
A lost Angel Found Once More

In the A city, a place full of deception, lies, wealth, death, and love. There lived the Gu family, one of the most powerful families in the world, they own money, power, and control but they lack love, this family is cursed with a sad generation. No one in the Gu family could give birth to a girl ever since their ancestor Gu Liang died a very gruesome death, he was a kind man but because of power was killed by his older brother, and he cursed his brother saying, " May all descendants of your cruel family fight over power for all eternity, the heavens heard his last prayer and ever since that day the Gu family gave birth to boys only. A Century has passed and they still haven't given birth to at least one female child...until now. The second youngest lady of the Lu family had been wedded to the Second youngest man of the Gu family, it was a day of celebration and pain. Most members of the Gu family did not care as the outcome of the marriage would be the same, a boy, but the Lu family did not care about the gender of the child, they only wanted the wealth and glory the Gu family had and did not mind their curse. Her name was Lu Ari, she was intelligent, angelic, alluring, and graceful, her beauty was captivating. The other men of the Gu family wanted to marry her as well but they couldn't. She had heard the rumors and would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't disturbed, she was, she wanted to have a daughter and a son, and she didn't want to be like the other women in the Gu family, so she often fasted and prayed, but the other women had done that yet they gave birth to boys, she visited the temple and prayed for days, but she wasn't the first to try that, she had been married into the Gu family for two years and she started to worry, forget about having a daughter, she hadn't even given birth to a son so she went to the hospital and was devastated when she heard the doctor say she was infertile, she had starved herself wondering what she did to receive such a life, she couldn't have children and could never fulfill her dream of being a mother, she didn't tell her husband though she could see he was getting worried...and impatient, she cried and cried feeling helpless. Finally, her husband couldn't bear the ridicule, he slept with Lu Ae-Cha, her younger sister, hoping she would get pregnant, she did, and he married her as soon as he could, he didn't care about Ari anymore, though she was extremely beautiful, she was barren and useless, he locked her up in the temple and lived happily with Ae-Cha, Ari never left that temple, she still prayed for a child, hoping the Lord would answer her prayers, even after two years her prayers were not answered, Ae-Cha had already given birth to her son whom she named Gu Dal, he was a lazy boy and was always spoilt boy his parents, unlike his mother who was scheming or father who was clever he was quite dumb, but they still loved and spoiled him. Ari was already 30 years old and was living a pathetic life until one day, she had a dream and in that dream was the most beautiful girl that Ari had ever seen, she was spectacular, the young girl smiled at her and said, " Hello mummy, I'm sorry I'm so late, but I'm here now", the girl had said with a smile. Ari woke up almost immediately and stood up, she ran to the back of the temple and threw up but a smile was on her face, " I think i'm pregnant ", she murmured, then smiled.

Nifesimi_Esther_3092 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Ari was excited about that dream though she was worried it was her imagination, she was told she was barren and that made her doubt the possibility of her dream being real, she sighed as she saw Ae-Cha and Dal coming her way, Ae-Cha liked mocking Ari about being barren, this time she brought her son along, " Ari, how are you? " Ae-Cha said with a mocking smile, " I'm fine " Ari replied, Ae-Cha scoffed then brought out a red envelope and handed it to Ari, " Mother and father will be visiting, you will follow me and get ready so we'll meet them then you'll come back to your cage, Understood?" Ae-Cha asked, Ari nodded " Understood ". Ari's parents never liked her that's why they sold her to this family, they didn't think not having a girl was a bad thing so they gave Ari away without a second thought but when Ari's husband, Gu Ji-ho went to meet them for Ae-Cha's hand in marriage they made him pay twice as much as he paid for Ari, Ari felt humiliated and unloved, her parents never cared about her, her husband never cared about her, so she hoped the child she believes is in her would love her, only her. Ae-Cha turned to leave and Ari followed her. When Ari entered the house everyone looked at her in disdain, the maids, the kids, and her husband. Immediately her husband looked at her he was stunned at first, though she was wearing rags and her face was dirty, she was still unbelievably gorgeous. She was more beautiful than Ae-Cha but when he remembered she was barren he looked at her in disgust, he walked to Ae-Cha and hugged her waist, he pecked her gently on her lips then looked at Ari, " Go upstairs, the maids will tend to you", Ari nodded slightly then walked upstairs, Ji-ho looked at Ae-Cha and said " I don't want her here", Ae-Cha sighed and said, " My parents should see us both...please", when Ae-Cha said that Ji-ho didn't want to upset her so he nodded, but what Ae-Cha wanted was to show her parents she had a child and Ari didn't, she smiled evilly as she thought of the look on their faces when they'd hear Ari was barren. Ari took her bath and was given a beautiful gown to wear, the maids helped her wear make-up and put on her jewelry, they looked at her beauty and felt envious, when Ari was ready she walked downstairs, as she walked down everyone looked at her in awe, she was really beautiful. Ae-Cha started getting jealous but remembered her parents and cheered up, her parents never loved Ari though she was pretty, they felt she was useless and bad luck because when Ari was born her older brother mysteriously fell ill and died, and her parents mourned for months and hated Ari ever since and they would hate Ari more if they found out she was barren, a mischievous glint shone in Ae-Cha's eyes as she smiled, then the butler walked to Ji-ho and said "Sir, the Lu family is here", "Let them in" he replied, Ae-Cha smiled and murmured "Showtime"