
Somewhere Deep In Space.

There is a flash of light and a ship appears. "why did I choose this path again", the thought passes through my mind. I look down at a screen, it's a map of the system that I am in. my brow furrows as I try to calculate my odds of making it through unscathed. "This is always the hard part, I still haven't figured out why I can't warp through this region" I prefer to be alone, to me there is nothing better than the sweet serenade of silence. "Something is strange, I don't recognize where I'm at".

The chair makes a sqeaking noise as it turns around, I stand up and make my way down a corridor behind the cockpit. The sound of my shoes sliding against the metal floor is the only thing that can be heard. I reach a doorway and input a code, the door slides soundlessly open. There is a large table with a oval shaped dome of glass covering the majority of it. One keyboard is on the side furthest from the door. "State your name" A feminine voice comes from the table. "Dante Hale", there is a beep and the table lights up. along One of the walls is a screen detailing some of my information.

Name: Dante Hale

Race: Human


Height: 6'4

Weight: 215

Hair: Black and medium length

Eyes: Green

My fingers press against the keyboard, I type in a few words and the glass becomes a map. I look at the different galaxies inside and select the one I'm currently in. The map zooms in on my location. "How did I end up here? Nothing is charted out this far, I didn't even come from this side, I should have ended up on the other side of this galaxy." I go to my warp log, "hmmm everything is right, I input the correct coordinates, why did I end up 10 light years away?" I'm deep in thought wondering how this occurred when a loud beep startles me. it's a distress beacon, some information about the ship comes up. "Other humans out here? No one ventures this far without the military guiding them, too many unknown variables. maybe I should go check it out." I turn off the map and head out the door."

As I walk to the cockpit, I get a feeling that I should stay put, something about this distress call seems wrong. Entering the cockpit pit I notice a blinking light telling me that I have a incoming call, I hit answer and a man's face appears. He looks to be in his mid 40s, he is bald but his face looks fit.

"What do you need Holt?"

"hahahaha" Holt chuckles but continues on "I personally don't need anything but I have a friend that needs help picking something up".

I squint my eyes "why did you call me? I'm not a courier!"

his expression doesn't change, "they would like to meet in person, when will you be available?" Holt asks.

I look off towards the location the signal is coming from.

"Give me a month, I have some things I need to take care of".

Holt smiles, "alright, I will inform them. They would like to meet at earth, if that good for you?"

My eyes light up "it's been awhile since I've been home, tell them two months. I need a month to travel."

Holt agrees and the call ends. "time to check out this ship" I push the controls forward and my vessel takes off. "I'll be there in a few hours".