
A LOSER? SO WHAT! I can still kick your ass!

Tan Fu traveled to a world where superpowers and ordinary people coexisted. She was beaten up as soon as he arrived. Wasn't she a well-known genius? How could she be beaten like this? However, even if you travel through time, you won't be able to pass the college entrance examination. Tan Fu, who has graduated for many years: "".e.. Finally, she looked at the omnipotent system with hopeful eyes, "System, save me! I want to take the college entrance examination, and I want to work hard." I want to go to college!! The system that was just born is also ignorant: "...just wait." At night that Tan Fu couldn't see, it was the hard work of his own system that stayed up late every day to search for information online. Finally one day, the system came with its messy information. System: "Host, our current strength is such that anyone can punch us flat. Tan Fu nodded in horror. Students in the key class who were frozen into ice sculptures and could not be thawed:... System: "Host, according to the information I checked, the person you are defeating now is just a weakling who is weaker than us! He cannot reach the average level of a superpower at all!" The fifth top student in Y city: Tan Fu nodded seriously. System: "Host, look at this video. This is said to be the level that students with special abilities should reach in the college entrance examination. Tan Fu looked at the situation with no survivors on the screen and fell into silence, "System, do you think I can still get into college in this life?", System: “Uhmmm, I’m sorry my host, I checked all the information and you only deserve to be admitted to the First Vocational and Technical College…”

GustavQ · Urban
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65 Chs

Inexplicably famous

The girl sitting cross-legged on the stone bricks is like a beautiful picture at this moment. The beauty that comes from the soul makes everyone unable to take their eyes away.

Tan Fu didn't know what everyone was talking about. She was fascinated by the novel and didn't know what the heaven, earth, sun and moon were.

The system is also working hard to suck in this hard-earned 'food', wuwuwu... You have to eat quickly, you don't know when the next time you will have food!

One person fell into a state of selflessness for two people, completely unaware of what was happening around them.

"Is she Tan Fu?" A surprised voice sounded. Someone looked over and found that the person speaking was the teacher leading the team from No. 2 Middle School.

A classmate said in surprise, "Huh? Teacher, do you also know about Tan Fu?"

The young teacher at No. 2 Middle School looked embarrassed. She coughed lightly and said, "I've heard a little bit about it.

Seeing the embarrassed look on the teacher's face, the other teachers sneered, "I've heard of it before. I thought the people in your No. 2 Middle School had eyes on the top of their heads, and even ignored the best students from other schools."

Zhou Ming had aroused public outrage just now, so when someone choked the teacher of No. 2 Middle School, no one came forward to help her.

The teacher of No. 2 Middle School stared at the girl closely.

How could you not have heard of it!

Although this person has always kept a low profile in Qingtan, she has always been mentioned by others.

Everyone says that Tan Fu is the city's number one genius!

I thought it was just a rumor, until I saw the real person today...

Cold as frost, noble as the moon, with indescribable arrogance in her reserved eyes.

Such people seem to be born to be at the top.

The crowd's amazed voices also reached Zhou Ming's ears. He was stunned and said, "Tan Fu?"

This famous name among high school students actually made him meet a real person today?

Tan Fu was flipping through the book, immersed in the passionate story. She took the time to ask about the energy absorption, "System, how are you absorbing it?"

The system is currently roaming in energy and cannot extricate itself.

"Host, I am so happy now~ It feels wonderful to feel myself being filled with energy. How about we just sleep here today?"

Tan Fu listened to this electronic sound. It was obviously a rigid sound, but she strangely heard an illusion of being high?

Isn't this scoundrel Tan System doing something shameful behind her back? !

Don't tell me, it's really possible.

As time passed by, the number of people on the stone bricks visibly decreased.

Zhou Ming stared at Tan Fu from the side.

Since he found out that she was Tan Fu, his attention to her has not decreased, but has become higher.

He didn't believe that he, a proud man from a key high school, would be inferior to a trash who was eliminated.

There is no way he will lose!

But half an hour was almost over, and the girl didn't move at all except flipping through the book!

Not even a hint of pain was revealed.

Soon, half an hour has arrived.

Tan Fu still sat there with a relaxed expression.

Apart from her, there were only a few people left on the field, most of whom were still wearing the uniforms of No. 2 Middle School.

Although the words of the people from No. 2 Middle School were not pleasant to listen to, their strength did crush the students from other schools. This huge gap made the ordinary high school students present secretly grit their teeth.

Tan Fu heard the staff say that the time was up. It was her first time here, so she didn't quite understand the rules here. She was hesitating whether to go out, but she saw the people on the side still clenching their teeth and persisting.

Seeing that none of them seemed to be moving, she did not move either and read there calmly and calmly.

"Oh my god, they are so amazing! It's been almost an hour, and they can still stay inside," a passerby sighed.

There were only two people left on the stone bricks at the scene, one was Zhou Ming from No. 2 Middle School, and the other was Tan Fu who remained calm.

I have to say that Zhou Ming dared to be so arrogant, and he did have some capital.

There are so many students in No. 2 Middle School, but he is the only one who has been able to hold on until now. No wonder he dares to look down on other schools.

Tan Fu glanced at him with a blushing face from the corner of his eye. If she hadn't been worried, she would have gone down long ago, but he has persisted until now.

Is this the strength of key high school students?

It's over, it feels like university is getting further and further away from her.

While she was sizing up Zhou Ming, Zhou Ming was also sizing up her.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, but the expression of the girl beside him remained unchanged, as if she couldn't feel the violent energy of Shizhuan. Is this her strength?


A mouthful of blood spit out from Zhou Ming's mouth, and his face turned pale.

"Zhou Ming!"

The teacher of No. 2 Middle School hurriedly pulled him back from the venue, checked his wounds, took out the treatment medicine from his bag, and fed him.

Zhou Ming looked at the girl who was still standing among the stone bricks unwillingly. She was sitting there dressed in white. Even when he left the scene, he didn't even get a look from her. She was so arrogant and inhumane.

Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Two hours...

 Three hours...

Four hours...

Five hours later, Tan Fu was still sitting there.

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

"Oh my God, among the students with special abilities in this college entrance examination, except for Hua Xiang from No. 1 Middle School, Zhou Fu from No. 2 Middle School, and Gu Li from No. 6 Middle School, I have never seen anyone else who can persist on these stone bricks for so long! "

"I remember that the three above are the popular candidates for the city's No. 1 pick, right? Now it seems that Tan Fu from Qingtan may also be competing for the No. 1 pick!"

Zhou Ming swallowed as he listened to everyone's words. If the gap between the two sides was too big, all resentment and unwillingness would become a joke.

He waited here from noon to night, but until dusk turned into sunset, and sunset turned into night, the man was still sitting there upright.

He looked at that person in confusion, how strong was she?

This question is also what others want to know. Many of them are students here. The reason why they stay is to see how strong this legendary genius girl is!

That's right, strong!

When she appeared in front of everyone, her innate aura of strength shocked them.

With just one glance, they knew how powerful the girl in front of them was.

And the fact is as they expected, she is indeed very strong.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, the novel in Tan Fu's hand was finally closed. She stood up and returned the book to the staff without noticing the adoring eyes of the people around her.

The staff was overjoyed and quickly took it back, "Is it over?"

Tan Fu shook his head, glanced at the sky outside, and asked seriously, "Can I stay overnight in the training camp?"

 staff member:"..."

Onlookers: "..."