
A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword

At the end of the Lord of Mysteries' life of many years of watching the world die out, it had finally ended and so he sought a different end to his own powers. He would leave it to chance. For another soul he would see the end of his life ended in a more, horrific fashion, to most. A final destination-esk ending one would even say. as his soul wandered its way a flash of light and he is no longer aware of where his soul is moving shifting colors and bright streaks of light and he finds himself in front of a fiery blaze. A new story for one who was to become the wrought iron hero, and a new beginning for the current one. —————————////—————————— planned worlds include but not in any order; Tamriel: oblivion and skyrim (different visits) JJK Universe all artwork is owned by their respective owners and all characters from their various franchises are owned by their respective companies. I’m just using it to entertain.

KilljoyCats · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Journal Entry #4

My time at the college allowed me to truly flourish in my studies. While studying under Master Neloth and Granny Viola allowed me to obtain knowledge, Studying at the College allowed me to obtain Ideas.

Magicka as a very versatile thing of itself has and will have many different forms. With the college and peers to compare with I had gained quite a lot. Most of my gains were in the understanding of the Circle casting. 

As both my master and grandmaster were Manipulation traditionalists most of my training was centered around this. Thus with my peers at the college I was able to shore up some deficiencies. Allowing my casting of my own self created spells to be more stable and cohesive. 

Though not all was great at the college. After half a year being there we were privy to some new visitors. Specifically "they" came for me. 

As I was testing variations to some stone manipulations with a combat dummy in the hall of elements, a disturbance rang throughout the room. 

This disturbance happened to be a space-time separation spell. The result of which, as self explanatory as it was, separated the Hall of Elements from "everything". Then came the visitors. 

Dressed in beige robes with red patterns on the edges of the sleeves they waltz in through, Admittedly decent, portals. Four came into the room from the corners. The first one to speak was the closest to me. The very old Altimer had a stern and haughty tone from the sound of him.

"Azarius Emiya, You are hereby to be sentenced to imprisonment by order of the Grand Council of the Psijic Order." 

Slightly astounded by their audacity, I was at a loss for words. The only thing that actually came out of me was just a seriously confused "What?"

Then they began to channel their magic. Which woke me up to the reality that, for some fucking reason, the Psijic order was after me. So a burst of Magicka was expelled from me that acted as a defense to the shining silver chains that had burst from the mages. 

With their spells interrupted and under surprise they could not stop me from drawing my weapon. With Fukanzen drawn in my left I channeled wind runes into a shield that surrounded me. Next came magecraft as my Circuits flared across my body. 

Air coalesced into blue particles and projected large metal walls surrounding me. Two of the mages tried to use a dispel magic on the shields only for them to reject it. 

The other two sought to attack once more with the chains. Thus I responded in kind since they want to play with space so much HAVE AT THE!

Thus with my right and left hands flowing with purple light that rushed into Fukanzen I stabbed into the ground. The surrounding space took on a new look as my spell took affect. Shattered cracks spread into the air from around me. Then came the fun.

Those cracks continued to move through the environment towards the attackers. While they did dodge them they were thrown off balance. Thus with my blade still in the ground I channeled another spell. Stone rose from the ground in spikes towards their positions. I was only able to catch one on the arm as they were quick to realize the danger. 

The leader from the start spoke once more even while dodging. "The target is stronger than the reports! Regroup and retreat he will still be trapped here." 

Thus they ran to pair up while channeling a similar spell to what they used in the first place. Now I will admit to a few things here. I was not thinking clearly after I had a moment to breath. 

First with the whole separated dimension thing I was cut off from my mother. When you are living practically 24/7 with another's feelings constantly being bounced back and forth for years, the void is deafening.

Then came the anger from the attempt. The Psijic Order for some reason saw fit to try and imprison me? excuse me? Who the fuck you think you are! 

As they disappeared into their little portals I decided subconsciously that no, I would not be staying in the little time prison they made me. Dispersing the magics I had going and pulling an elixir from my storage I was soon back to full strength.

Calculations on what I would need to do and the runic sequences to accomplish this were running through my head as I waited. 

Azazel also joined me in my musings by siting on my lap as I stared into the space where the portal was. The cat was just as angry as his partner. 

When all was said and done I had backtracked the connection that was placed in the spells they used to isolate this little area. Then came the part I will fully admit to pettiness. 

I hand carved all of the runes in the surroundings of the space where a portal was. Then proceeded to commence with what would be the Psijic's soon to be worst nightmare. 

The Portal was reopened. That was the easy part. Just a simple of following the trail and with my senses into space that was easy. What happened next was what took half of The Hall of Elements to cover. A particularly nasty surprise that tore into the main council chamber of their order. 

