
A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword

At the end of the Lord of Mysteries' life of many years of watching the world die out, it had finally ended and so he sought a different end to his own powers. He would leave it to chance. For another soul he would see the end of his life ended in a more, horrific fashion, to most. A final destination-esk ending one would even say. as his soul wandered its way a flash of light and he is no longer aware of where his soul is moving shifting colors and bright streaks of light and he finds himself in front of a fiery blaze. A new story for one who was to become the wrought iron hero, and a new beginning for the current one. —————————////—————————— planned worlds include but not in any order; Tamriel: oblivion and skyrim (different visits) JJK Universe all artwork is owned by their respective owners and all characters from their various franchises are owned by their respective companies. I’m just using it to entertain.

KilljoyCats · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Limitations in Adversity

{Shibuya Crater}

[POV Yuji]

As Toudou landed his black flash I ran up behind. Mahito was once again thrown away from us as he dealt with the aftermath of Toudou's attack. 

Bleeding from his face Mahito looked at me as I approached. After so many times fighting him, now, I had recognized some things from him. Just as I had predicted, in a blind rage he swung an arm that stretched towards me. 

Ducking under the arm I gripped the inside of it and pulled. Mahito off balanced was dragged towards me. My focus went to his mid-section honing in on it. My vision disregarded all other stimulus as I focused.

My left hand moved smoothly and I connected once more with Mahito's abdomen. The Black Lightning erupted from the point of impact. "Black Flash."

He was thrown much farther this time. But as he righted himself he seemed to become more calm. A joy written on his face unlike what I had seen from him. 

A chuckle left him as he stood straight and said, "Idle Transfiguration..." Bursting and coiling around him a blueish flesh wrapped him. The flesh settled around him creating a new form. "Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing!"

He stood a distance from me. Blue flesh replaced his old look. Spikes jutted from his elbows. A tail drifted behind him. From the waist down black cloth flowed like pants. A mask that covered the upper half of his face as his teeth were showing.

Charging forwards I was caught as he dodged, His pants like material stretched and wrapped around me. He dragged me towards him as he thrust out a hand. The claws of his hand stretched and sharpened. 

Dodging the expansion of one of the clawed fingers I ducked under and was freed from the cloth gripping me. An opportunity was presented as his mid-section was open once more. As my fist connected I realized, I was wrong. The sound of metal being hit rang in my ears.

Quickly my guard went up as he countered. The impact rattled my arms. But he was on me in an instant. I guarded a haymaker only to receive the tail hitting my stomach. Thrown off, he followed with a cross to my face. 

Righting myself I pressed on. Diverting a straight punch his chest was left open once more as I continued to hammer into it. Mahito Simply spread his arms as the sound of metal rang time and time again. 

As I held just the briefest pauses to attempt another strategy he gripped my face. The claw bit into my skin as he jumped and slammed me into the ground. The ground caved around us. Water was pooled around us as I recovered a distance from him.

My thoughts went to how I could face him, What could make it through. The only answer was Black Flash. But not just any Black Flash, It would need my maximum Cursed Energy.

Mahito in front of me stopped, A brief moment where he coughed into his hand. Red stained it as he then licked the blood. And the elbow spikes cracked and broke from his form, leaving only small blades.

I got into a stance, Cursed Energy flowed through my being. Control the flow. Control your emotions. Deep within me I felt more Cursed Energy. It practically was expelled from the ball of blue and purple. Weird symbols decorated and drifted around It's outside. Constantly shifting. 

I pulled even more Cursed Energy from there as the water Erupted around me. Mahito was coming.

Ducking back from his swing his elbow pointed towards me. Seeing the blade poking from it I shifted my body. My mind wandered around in my thoughts as I fluidly dodged Mahito's extension attack.

From Gojo Sensei's capture, to Sukuna's rampage, To seeing Nanamin's Corpse, To almost seeing Kugisaki-San's Death. I was just tired of this. War huh... I don't want to think to much anymore. 

A counter cross as Mahito over extended, No Black Flash. But his armor retreated. He was weakening. Another straight punch and his face was half revealed. 

A clap rang through the air. The ingrained habit of never stopping ever present in the back of my mind. So I didn't, as Mahito turned around my Cursed Energy flowed at max. Just under the Surface. 

My arm connected with his shoulder joint. My words calm. "Black Flash"

Mahito was sent back to the plateau once again. Severely weakened. I jumped up to follow him. Eyes trained on him as he saw me. I could feel My face cut in several places. Mahito, weakened as he was stared, in fear. 

