
A Loser's Redemption

Kang-min didn't have a life, he was bullied constantly in school, his family in shambles as they were constantly scratching on the poverty line. Even at the age of 32, he didn't get a break, his wife was cheating on him, his mother and father passed away, his sister suffered from a rare form of cancer. In a great grief, Kang committed sucide ,however, he awoke 20 years in the past. What's going on??

Gareth_Gitau · Fantasy
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A New Life A New Me.

32 Kang-min sat in a small living room littered across the floor was empty bottles of alcohol, his cheeks red as a paper laid neatly on the floor in large print it said 'DIVORCE'. Kang took a swing of his bottle when his hazy eyes laid it's sights on it. 'Fuck.'

Dizzily standing up, he barged out the small apartment. The sounds of rain thundered his ear; Everything was just so annoying today, walking down the hallway of the complex, he swayed, tripping at some points. Soon he began to climbing the stairs to the roof, he thought to himself, 'What was the point? I gave my all. I gave the love of my life everything and she disappeared along with it. I really can't push on anymore. Sorry Mom.. sorry dad. I just can't.'

Soon, Kang felt the tapping of the rain upon his shoulder, it streaked his face as he looked into the dark sky. Tears soon rushed out as he fell to his knee's, repeated slamming his fist the railing. "Why! What did I do to deserve such unfairness... TELL ME DAMMIT!"

Sluggishly standing up, he tightly held onto the rails as he contemplated what he was about to do, he lost everything and everyone, was there really a point in living.. Closing his eyes, he jumped , Even if it was just for a moment he felt at peace. Suddenly he felt the repeated tapping of someone.

Suddenly, he felt the pierce pain of his cheek being pinched, he opened his eyes as he repeatedly said 'Ow! Ow! OW!', he looked upwards to see his mother eyeing him, her eyes blazed with fire. What was going on!?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Also, this is my first time writing a book like this.. so I know that my pacing skills may be too fast or too slow, ALL FEEDBACK IS NEEDED AND WELCOMED.

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