
A lost Angel Found Once More

In the A city, a place full of deception, lies, wealth, death, and love. There lived the Gu family, one of the most powerful families in the world, they own money, power, and control but they lack love, this family is cursed with a sad generation. No one in the Gu family could give birth to a girl ever since their ancestor Gu Liang died a very gruesome death, he was a kind man but because of power was killed by his older brother, and he cursed his brother saying, " May all descendants of your cruel family fight over power for all eternity, the heavens heard his last prayer and ever since that day the Gu family gave birth to boys only. A Century has passed and they still haven't given birth to at least one female child...until now. The second youngest lady of the Lu family had been wedded to the Second youngest man of the Gu family, it was a day of celebration and pain. Most members of the Gu family did not care as the outcome of the marriage would be the same, a boy, but the Lu family did not care about the gender of the child, they only wanted the wealth and glory the Gu family had and did not mind their curse. Her name was Lu Ari, she was intelligent, angelic, alluring, and graceful, her beauty was captivating. The other men of the Gu family wanted to marry her as well but they couldn't. She had heard the rumors and would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't disturbed, she was, she wanted to have a daughter and a son, and she didn't want to be like the other women in the Gu family, so she often fasted and prayed, but the other women had done that yet they gave birth to boys, she visited the temple and prayed for days, but she wasn't the first to try that, she had been married into the Gu family for two years and she started to worry, forget about having a daughter, she hadn't even given birth to a son so she went to the hospital and was devastated when she heard the doctor say she was infertile, she had starved herself wondering what she did to receive such a life, she couldn't have children and could never fulfill her dream of being a mother, she didn't tell her husband though she could see he was getting worried...and impatient, she cried and cried feeling helpless. Finally, her husband couldn't bear the ridicule, he slept with Lu Ae-Cha, her younger sister, hoping she would get pregnant, she did, and he married her as soon as he could, he didn't care about Ari anymore, though she was extremely beautiful, she was barren and useless, he locked her up in the temple and lived happily with Ae-Cha, Ari never left that temple, she still prayed for a child, hoping the Lord would answer her prayers, even after two years her prayers were not answered, Ae-Cha had already given birth to her son whom she named Gu Dal, he was a lazy boy and was always spoilt boy his parents, unlike his mother who was scheming or father who was clever he was quite dumb, but they still loved and spoiled him. Ari was already 30 years old and was living a pathetic life until one day, she had a dream and in that dream was the most beautiful girl that Ari had ever seen, she was spectacular, the young girl smiled at her and said, " Hello mummy, I'm sorry I'm so late, but I'm here now", the girl had said with a smile. Ari woke up almost immediately and stood up, she ran to the back of the temple and threw up but a smile was on her face, " I think i'm pregnant ", she murmured, then smiled.

Nifesimi_Esther_3092 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

A...girl? the Old man asked again, just to be sure he got it right but Chan-yeol nodded, "She's carrying a girl", the Old man said again, he then turned to Ari on the floor, she looked pale and weak yet it did little to hide her beauty, she was still extremely pretty.

"Are you pregnant?" the Old man asked Ari, she slowly nodded in reply.

"I had a dream", she meekly said, the Old man nodded as if he truly understood her.

Gu Jiho abruptly stood, "That's impossible, she's barren!!" he shouted, so everyone turned to look at him, Chan-yeol shook his head, "She's perfectly healthy and as you can see, she's even pregnant"

Jiho refused to believe it, If she was not barren why on earth would he abandon such a beautiful woman for someone as plain looking as Ae-Cha, he started to regret his actions, and he looked down as he battled his emotions.

Ae-Cha could vaguely understand Jiho's emotions, he was regretting what he had done, which made Ae-Cha extremely angry, she immediately had an idea, "The Gu family is cursed to give birth to only boys, did you sleep outside sister?" she said loudly so everyone could hear, their expressions instantly changed, they all looked at Ari, doubt in their eyes. Ari looked at Ae-Cha and replied, "Have I ever left the Gu residence?" she asked, Ae-Cha didn't know what to say, she had forgotten that Ari had never left the Gu residence since she married Jiho, "I was either in bed or resting" Ari continued, what she said made Ae-Cha's cheek turn red instantly because the hidden meaning in Ari's were, "I've slept with your husband more than you", Old man Gu interrupted the discussion saying "Chan-yeol, do a blood test for the fetus and Jiho", Chan-yeol only bowed in reply then slowly walked towards Ari, "Forgive me madam" he said bowing, Ari didn't understand what she was supposed to forgive until she felt a prickling pain in her stomach and it only intensified, she looked at her stomach and saw three needles protrude from her felt, they pierced her stomach and went so deep that they pierced the unborn child as well, the doctor then pressed Ari's pressure point making her lose consciousness instantly, he swiftly caught her then placed her on the only empty chair, he carefully pulled out the needles he had placed on her body and walked towards Jiho, "These are special needles, they rotten if they're placed in a different type of blood" he explained, Jiho nodded indicating he understood, Chan-yeol then gently placed all three needles in different parts of his body, Chan-yeol then hit Jiho's pressure points as well, he caught Jiho but didn't carry him like he did to Ara, he gently laid Jiho on the floor instead then went to Ara and woke her up, it took a while for her to adjust to her environments, when she finally did she saw Jiho laying on the floor while Chan-yeol removed needles from his body, she wondered what was happening but decided to keep shut, Chan-yeol smiled as he saw the needles, he turned to the Old man "The child belongs to Jiho, the girl belongs to the Gu family" he said, smiling brightly, the Old man sighed of relief then turned to Ara and resisted the urge to huge her, a girl!! [If only his wife lived to see this day] he thought as sadness washed over his face but he kept his cool, "Help Jiho" he finally said, he then immediately remembered something, [wasn't this the woman Jiho locked up?] Fear for the child instantly engulfed him.