"I'll accept it, Mahito." He threw up on the ground as I approached. But I didn't care as I continued to speak. It was almost cathartic to hear the words come from my own mouth. 

"I wanted to reject you, But that's different now. I'll just kill you." I don't know why but I just felt I had to get the words out.

"Maybe there will be some meaning to be found... from my actions centuries after I'm dead. Because that is my role in this war."

He began to run again. Stumbling like a drunkard as he moved to escape. Slowly I pursued. Walking this path as he was to weak to truly escape.

His ankle twisted and he fell. Looking back at me. The fear on his face doing nothing to soothe the pain I have felt this day.

He began to crawl away, still trying to escape the consequences of his actions. But just as I was to be upon him, I saw him. My eyes widening in realization.

"Do you need help? Mahito-Kun"

I began to run forwards, no longer giving any care to Mahito. A whisper at first turned into a roar next.

"give him back... Give Us Back Gojo-Sensei!"

Only just as my sprint was gaining speed, my feet felt nothing under me. "Huh?" Falling I was unable to reconcile falling into a mouth one moment and being thrown on the ground the next. As I stood cautiously, the man spoke. 

"The greatest strength of Cursed Spirit Manipulation is its quantity of options. You can just release a new spirit. Or you can just launch them all at once."

 Above me Millipedes poured from the sky. As I was forced down, A clap brought me away as only a few scratched me. The ground was clear in my sight. Looking to my right Toudou had a serious face. 

I could feel he was just as tired as I was. 

"A pity... some of you are still alive. But even I have to admit it, Sukuna's Vessel is really tough."

In his speech Mahito tried to attack him, with a smile he diverted the momentum. Mahito spoke.

"Humans fear death, I always have known. Because... I was born from you humans." 

The technique took effect and Mahito shifted form. Screeching in pain and collapsing in on himself and turning into a long string. The man swirled his right above his left capturing the Cursed Spirit Mahito. The final form rested as a light blue sphere. 

"Cursed Spirit Technique: Uzumaki.... This technique allows me to combine several cursed spirits together to create a stronger one. But Its not the best part of this technique. No... It's Cursed Technique Extraction" He then placed the sphere in his mouth and swallowed it as myself and Toudou watched on. 

"Do you think I would not notice?" the man said as he looked up. A girl sat on a broom with a lantern dangling from it. Arrows from an archer were launched from a distance. A sniper rang out as well.

Footsteps were heard from behind as I turned to look. Azarius-san was there. The look on his face was grim as he continued to watch. Not paying any attention to myself and Toudou.

"Kugisaki-san?" the rest of my question unasked.

"She's fine, My cat saw fit to enhance her with shadow magic. She's just sore from the overuse of the enhancement. Azazel is watching over her. Now... What is that thing?"

[POV Azarius]

"Now... What is that thing?" Looking at whatever monstrosity of a being was in front of me. It seemed like a human from the outside, only the brain looked like it was on a completely different wavelength from the rest. Then the stomach area of it was like it's own portal to hell with all the creatures stuffed inside. 

"Mahito called him Geto before he was swallowed by him." Yuji answered. My vison told me of his and Toudou's very limited reserves of Cursed Energy. 

Yuji from his kneeling position said, "He is also holding the prison that Gojo-sensei is held in. We need to get him back." 

I tilted my neck to pop it, the satisfying sound rang as I took my steps forwards. "I'll do what I can." I said to them as more people joined the fight. That Geto was a monster. He continued to bat away any attacks thrown at him. When a girl sought to slash at him with a sword, he caught it bare handed, then broke it. 

Afterwards he conjoined a number of curses together and created a beam attack towards her. She was defended by the other sorcerers. Shifting my physic for as much speed as I could I planted my foot and launched myself. 

He turned to me as my blade sought to cut him. A curse formed in his hand to resemble a sword as it clashed with my own. As my own was moving through his sword, the gentle misleading smile changed slightly with annoyance. he lashed out with a kick to my sternum which I reinforced with more weight. 

The impact still was immense though. Pushing me back a few feet as the ground was torn I replanted myself to launch back at him. 

I could see how he had such prowess. The Spirits that inhabited him actively moved about his body. They acted as pockets of cursed energy. But what made him lethal, was his experience and martial arts. 

