
The Plight

Same old school, same old teachers but a growth spurt from Xander since he last set foot on the school. The typical story would make him a jock or a nerd, not in this one. Xander is a typical average student on his last year in high school. Not the sharpest crayon in the box but he'll get into Princeton with the hard work he put in the last few semesters of the previous year. Maybe, maybe not. It's all up to whether or not everything goes as planned.

I mean the guy doesn't do drugs, doesn't play sports that often neither does he have a really risky friend group. It's just him versus the world, one fight at a time. Not that he's really winning but he'll get it- sometime after puberty. Often spending time with his nerdy best friend Alvinn. Why does Alvinn have two n's? I can say the answer but that will be a story for another chapter.

These two weren't completely the predictable friend group. Alvinn was a straight A student helping Xander get his life in order just because his past had messed him up big time.Having known each other since forever, they really proved to be inseparable. Xander got a really hard heartbreak and that just about did it. At the moment, he was more focused on grinding to the top rather than having another girlfriend for another love story but was he informed of the future? Logically speaking no but that's really obvious. I just need the rhetorical question for suspense.

His relationship with his past lover Stacey seemed like a match made in heaven. Imagine if cupid shot his arrow and it hit two people at the same time- that kind of relationship. Cocky, I know, but that's as real as it gets. Xander was skinny, and by that I mean teenage boy skinny. But he had this spark in his deep blue eyes. He had a really wide smile, really comforting and genuinely it was. His personality was often under question. He was more of a selective introvert and partially extrovert. Not sure if that makes sense but it was all up to him on how he would be.

This isn't the part of the book where I get to talk about different types of personalities or ask if you believe in the answering questions to find out your personality. I rather tell you about the caped crusader often brooding to himself just because he can- but what are the chances of a superhero being dark? Anyway, Xander really didn't seem that social, I mean he did his projects with other students but not entirely because he wanted to but just because he had to. If it was on him, he would be behind his computer coding another app into the world. I didn't mention he is into coding but I felt like that would be my superpower for the kid. But yes he did enjoy typing 1's and 0's into a screen to do whatever it was he was doing.

Now about Stacey, was she the Rapunzel of the story waiting for her happily ever after from Flynn Rider? Or maybe I might make her seem like Juliet Capulet to drink the poison and follow Romeo. Frankly, I don't have a single creative bone in my body but today isn't about me. Stacey was beautiful and by that I mean making other guys jealous beautiful. From the hair to the walk and crowning of with her appealing body- she really was the ideal girlfriend. But being a small price to pay for salvation, she as well became paranoid. Paranoia that she was loved just because of her good looks and fancy life style. I don't know how to quote when someone is framed for being something else but whatever pops into your mind, use that. This is the part where the other hot fabulous guy is supposed to spawn out of nowhere and be her soulmate. Not in this story -not yet.

The question remains how did she end up with Xander. I know it seems far fetched and only likely to happen in a Disney movie but I guess crazy things happen when you fall in love or at least pretend to. I mean even Peter Parker didn't get Mary Jane this early in the story but let's say he was just "lucky". It all happened when they were kids. They were once in the same class. Again typically she's supposed to drop her books or something and Xander picks them up and that's how everything falls into place but it wasn't that simple.