
a love contract with my favorite villain

when Fumiko Suzuki was five she made a contract with her friend Arturo Aguirre that if they aren't married at the age of twenty-five then they would married each other. now twenty years later Fumiko is heartbroken and single after a toxic relationship with her ex and she decides that she would stay single forever until Arturo appears out of nowhere with the contract and now Fumiko doesn't know what is worst the fact that Arturo took the contract serious and actually wants to marry her or the fact that he is the most wanted villain also known as "Bloodstain"

TlatoaniPizarro · Fantasy
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43 Chs

everything went wrong

in the bank every civilian is awake and with a mask on including the group of professional Villains (well the professional part could be argue on a debate) Arturo is laughing at the moment that he puts a mask on. he looks at the rest of his partners and they all seem ready to follow with this crazy plan. one of Daisuke's clones walks near the front door.

"I am going to freed every hostage so you can send your Heroes inside to fight me without any tricks."

said the clone while the original is clapping proud of his clone.

everyone gets out of the bank wearing an animal mask. Daiskuke leaves inside two clones while other two of his clones go outside shooting at Heroes and cops with assault riffles. the bank blows up scaring everyone and the civilians are running away scared. in the commotion Blind Thief is able to hide inside of a store and while he change his clothes he leaves using the back door dress as a normal civilian.

"stop right there."

yields every Hero and cop confused and disoriented with all the commotion. everyone with a mask is stop and they all say the same thing.

"the criminals stayed inside of the bank, we are just normal and simple civilians."

Madame Twisted Mind enters inside of a store. a policeman notice and he gets inside unaware that she was waiting for him. she uses her power on the cop to change clothes and she leaves using the front door dress as a cop she walks away from there. a policeman stops Alyona and after taking the mask off a Hero recognized her and he arrest her.

Arturo is walking nervously and is stop by a cop. Harold was walking behind of him and he couldn't let just anyone touch the man that he has always seen as his Hero and role model so he did the one thing he always does. Harold took his mask off and he started to attack randomly everyone around of him. he is surrounded by cops and Heroes. the cop that stopped Arturo told him to get to safety. the cop grabs his gun and he aims at Harold ignoring Arturo who walks away feeling guilt, conscious that Harold sacrificed his freedom in order to save him and he was grateful for that.

Daisuke is mostly ignore by everyone and he gets inside of a bar. he orders a beer and snacks. he has no motivation to fight nor a mastermind to escape from that chaos so he is just going to drink and eat in the bar until it is safe for him to go home. six cops and two Heroes are entering in the bar. they look at him ( basically every cop and Hero knows who he is because he is an assassin that takes pride in completing his missions without hiding his face. the Drainer is too prideful to not let the world know who he is) Daisuke smiles feeling guilt for his lack of secrecy towards his own work.

"you know that I am an assassin, right? I would never do something as lowly as robbing a bank..... hahahahaha that is for newbies not a professional like me."

said Daisuke in a nervous tone of voice.

"we didn't say anything jet Mr. Drainer. you seem casually suspicious today."

said one of the cops.

"I invite you all a drink from my own pockets.... deal or not deal?"

said Daisuke thinking that it is over.

"make it a "few" drinks and we have a deal good Sir."

said one of the cops.

Daisuke was glad ( he took some money from the bags and he put it on his pocket and now he can use that stolen money to pay for the silence of more than one lawman) Daisuke accepts and they sit on his table and they all drink like if they were old friends.

at the moment Harold is fighting with cops and Heroes. he runs towards Alyona and he kisses her in front of everyone. Harold carries her bridal style while he is running with her on his arms and the cops are shooting at them. Harold has always loved her but she has never like him like a man but like a younger brother. the cops keep shooting at them and some of the heroes are trying to stop them. Alyona is furious and she slaps Harold multiple times. Harold feels ashamed for his actions and he didn't meant to kiss her but he couldn't stop himself once she was in front of him, he felt like if he didn't kiss her now she would never understand how he feels for her.

Bloodstain is walking peacefully (he put his Villain uniform on) Ray of Hope walks in front of him ready to do what he does best fighting crime. there are some civilians around of them and they put their hope on Ray of Hope activating his power (with the hope of others he doesn't just becomes stronger but all of his senses boost. for Ray of Hope using his powers is like using a drug that makes him better than any regular human at everything (except brains he is lacking in that department.))

for a Hero or a Villain like them using all of their strength isn't possible because they can easily kill a lot of innocent people but then there is a moment in which they find the right person to use all of their strength until they reach their limit and beyond. luck or not, they are in front of each other's equal on strength. Bloodstain shows to his opponent some of his tentacles.

"are you sure about this? I haven't gone 100% on a Villain in a while."

"likewise.....try to not cry on the process, hahahahaha."

Ray of Hope runs towards Bloodstain and he is going to punch him in the stomach but his fist is stop by a gelatinous tentacle. Bloodstain punch him but Ray of Hope dodge the punch like if it was nothing. there is a glowing light around of Ray of Hope's fist making the shape of boxing gloves.

"you are about to be one of those few who are honored by my fist of Hope. try to not pass out after the second punch."

"you are lame, I am cleaning the floor with your lame-bitchy-ass."