"What could be so bad?" one would ask. Well, what happens when a space-time spell causes a collapse, right in front of their faces. 

A miniature black hole that immediately collapsed and imploded. Sadly they were great mages and were able to localize the damage and stop it. But that didn't mean there was no repercussions. This included my escape into their Order's Island. 

My little 15 year old self was happy to hide in plain sight as I began to eavesdrop and stalk them. Their magical senses were blind to me due to a number of factors. My equipment and Azazel were instrumental in the application of my stealth. Thus I was able to learn why they decided I was a so called threat. As well as sneak into and around their research. Not to mention the pranks.

"Have you found the Boy yet! He can't be allowed to become a threat to Mundus. He has already empowered Nocturnal and caused the Mantling of Sheogorath there is no telling when he will aid another Prince!"

"Councilors, We are unable to locate the Boy. Maybe he sacrificed himself in the blast he caused?" One of the men from the raiding party had said that. 

"Preposterous! The boy is a threat to Mundus Itself! How could he have done such a thing, He must be imprisoned and potentially even eliminated for what he could cause." Another had spoken at that moment from the upper stands of the council chamber. The room was situated like the room from Harry Potter with U shaped stands and seating. The ground level had a podium and a couple of tables behind it.

"We will find the threat and eliminate it like all others."

Deciding to have a bit of fun with them I created a shadow of myself to speak with them remotely. I made sure the "Signal" would bounce to all of the shadows of their members just to be sure to freak them out more when they went looking for the source.

"Well, well, well. A fine day gentlemen! for some reason or another you all believe I will be a threat?"

Gasps rang out as my shadow self popped up from the member at the podium. 

the Oldest one at the head seat in the middle calmed them by saying, "it's just a shade, there is no need to panic."

Narrowing his eyes at me beneath his hood he spoke to me, "Young man it is for the good of all that you turn yourself in to us. Failure to do so will end up with consequences you can not understand." 

If before I was angry I was furious now. "On what fucking Authority, old man. The Order that has left their people when in need? The ones who were nowhere to be seen during the Oblivion crisis? or even further back during the Planemeld. OF WHICH! Was one of your damn members before their so called Exile when it is known that he still had contacts with your order." 

A mocking look was on my shadowy lips as I looked at him. "You do not have the authority to say what should and should not be allowed in this world. Especially when you leave the Thalmor to their devices. As they slaughter the women and children of Man and Mer right now."

"You know Nothing!" he shouted indignantly to me. "Our Order has safeguarded Mundus since the beginning!" 

"Or did you just grab most of the powerful artifacts of the world and stashed them away in this little box outside of time. Free to study them at your leisure. Because let me tell you, I had time to run around this little place, saw some VERY interesting things. Like say, that fellow right next to you happens to be the one who keeps talking to Manamarco even while he is being tortured by Mollag Bal."

Gasps rang out once more as they turned to look at the Altimer in question. Who proceeded to become evasively defensive and say, "He lies! I would never betray the Order's mandates!"

Then it came back, the connection flooded my soul and senses right away with emotions and feelings straight from their source. A genuine smile graced both of my faces as I looked upon the Order. 

My shoulder was graced by another presence as well as a flame took to the shape of a dragon. So with HIM situated I blinked right next to my shade as it faded into a pool and was absorbed. 

I had DIVINE right at this point. And these bastards who thought to highly of themselves were about to pay. 

Abruptly the time and space of the little pocket shifted as they came under new management. What seemed almost stagnant before now held a sense of time that was in motion now.

Then came a voice that echoed through the pocket, "Joor, Hi Dukan zu'u"

(Mortals, You dishonor me)

The Altimer were in shock but they would not recover as he switched from Dovahzul to standard Tamrielic, "I was enjoying the peace, while it would last. Seeing that of my Kin had given his life for such an endeavor. But it seems fools exist to anger the Dedra even now."

The head honcho stuttering said, "g-great and m-m-magnificent Auriel. We m-mean no o-offense. We were o-only doing what was right for t-the good of Mundus. This boy is unseen and can't be followed along the path of Time. H-he throws the balance to the wayside!"

"Ahh, and you believe you are able to determine such a thing? Mundus is not balanced by nature. Many unseen things exist on the tides of time. To purport yourselves as the guardians of such a thing is the folly of the Mer time and time again." the sagely dragon relaxed into my shoulder as he looked at them. 

With a glint and a glare in the dragon's eyes he continued, "Sadly you have chosen the wrong target. The divines have seen fit to allow him his endeavors, The Dedric Princes are divided by his being. You have no right to decide our matters. Be that as it may you have already dug your graves."

They could all feel a chill down their spines as a VERY angry presence was made known. The leader figure after looking around turned to us in a frenzy and said, "You led her here!?"

