
a love contract with my favorite villain

when Fumiko Suzuki was five she made a contract with her friend Arturo Aguirre that if they aren't married at the age of twenty-five then they would married each other. now twenty years later Fumiko is heartbroken and single after a toxic relationship with her ex and she decides that she would stay single forever until Arturo appears out of nowhere with the contract and now Fumiko doesn't know what is worst the fact that Arturo took the contract serious and actually wants to marry her or the fact that he is the most wanted villain also known as "Bloodstain"

TlatoaniPizarro · Fantasy
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43 Chs

another 'normal' day on the city

last weak, on a neighborhood city.....

Domingo Plazas is in a bar drinking. a mysterious man wearing a mask with the number seven on it walks inside of the bar. the man walks directly towards Domingo and he asks him if he knows anything about Bloodstain. Domingo looks at him in surprise and then he keeps drinking like if it was nothing.

the mysterious man (Lucky-Hit) snaps his fingers. the lights of the whole building went off for about ten minutes. when the lights come back everyone else is dead. there are many figures on cloaks surrounding them. Lucky-Hit asks once more for Bloodstain.

Domingo aware of his situation serves to himself tequila in a glass and drinks it slowly. he looks at every figure on the bar looking at him with the intention of ending his life, probably. he serves tequila in two glasses and he puts one in front of Lucky-Hit.

"he is in Heroic city. the man you want to find isn't Bloodstain but his brother. Arturo Aguirre is in Heroic city... if you want to know how is that I know who he really is, it is simple I have contacts."

Lucky-Hit takes the glass of tequila. he moves his mask up exposing the lower half of his face and he drinks the tequila. he accommodates the mask. Lucky-Hit snaps his fingers. the lights go off and they come back. this time Domingo Plazas was alone in the bar. for a moment he though that he was going to die.

now, inside of Heroic City.....

Night-Sight is walking on the streets dragging a corpse. Jurgen is walking behind him with a gun aiming at him. Jurgen yields at him. Night-Sight drops the dead body as he turns around. Jurgen tells him that he is under arrest for multiple charges of murder (of Criminals), assault (to criminals), and property damages (of criminals.)

Night-Sight tries to talk back to Jurgen but he doesn't find a proper answer. Jurgen puts handcuffs on Night-Sight. he takes Night-Sight inside of his car as he drives in direction to the H.C.P.D. Jurgen asks him if he wants a cigar or some coffee. Night-Sight is quiet.

Jurgen stops the car in front of a building. he gets out. twenty minutes later he comes back with two coffees & bagels. he gives two bagels to Night-Sight and a coffee. Night-Sight takes it, he eats and drinks quietly. Jurgen puts a Cuban cigar on his mouth as he drives. he puts the cigar down to eat and drink.

Jurgen stops in front of the H.C.P.D. he looks back at Night-Sight for a moment. he lets him know that he has two choices. choice one he goes to jail or choice two he becomes a member of the police department and he helps to capture (not kill) criminals. Night-Sight takes the second choice.

"welcome to the Heroic City P.D. I am going to ask you to sleep at night and work on the days. I need of people like you to help me to save the city from the chaos that tries to take control of it."

said Jurgen with a force smile.

twelve hours ago on the center of the city...

Professor Barnett Villan is on a car with Viktor. the driver tells him that is going to take like two hours to arrive at their destiny. Viktor asks to his 'dad' if he is going to have a meeting with important people. Professor Villan couldn't answer that question so he only smiled at Viktor and he told him to not fear.

Viktor looks at the city. the light of the morning is enough to allow him to see clearly the beauty of a city that is the pride of a nation. Barnett tells him that if he wants, he can take him around of the city later when the important meeting is over. Viktor smiles and thanks him with sincerity.

Viktor was as innocent as a child. Barnett could see that his mistake was to allow his creation to have human emotions and to let him live in this cruel world. he swallows saliva as he thinks that his next creation has to be ruthless, but also capable of following commands. if he wants to stay alive he has to create monsters capable of killing without any hint of rebellion against its master. he commit a mistake by allowing Viktor to have a name & a heart.

"Viktor is worry for dad.... dad sad face all hours. Viktor wish for dad to happy face all hour and no sad face."

said Viktor as he tries to hold the hand of the Professor.

"thanks for your sincerity my child. I am not sad, emotions are the kind of things that humans can't control. once more I am afraid that your innocence is going to be stolen, you will eventually end up blaming me for creating you, for giving you unwanted life..... rest now innocent one that the tomorrow is going to be too dark for you to rest."

Villan's words were a contrast of what he actually wanted for Viktor to be his future fully aware that wishing or wanting something doesn't mean it has to happen.

"dad see, a big house of glass. I see weak house of glass, how it stays up."

Viktor refers to the telecommunications tower on the city.

he saw a huge building that seemed fragile on his eyes jet it seems to be older than most buildings in the city. he was curious to know how is that something that seems fragile can hold so firmly, it even seems more firm than most buildings.