Ray of Hope runs towards him. Bloodstain covers himself with eight tentacles. Ray of Hope punches every tentacle until they are destroy in many small pieces and he gets closer to Bloodstain who is laughing like crazy. Ray of Hope thinks that he has giving up on sanity. Ray of Hope tears apart a tentacle and some black smoke is freed from inside of the tentacle. Bloodstain keeps laughing like a maniac. six tentacle with sharp bones on the side are surrounding Ray of Hope. Bloodstain uses those tentacles to cut Ray of Hope multiple times until he is on his knees bleeding a lot. Bloodstain walks in front of him with a creepy smirk.

"who are you?"

asks Ray of Hope trembling with fear.

"I am the King of Devils and I had came to the earth to eradicate those who are not worthy of living.....you can call me Bloodstain."

said Bloodstain thinking about killing him.

"what is happening? from where came all of this smoke?"

yields Fumiko who is far away from there.

Arturo blinks and he feel shame and anger at the same time. he was about to do something stupid in front of Fumiko the love of his life. he can't let Bloodstain out in front of her or otherwise he is going to lose any opportunity of ever been loved by her. Arturo looks at Ray of Hope who is in front of him on his knees crying and praying to his god. Arturo can't let go of this opportunity so he kicks him in the crotch five times.

"sorry, but not sorry. I think that I broke two eggs. no hard feeling, right?"

said Arturo with an evil smile while he leaves.

Fumiko looks at Arturo on the roof of a building jumping to the roof of another building. she looks at Walter Grey running in front of her with a camera and recording Ray of Hope who is on the floor crying in pain. he might deserve all the pain in the world for been an ass but she feels like Arturo went overboard. she smiles thinking that Arturo might be a Villain but he is not a bad guy. he is too nice to be evil.

Harold is running tired and he is afraid of using his power, he might kill someone so he decides to do something less dangerous and he takes two guns out of his pockets. he turn around and he shoot at the cops and Heroes following him. at the time there is only one single thought on his head and that is making sure that they follow him so Alyona can escape and hide somewhere, for her safety he has to force them to use all of their best Heroes to captured him. Harold laughs feeling weak and stupid.

on the other side of the city is Alyona trying to run but she doesn't have much strength left. she is bleeding a lot from a leg and the cops following her don't look like cops, but athletes with huge muscles on their arms and legs. she is not sure if she should be proud or worry to be pursued by those athlete looking males with big mustaches.

far away from there, on the rich zone of Heroic City in Aristide's mansion....

Blind Thief is walking inside of the mansion. he is been surrounded by guards holding weapons. he looks at Aristide in front of him. Blind Thief nods, he puts his left hand slowly inside of his pockets. he grabs the ring and he slowly raises his hand showing the ring to Aristide. Aristide grabs the ring and he puts it on the middle finger of his left hand.

"how was it?"

"we burned half of the stolen money, the other half is in our secret base. they are smart enough to not get caught and if any of them is capture then that person wasn't worth it to be involve in our plans for a future with you, my boss as the Lord of this city."

said Blind Thief believing in his own words.

"there is no doubt that since the first moment that I saw you, I knew that you were the right man to be my right hand. together we are going to rebuild our society into a shape of our liking. together we are unstoppable, with my brains and your loyalty there is no end to the things that we can do."

said Aristide feeling proud of his puppet.

"sir what is our next job?"

asked Blind Thief curious to know more.

"that is a surprise that would be reveal at the right moment, I want you to take a small break and then you get the rest of the team here in my mansion to talk about the next job. is important for me to know that my right hand isn't overworking and that he is healthy before assigning any important job to him."

said Aristide with a friendly smile.

on the streets outside of the bank that was robbed...

Walter Grey is with many other news reporters talking about the events that took place an hour ago. many of the news reporters are asking questions to Ray of Hope who is badly wounded and he is refusing to talk. when he arrived he talked big about been a respected hero and about changing for the better and now he is walking with shame after been defeated by one of those Villains he swear to captured.

Fumiko is in there with Detective Jurgen at her side talking about all the paperwork they are going to do for one single bank robbery. they heard one policeman yielding.

"Sir we have problems"

the policeman was looking at Malcolm King who was still in there trying to see if it is necessary for him to get his hands dirty (well more like wishing for an opportunity to fight) Malcolm walked towards the young officer who informed him about a Villain known as "The Neon M-F-ing Destroyer" destroying property and leaving many police officers wounded in the way. Malcolm smiles like a star about to make an epic entrance. Malcolm asks for the address.

Fumiko asks Jurgen if they also need to go or if they had to stay. Jurgen tells her that is going to be more convenient to stay just in case something else happens. Fumiko is furious because since she arrived she haven't done anything interesting while most of the cops are fighting or searching for any possible criminal associate with the Bank robbery. Jurgen explains to her that it doesn't matter if she is doing anything interesting what matters is to do their jobs and he tells her that she is doing a good job.

Walter Grey is explaining the situation while looking directly at the camera that his coworker is holding. for a moment he looks away and he looks at Fumiko for a second, a second that is enough for him to recognized her face and remember that she is the "ex girlfriend" that Ray of Hope mistreated in the video that he used for his channel as evidence of Ray of Hope's misconduct. he walks slowly towards her with the intention of using her for his channel to annihilate Ray of Hope's career.

there is no better robbery than one that ends bad with a lot of destruction and the #2 Hero with a dying ego.....(and broken eggs.)

TlatoaniPizarrocreators' thoughts