"hmph, the woman wouldn't take another answer and threatened to destroy all of the divines no matter how long it took. Between a few pompous ignorant mages and Tamriel's divine court I chose wisely."

The shadows coalesced into form behind me. The divine dragon quickly moved off of me as she embraced me. 

"My Mysteries, are you alright?" the words brought a smile to my face. Due to the place I was in there wasn't a way to tell time or how long I had been here. But it had been awhile by my senses.

"Perfectly fine. I was able to learn quite a bit from these mages as I followed them around all the time."

Another chill was sent down their spines as they heard my words. Yup, I was there right along with them as they studied and did their experiments. Their planning against me. Them searching for me. Nothing was hidden, but me.

"Good, Now... These... THINGS, What would you have me do with them."

As much as I wanted to say that they could rot for all I cared they did have SOME use. Addressing the beyond frightened leader of the Psijic Order I said, "They will give up copies of their research within the next couple of hours. Next they will FOREVER no longer mess with me in any endeavors that are related to me. This includes my brother that a few of you were thinking of targeting."

A few dropped further to not be seen. "Then, you will actually help Mundus by doing something for once. I'm absolutely sure you are aware of events to come in the next era, SO you will provide assistance for a few notable events." 

"but the bal-" I cut off the bastard saying, "There is only the Pillars as a matter of FACT, something that your brethren, the Thalmor, are keen on actually controlling and destroying as a matter that should have been stopped. But I'm sure you all thought that the message of "Aldimeri Dominion" was a nice touch, Didn't you?"

The conflicted look upon his face told much. "The notable events I was speaking about though shouldn't effect all that much in the long run. First you will assist the Altimer at Stros M'kai. They do not deserve the fate of being in the history books as "The night of Green Fire". After that you can do what you want. I don't care for a bunch of hypocrites." 

Now indignation crossed his face, but he did not speak. So I continued, "Remember my words councilor If I find you all stalking around me again, I will do what I did with my little spell and do it to this entire Island. You have been warned." 

Before we left my mother did one more thing, "I will take my own payment now, Also I will be alerting Mollag Bal of the little snake's conversing. That should entertain him for a few years."

Then the shadows engulfed us once more. As Akatosh allowed our reentry into Mundus' time. When I reappeared in the hall of elements there were a number of high level mages looking around. 

One voice did peek out though, "There's my apprentice, What happened?" Granny Voila said as she walked up. 

"Oh just the normal kidnapping via time space. Hypocrites got what they deserved though." 

A hmm escaped her before she announced, "Everything if fine now, There's no need to worry about a Dedric Prince going on a rampage anymore."

A few sighs of relief as everyone scattered. My eyebrow raised to my master, I was almost as tall as her now that I had the time to look. 

Almost as if she read my mind the stick appeared in her hand and she swung. 

ducking out of the way I said, "What was that for?" Her answer frightened me only further, "You were thinking something rude now come back here and take it like a man."

{4th Era Year 8}

After another year of uneventfulness after the Psijic Order debacle I shared with Granny Viola the many discoveries of the Psijic Order in their pursuits in Mysticism. But like all things they must come to an end as I was set on my next little adventure. 

My destination was The snow Capped pillar of Mundus, The Throat of the World. I decided on taking this journey alone for once as Granny was off to see the other child of Dragonblood. Thus when I arrived at the small town of Iverstead I wasn't really recognized. Some dirty looks went my way as Nords weren't the most friendly to foreigners. 

But they could respect me when I followed the way up the 7000 steps. Giving my prayers to Kyne along the shrines dedicated to the story of old that rested in their stone. 

I even helped in thinning the population of Frost trolls in the area leading up the steps. Invasive as they are here, no one liked them. Thus when I finally made it to High Hrothgar I was feeling the Magic of Kyne's blessing that coursed through me as I paid my final respects to the stories. 

Then came my internal debate, Do I just waltz on up to see the Old Dragon or not. The decision was made for me as an time weathered but powerful voice rang from above.

"Kiir Do Vokun, Bo. Zu'u Kos Zin Wah Lost Hin Qualos. Tinvaak Saaran."

(child of Shadows, come. I Would be honored to have your presence. Conversation Awaits)

Thus I made my way through the large doors of High Hrothgar. The Graybeards and their initiates greeted me as I walked in. But none barred my way as I said I would go to speak with their Grandmaster. 

They only said "Skies guide you" as I bypassed them. Reaching the path in the courtyard I felt the natural winds guided by the magic of the pillar. It would act as a defensive mechanism that was as natural as breathing to a mortal. 

The journey up the mountain was harsh for me. I did not have the Clear Skies shout as the Dragon Born would have. So Magic became my go to. 

