
A lost fairy (op reader

"Hey Y/N" "Yeah Erzie" "We'll always protect each other right" "Of course" This was the last conversation Y/N had with Erza before both girls joined Fairy Tail. They were running away from a very corrupt island, both very tired and exhausted. So in response to this Y/N summoned the Lightning God, Raitoningu, and he carried both girls while they slept. They were scared sure but when going under the Fairy tail roof, Erza and Y/N felt a feeling they haven't felt in a while. That feeling being safety and love. But before all of this happened, and before Y/N met Erza, Y/N was put on a boat that sent kids away to work at the age of 3. Her parents did this because they could not even look Y/N in the eye. Why? Well because Y/N had eyes that could make anyone run away. They looked like a dragon's, so dangerous and demonic, and yet when she met Erza and the other children at the Tower of Heaven they didn't seem to cower away from her. Anyways, when Y/N was on that boat it caught on fire and everyone had to jump off to the side to get on the boats. All the boats were filled and their were no more boats. So what did Y/N do? She swam until she got tired and washed up on an island. There she met a dragon, one with the same demonic eyes as her. The dragon looked at her with such angry eyes. Y/N wasn't scared, she had another feeling. That feeling was despair. The dragon then said, "Go away before I kill you." "Go ahead and kill me. It seems like the world rejects me anyway. So please just let me wrote away." The dragon looked surprised. What events could leading to such a little girl feeling this or even think such a thing. At that moment the dragon looked at her with pity in his eyes. He agreed in his mind that he would teach this girl super strong magic and take her in as his own. But after years of bonding with him, he left for no reason and the island Y/N lived on was stormed by soldiers looking for the strong magic that was there. The soldiers took the girl and made her work without any breaks and barley any food. There she meets a lovely bunch of people who helped her through this pain because they are going threw the same thing as her. But when the slaves decide to escape only Erza and Y/N are able to escape with big injuries. While Y/N flies her and Erza away from the island, Y/N lands on land being to tired to walk, and you know the rest from their. Anyway come on a journey with Y/N while she makes so many people fall head over heels for her. See you there. Also Y/N love to sing and sings in private. She has a band with her friends form other guilds. That's all and enjoy the story. Bold means talking Ittalics means thoughts Normal means narrations And talking will be like this for example Y/N: Hey Some character: Hi I also made a mistake that there were 20 Gods and goddesses keys, I ment it to be 13

Karma_is_sadistic · Anime & Comics
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Key for story

Y/N = Your name

N/N = Nickname

S/T = Skin tone

E/C = eye color

H/C = hair color

H/L = hair length

F/C = Favorite color

F/S/C = Favorite second color

F/A =Favorite anime

F/M/S = Favorite Manga series

F/M = Favorite Movie

F/T/S = Favorite TV show

F/S/E = Favorite song ever

F/M/A = Favorite music artist

F/D = Favorite drink

F/S = Favorite snack

F/F = Favorite food

F/W = Favorite weather