He moved with grace as he continued to adjust to my style. Evading my blade one more, He sent a few more large curses towards the onlookers while simultaneously redirected a swing from me, leaving me open. 

A large concentration of Cursed energy centered in his palm as he thrust it at my face. My quick thinking only allowed me time to adjust my body and jumping slightly. His palm landed on my chest which sent me flying. But I was not prepared.

The tell tell signs of Purple Lighting cursed energy allowed me to see what it was that hit me. A Black Flash as it was called. The pain went through me, stunning me as I was rocketed back. Rolling on the ground I couldn't stop my momentum. My soul itself feeling the pain as I was stopped by a rock that jutted from the ground. Cuts and bruises littered me. I coughed a lot of blood as I settled. 

My cloak was tattered as well. The pain made everything unclear as I coughed more blood. In the distance I could see I was thrown quite far. The lingering echo of Toudou and Yuji calling out to me.

"It's useless! I have won! face it! Witness my plans come to fruition as you can all do nothing to stop it."

His words echoed through my head. One word in particular, Useless. Is that what I am? Quite a number of times so far in my new life I felt that way. the feeling wasn't nearly as strong as what I am feeling now, but it was there. 

The depression of Sheogorath as he was fading into Jyggalag. The Psijic Order's kidnapping of me and being unable to return on my own. Facing Noah Blavan in the void and being subjugated by only his presence.

My first day here and this thing really thinks I'm useless? Looking into the night sky I thought to myself.

('I'm tired of feeling this way')

My heartbeat echoed in my ears. A slow, steady, beat. My realizations of what really made up me echoed in my mind.

('I really don't like to lose")

Footsteps echoed as a few made their way to me. I could hear them speaking but I couldn't make sense of them. No. My mind chose to ignore them. Because I felt it. A spark. A match lit in the dark of the depths of my soul.

This wasn't over. A smile came to my face as I felt the presence of my pathways. Like a wide mouth river they flowed through my soul. At their beginning. In the darkest corner of my Soul Body it rested there. Shining Like a purple jewel. 

My Marble of Oblivion. My heartrate accelerated as the energies burst forth from my being. Magicka instantly flooded My Circuits, overloading them. Instantly I channeled a potent restoration spell. Golden light bathing my body.

Spirituality formed Purple strings coming from the people around me. With a thought I could begin to control them. My eyes Lighting up purple with the change in my vision. 

Cursed Energy came next. The feelings associated with them coming back to the forefront. I was angry, and a certain being has just insulted the lord.

I stood as the people looked on in shock at me. Geto himself was looking to me. Looking back at him I knew even with all this power at my fingertips It would be a very hard fight. He held endless creatures In his body.

My right hand flowed with Magicka as it drew upon the dark around me. The shroud gathered shadows upon me to fix my clothes. My red scarf I could tell was slightly tarnished with dirt, but still well put together. 

My left hand conjured a blink spell that brought my artifacts back to their owner. Amentia floated with telekinesis into it's holster on my chest. Nazo No Kagi was transported into my hand. 


What is my win condition? I thought to myself. Arrodes appeared on my head with flames blinking itself into existence. 

I could make out the quick points from Arrodes as he spoke. "-The power you are feeling is temporary successor-" "-It is unlikely the Successor will survive extended combat with the entity known as Kenjaku." 

What would count as a real win?

Easy, this thing's plan fails, even partially. As Magicka danced in my fingers It felt so free in this moment. Then I realized, I was High. Or drunk considering the expression, "drunk on power". 

But that was fine, It was what I needed now. So I let It flow. If this was to be temporary then I would make the most of it. 

Magicka Poured from me. Changing its shape to my will. The runes shaped naturally with my thoughts as they poured into the world around. Stone formed like a tide towards this "Kenjaku" as Arrodes called him. Geto... Kenjaku, Whatever its name was It was going to regret this day.

Fog pooled under me into the surroundings. Like an extension of my will It formed Ice and shot to him.

He responded with a serious look and summoning a tide of those creatures. A stray thought process went to my shadow for a moment as I continued to engage. Tearing the creatures apart with my spells.

A Door Spell formed from my left hand into my key. Flipping it into a reverse grip I stabbed down as a portal formed. 

Kenjaku narrowly dodged from getting a skewer into the head. It did rip into his clothes. 

I did a shadow blink behind him, His senses caught me as I emerged but couldn't keep up with me as when he swung back, I was gone. Travel blinking in front of him. My arm lit with purple light clenched into a fist as I slammed a Soul Trap spell into him. A few of those cursed spirits were instantly trapped in floating soul gems I kept lying around in my Storage. 