A slight modification to Reinforcement to allow it to generate slight heat. Alterations to my Stone flesh spell to also create a barrier. Then my shadow cloak acted as the final barrier to the harsh winter winds of the path.

Brute force was my game here, Then came the subtle methods as well. When particularly strong winds that sought to throw me off the mountain I grounded myself with stone manipulations. 

The next challenge was the numerous Ice Wraiths. Solid spells were the necessary measure due to any form of flame that was snuffed out. So stone once more was helpful as I shot spikes from under them into their cores located in the center of their heads.

 After an hour of the desperate climb where most of my Magicka was drained the blizzard cleared. Walking forward as the summit was just over a small hump left over I finally dispelled most of my spells. 

The relief of my Magicka and Circuits was immediate. But they were secondary to everything. The moment I crested that hill I was greeted to a sight on Mundus unlike all others. 

From above the clouds I saw all, the plains of Whiterun, The snowcapped Jerel mountains in the distance. The Stars in the sky as dusk was rolling in. The Sun as it was being swallowed by those same mountains. The nebula that showed Oblivion's influence on the night sky. Then Masser and Secunda as they rose to position in the transitioning night sky. 

Before I knew it a Scaled face was next to me silently. Or maybe I just didn't notice. 

"Brit Isn't Ni"

(beautiful isn't it)

Dovahzul was happily one of the subjects I had studied the most since coming to this world. Now it was time to use it. "Geh, Ni Los... Overwhelming."

(yes, It is)

"You speak the Rot, But do Ni Mindoraan. You do not Comprehend the words as the Tongues have done."

And he was right. I had mostly learned the language just as one would another foreign language. But it was for a reason.

Turning my head back to the night sky as it rolled in. I said, "Is it true as words are comprehended they become a part of one's being?"

The deep rumble echoed as he said, Hmmm, This Lok Fin Vahzen, The truth. So you delay your Mindoraan for this? Then what is your Paar, Your... ambition. What do you seek upon my Strunmah, My mountain. "

A smile graced my lips as the winds swirled upon, "I seek to complete my Lah (My magic). A spell to escape Lein (Mundus). It is missing the final piece, Fin Thu'um. (The shout)"

Your Paar is quite heavy, Goraan Gein. (young one) What you seek is not light. So is it Aak... Guidance you seek from me?" 

I had thought of many ways this conversation would go, but him offering me this was a hopeful one at best. But I already had a combination in mind, only now I would need to see if they could work. 

"I seek Advice. If my words are correct for the purpose. If they would be the best combination for my shout. One of my own making." 

"Hmmm, Intriguing. And what Rot do Suleyk, Words of Power do you choose to use for this Lah. This... Magicka." 

I turned to look into the eye of the Dragon. Paarthurnax, Ambition Overlord Cruelty. The betrayer of Alduin. The leader of the Graybeards from the Merethic Era of the long past. 

The words rolled from my tongue as I pressed all I knew of them into their pronunciation. "Miiraad Bex Wundun" The world tried to do as I wished. To open a door but The pillar would not allow it. Nor was I strong enough to do what I wished on my own. 

"Miiraad, A door. You seek to move through the door in your path to beyond The Lein, Beyond Mundus. Bex, To open. You wish To open that door but require a command and power to do so. Wundun... Travel, To traverse past the created open door. You ask a lot of the world. Goraan." 

"It is only part of the process. I want to construct an actual door, a physical gateway for the Thu'um to take hold of. Then use Runes to enhance it to allow for the shout and my being to carry the rest forward."

"Ahh, Yes. This Mystery I feel upon you. This would be the missing piece. But you are lacking in your Thu'um. Come, We will meditate on your Rot. Your Words. It has been long since I held guests. For your time here you can construct a Hofkiin. A home."

"My thanks, but I do believe Introductions are in order."

"Ahh, Tis the Vahzen, The truth. I forget manners in my age. I am Paarthurnax. Grandmaster of the Graybeards. Master of the Way of the Voice." He said as he rose to his full height. And he was massive. Never truly understood just how small I was compared to the dragon in front of me.

"Azarius Noct Emiya, Lord of Mysteries and Son of Nocturnal."

And so The next phase of my training began.


A moment of Silence for my best friend of 5 years.

AN:// sorry for the delay in chapters but my best friend Lou has passed. For your information yes he was a cat. I had adopted him about 5 years ago even as antisocial as he was. He lived to 9 years old but he did have complications with being allergic to a number of things that made it harder on him. Sadly he passed away last night.

Such was the case that there will be a character named after him in the future! So he will be remembered as the Lovable idiot he was. 

Thank you for your understanding

Here is a pic.