a while.until the successor too began to attack me and my pack.we are yet to know of his whereabouts and identity,he keeps making trouble for us to help so that he can attack us.Most of my men have been killed,and I am yet to find a solution" he explained

"So you mean there is another pack that is out there killing people?" I asked astonished

"Yes! They want to destroy us,and turn the people against us.All of them down there rely on me,I am there savior and they look up to me.it is my duty to protect them and the people.After I graduate want to focus on them and plan how I can help them.if humans start fighting against us,they will loose there trust and retaliate and a war will break loose" he admitted

"You are the only one that keeps my mind in check"he said and kissed me "Now that you know the truth,you will be in danger.But you still have a choice,if you back away,you will be safe,and no one will trace you to me.I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you.We will remain as we as are until we graduate,then from there you can-"

"Stay! I'm staying. I'm not going to leave you Kaiden!" I replied

"Aliyah,this is no joke! The moment you decide to stay with me,it's for good.And your life will be constant risk"

"I'm sure.I wanna be with you Kaiden,nothing else" I said as tears once again began to well up,knowing the uncertainty to what I was pledging@@@ "I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me,and I would always be by your side" I added and he hugged me.

"Just you and me?" He asked

"You and me" I replied in his embrace as tears fell.He looked at me and once again dried my face.

"Don't go soft on me now,Reed!" He teased

"You wish!" I replied and we chuckled

"Let's go back now,if they see you they'll make a fuss" he said and we went downstairs.

We walked our way back to the car and he drove us away.I have never been more confused my entire life.

"Who are you Kaiden Scott?" I thought to myself

"Is that why Kira hates me?" I asked

"Yes! She noticed my feelings for you and she knew eventually I would reveal my identity to you.She's scared of putting the pack at risk" he replied

"She does- have a point!"

"I trust you.with everything I've got" he replied and held my hand.

He drove us back to school and we made our way back,people were still dancing from the music that could be heard from outside.

"So the guys that are always around you?"

"Soldiers,they are for my sister.and in the mean time they also get to study" he replied as we walked in.

"Your powers?" I asked

"I'll show you that later" he replied with a laugh.

As we got in there was no sign of anyone,I called Debby and he went to look for Kira.she wasn't picking up the phone so I kept looking around for her.

"Where were you Aliyah? You were announced prom queen?!" A girl asked

"Really?" I asked and she nodded

"You weren't around so they gave it to Laura" she said in spite and I laughed

"It's okay,let her have it"

"You look beautiful by the way,you should wear dresses more!" She said nicely

"Thank you,I'll keep that in mind" I teased giggling "you also look amazing"

"Have you happened to see a blonde in a blue dress tonight?" I asked

"Oh yeah,Debby?! she left like an hour ago" she said and I thanked her

On the hallway,Austin was helping Kira back to the room and they bumped into Kaiden.

"Kira! What's wrong?" He immediately asked

"She's fine,she just sprained her ankle" Austin replied

He went over and took her into his arms

"Thank you,for taking care of her" he said and helped her back.

"Where were you?" She asked after Austin left.

"With Aliyah.I told her the truth"

"What?! Kaiden have you gone mad?!" She asked jerking herself from him,but he caught her before she could stumble.

"I trust her!"

"I don't! She's human.we don't know anything about her! What if she's a spy or something?!"

"Then I'll find out"

"Kaiden,you just exposed our family secret to some stranger you have feelings for!"

"I love her!"he said and she halted for a brief moment.

"No! Your confused. Just because mom and dad's story was a success,doesn't mean yours will as well"

"And who's to say it won't!"

"You're making a mistake, and you will regret this!"

"Let's wait and see then"

"I can't believe you!"

"Austin! Where is Debby?" I asked as he popped up

"With Jackson! They went on a date I guess" he replied

"I was worried sick,can you take me home please?" I asked

"Of course,I was leaving as well.Is everything okay?" He asked

"Wait here" I said when I saw Kaiden and went to him.

"Kaiden,I'm going home now"

"I can take you!" He offered

"No it's okay,I'll leave with Austin.Take care of her" I said noticing the gauze.

"If you betray us,I myself will make sure you pay!" She warned

"Kira,enough!" He said calling out the the guys.

They immediately responded and two of them went for the car and two supported her,as she stared at Austin and left the room.

"I'll go get the car!" Austin said and left

"Forgive her"

"She's just looking out for you,I would do the same in her place" I said and he smiled as we left

"You know we won prom king and queen" I teased

"You already were one" he replied kissed my knuckles and locked hands as we exited the school.