As I saw they were to explode from being unable to contain those curses, I blinked again. From above I channeled a Flame Geiser spell below me which erupted with the Soul gems. 

Then came the next step, While still in the air I began, "I came, I saw, I record!" The grimoire opened in front of me switching pages at my will as quite a number of pages flew out and erupted with all of their magics. Spells of Fire, Shock, Frost, Stone, and even a few that drained health joining the pillar of flames. 

When the attacks cleared he was surrounded by numerous crispy cursed spirits. Arrodes understanding my thoughts flowing like mad in the many brains available told me through my haze, "-5 seconds-"

Spirituality was called forth, Cursed energy trickled along next to it as they entered my Magic circuits. Then I chanted,

"The Lord Of Mysteries Wandering Through The Multiverse,

The Ruler Who Rebuilds the Throne above the Gray Fog,

The Son of the Night and Shadow who Wields Good Luck,

Severed by Fate and It's Machinations!"

My feet landed on the ground as a ring of purple fire spread from me in an instant. A stray thought went to their Domain expansions. Being a pinnacle of Jujutsu sorcery. Time to show them my own version I guess.

"I have borne witness to the atrocities of Worlds,

I Have withstood Great Pain In my endeavors to Build,

I Seek to Give direction Where Fate Intervenes,

In My Name, I declare! 

The World Of Mysteries!"

It expanded in an instant. It was vast but empty. It had only just formed. But two things were there, The Fog and the starry sky. With limited time on my hands the fog bellowed and changed shape. My memories went to a time when I saw Shirou using Caladbolg II.

The next second, the Sorcerers trapped inside were moved beyond their will behind me as the fog created a screen. 

The Third second, the hundreds of swords I could make without completely wiping out my energies, were released. 

The forth and fifth were spent bracing against the explosions behind my screen of fog. The world was gone a moment later. Kenjaku was still alive, albeit very weakened. 

I fell on my ass exhausted. A winning smile on my lips as even in my exhausted state... I had my win condition. 

Staggering up Kenjaku stumbled as he continued to look upon me. The sorcerers behind me tensed while I only relaxed further. 

"you... What the Hell Are You! You are no Cursed Spirit, Not even a heavenly restricted monkey like that one creature! What Are YOU!"

I felt the slightest bit of Magicka return. My exhausted circuits were channeled one last time to mold the stone beneath me into a throne. 

Kenjaku continued to stare at me, frustration and fear written on his face. A chuckle left my lips as I said in a weak tone, questioning even myself, "A traveling mage?"

The scowl only grew as he heard me, but he caught himself and smiled. "Your too weak to oppose me now. Whatever you are, you are no longer able to oppose me! You have failed!"

Relaxing into my throne as the sorcerers around me tensed further. A black Nightingale popped up from the shadow of my arm. In it's beak a fleshy cube with blue eyes all over it. Kenjaku words were caught in his mouth.

Giving Ombra a loving pet on her head and back, I took the cube from her. 

Kenjaku after being stunned only laughed as He said, "Ha! as if that changes anything. So what if you have Gojo Satoru. You can't open that prison anytime soon. I have won and the Culling Games Will Begin!"

I gave him a weird look that just dumfounded him. It told a story of ("Are you serious bro? Do you like being face slapped so much.") 

A sadistic smile grew on my face made him worry. 

Spirituality bundled into my throat, The last of it. I would probably pass out after this... Worth it. Looking at the cube in my hand, I spoke with but a whisper.

"Miiraad... Bex" 


Welcome He who Is the Honored One!

Stand at The Ready and Prepare your Tithe!

AN:// Really having fun with this. Happy I was able to truly bring out just what a master mage with far too much extra power at his disposal can do. Kenjaku is overpowered, truly. So to truly wound him and create such an opening was Cathartic to write. 

If you have questions on the HOW and when Ombra had known to do that, read back a little and you might find the moment. 

While Azarius didn't defeat Kenjaku, He has led to a major failure. Azarius may have lost but so did Kenjaku, as such the win condition. 

 Happy to hear thoughts on this at your leisure, Next chapter is a full chapter dedicated to The "adventures of a sword Part 2" so... cliffhanger much, sorry not sorry. 

This Khajiit bids you a good weekend and happy memorial day tomorrow for Americans.