
8. Low Tide

A sense of dread filled the mercenaries witnessing their paycheck vanish to an unknown destination.

"Well seems our means of payment is gone no more reason to stick around. BACK TO BASE MEN NO POINT DYING HERE!!" using a pair of dimensional scissors his team quickly left behind the unaffiliated ones to the town's mercy.

"We won?" followed by victorious screeches. Now everyone was scrambling to put out the fires as not to burn down the entire town.

Medical aid was provided to the injured and the dead were being moved to a burning pit.

"It's over we have won but at what cost?" Graul feeling responsible for their deaths of the population more than 2,000 townsmen's and 800 mercenaries lives were lost the wails were heard for hours on end.

Approaching with their heads down his closest friends were all present except one. "Where is Sam?" Graul questioned his stomach sinking that bad feeling came true.

Nothing was said the answer is clear. "I see he didn't make it" Graul could not mourn now not in front of others.

"Get yourselves patched up we should help move the fallen" turning his back to them.

Wordlessly they moved the deceased into the burning pit. The flames roared silently, no one spoke as there loved ones were put to rest.

Standing alongside the townspeople Lumi with little emotion showing wished the dead peace. Sensing a presence on a hill two miles away he teleported over locking eyes with Reaver.

"Is this what you wanted a blood bath all for a few more gold coins in your pocket?" Lumi already knowing he will kill him.

Reaver had one hand over his head mumbling to himself shaking like a leaf. Pointless speaking to him anymore Lumi made a dagger plunging it though his heart.

'Even if you are a low life rest in peace. Besides my secret is too valuable for anyone I don't trust to have'.

With no one around he quickly turned the lizard to ashes returning to the town luckily his absence was unnoticed.

Approaching Graul he stood next to him. "How does it feel to have won this decades long battle in just two weeks?" intently looking down at a bird kid crying for his father.

"Not great a portion of honest people died alongside my oldest friend Sam, there are no winners in bloodshed only losers" Graul seeing Dave counsel the little boy along with his two girls.

"While this may be a bad time I must move on I hope you don't resent me for it" Lumi knowing some of this is his fault.

"Thanks to you we got rid of our biggest problem I avenged my father I won't hold it against you I'm sure no one else will either" Graul said the wind blowing through the town.

"Tell the others I could not see them off there are dangerous people pursuing me this dimension needs no more violence upon it's soil" making a portal he walked through it immediately closed on entry.

What he said is a half truth at best no doubt someone will eventually come looking for the orb. Taking the ball out of his coat it glowed mysteriously 'Were should I go next somewhere nobody would think to look and is unknown to the verse as a whole?'.

Sitting in a semi peaceful dimension that was well known. This was a problem with his teleportation ability while he can move to any realm he's already been too he can also go to random ones.

This is a double edged as it can lead him to a worse situation after all infinite universes, infinite possibilities.

'Sitting here is not helping I won't stay in one place to long' while figured out a long term solution moving forward is his best option.

(???) Observing multiple realities the being into the futures of most. One stuck out to him as his future was hazy and to make matters even stranger the existence was only present in one timeline. He had encountered an anomaly. 'I shall wait for now as no time lines have been changed' moving to look at other futures.

(Back with Lumi)

Meditating in a room he rented for the night. Lumi was delving into his mind trying to stabilize his powers as they went haywire every once in a while. Traversing a world he had never been to giant trees stretched in the sky, the forest floor full of plants,animals, and insects scurrying around he had a connection to this place how he doesn't know.

Coming up to a familiar golem guarding a cave entrance. He prepared to fight the sentient creature to pass, sensing his presence the golem loomed over him preventing entrance.

"I will find out what this place means you can only stop me for so long" body bathed in magic.

The two charged resulting in a whiteout.