"Viktor, listen to my words carefully. I am going to leave you with someone of my whole trust before I go to the meeting. I have fate that you can have a normal second life. there is a limit to what a human can do by himself..... I will create more monsters for them and you will stay hidden until the time comes for us to be reunited."

his voice sounded firm & sure, but with all honesty Professor Villan was doubting of his own words. he didn't know if he was even going to live that long once he gives his freedom to his Viktor.

on the actual time inside of Arturo's home....

Chiko is sitting next to Arturo as they are talking and drinking coffee. Arturo sighs thinking in the meaning of this visit from Gluttonyc Justice. Chiko turns the TV on as he watches the news. Arturo finish his coffee and he looks at Chiko expecting to hear what Chiko has to say.

Chiko asks him first about his relationship with Fumiko. Arturo tells him that she has finally given him an opportunity to conquer her heart. he also talks about their only two dates. Arturo is confident that soon they would have their wedding.

"is time to tell you why I am here.... I will make sure that your father is free in less than two weeks. to do that I need to disappear from the city first. I don't want anyone to suspect you..... this is my last night on the city officially."

"you have to take better care of yourself. look at yourself, do you think your daughter is going to be fine if she sees the way in which you had been behaving lately. please, please take better care of yourself..... you are like a father figure to me and seen you like this is sad to me."

"sorry boy, what I am about to do is for you, is for your father, and is for everyone else' well being. if I help him to release him then every wrong will be undone."

"no. this isn't for us, this is for you. this is your way to wash away the guilt that is eating you. it doesn't matter how many good thing you do it won't matter if you do it for you, to keep clean your conscious.... I know that because I learn than an actual good deed is done out of selflessness and not out of guilt."

Chiko is out of words after being told his truth by Arturo a young man who can be really childish at times. Chiko looks down at the table. he tries to find words to justified his actions or to denied what he was told but there is nothing.

Chiko stands up, he tells Arturo that he has to leave. Arturo asks him to stay a bit longer at least to say goodbye to his daughter. Chiko tells him that he can't stay. the freedom of his friend depends on Chiko's future actions.

Chiko leaves. Arturo looks up at the ceiling. he calls Fumiko and he lets her know that Chiko has left. Fumiko gets out of a room and she asks Arturo if he can explain to her what was the meaning of his conversation with her dad. Arturo choose to stayed quiet.

about ten hours earlier on a random part of the city.....

Alvin Knight is drinking tea with Mr Blue-Ribbon. Alvin Knight asks him to make an alliance with his master to defeat Congressman Mark C Miller Jr a man hard to kill. Mr Blue-Ribbon tells him that he is aware of the alliance that his master made with Alberto Esposito.

Alvin Knight explains that his master is only using that man in the same way that man is using his master. the alliance is only with the purpose of eliminating the Congressman. Mr Blue-Ribbon isn't convinced. Alvin Knight asks him for an agreement to end the war.

Mr Blue-Ribbon laughs as he listens to the desperation in Alvin's voice. the two of them know what kind of person is the other one. Alvin is a man who uses the magic of persuasion to get what he wants. Mr Blue-Ribbon on the other side is a man who proves to be stronger by intimidating others.

"you are a devil, but there is a little detail that you didn't know..... so am I."

said Mr Blue-Ribbon trying to prove that he is in a whole different level.

"you are mistaken sir, I never intended to sound intimidating. the whole time the single thing I wanted to prove is that the name of my master is enough to bring fear to the hearts of the naive and weak."

said Alvin feeling proud of his master.

Alvin takes a notebook from the table and he draws Mr Blue-Ribbon with his head separate from his body. Alvin shows to him the drawing and he gets close enough to him so he can whisper the next words 'this is you.'

"you sure have balls to speak like that to a person like myself. don't forget the fact that your master is nothing in comparison with mine. your master is some gangster that is only known in his territory, but my master is well known in the whole world."

"if he is that important then you are welcome to return to your home like the loyal lapdog you are meant to be.... just if there were doubts let me make something clear. it doesn't matter from where is your master because he will never be as dangerous or great as is my master."

"is that a threat?"

Alvin stands up and then he leaves. Mr Blue-Ribbon stays in there thinking in a way to eliminate the master of the man who has anger him. Mr Blue-Ribbon wants to eliminate any evidence of his existence.

Mr Blue-Ribbon gets a call from his boss. he tells him about the situation in the city. Brandon Ice laughs as he asks him if he needs reinforcements to deal with his problems. Mr Blue-Ribbon tells him that he can deal with them with his own hands.

Brandon Ice talks about problems that he has on his territory with people who are trying to play smart. Brandon asks him to return to his side because he needs of him to kill some enemies that are becoming too dangerous.

Mr Blue-Ribbon asks for two more months. without depending of his victory or failure he will return after those two months. Brandon Ice takes the deal. he hangs up. Mr Blue-Ribbon puts his phone down as he laughs with creepy laughter.

this volume is coming to an end.

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