
In flash back

Upto when she came to coffee shop a handsome guy kissed him, and she forget everything in her life, because she had first kiss with the guy she dreamt off ever, Once she remember the guy who was standing on his dashing bike with two -three of his friends, smoking together, but inspite of his bad habit of smoking she just got a huge crush at that moment and she feels the same to kiss that guy in the past inspite of the fact she is seeing him at first site, without of being unaware of the fact, that who is he, what he does, how he was, she just fell into the river which she never , never going to cross in her life, it was worth saying this time that the first love of your life is like a slow poison it kills very sweetly and slowly and when you are going to know about it, you are already a patient at the last stage, but see now she is here with the first love of her life and kissing him right away, she felt like heaven this time, she wants to be like his for the entire of her life, the way she felt, never felt previous, because she had first love kiss ever, but at the time the guy stopped kissing her, she realized that she was in public place and everyone is noticing her kissing a stranger, she feeled herself in very awkward situation and ran away from there...