
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Ugh, my head was beating like a drum, I opened my eyes and saw myself in my room. Last night events flash before me and tears started flowing. As I saw the ring on my hand, it was a simple one with only a red diamond engraved on platinum plate. I rubed the ring and a few things came out of it. There was a mysterious box on which Egilhard sign was engraved with a note. I opened and couldn't understand the meaning behind these words: "DON'T TRUST ANYONE".

Then I tried to open the box but it was locked. There was a knock on the door, so hurriedly put the box into space. And I gave the permission for them to enter.

It was one of my maids that came, she was relieved to see me conscious. She asked if I wanted to see the doctor. I said that I don't need one. Then I asked about my mother. She did not say anything. Before I could say something, Rosetta came and informed me about the funeral.

The Empress funeral was going to held tomorrow. All the delegations across the continent would be arrived by tomorrow. News of her death had spread like fire. Since she was adored by people, a parade would be done in the capital today. And anyone willing to join the funeral can gather at the cathedral.

She also told me that uncle Nick was the one who found me and mother after they put off the fire. And Emperor had asked for me for inquiry. So I need to go to the main palace.

Without wasting time, I got up and had a bath. I wore a black dress with simple floral design. Rosetta aslo gave me a cap with a veil of net. I wore it without thinking. And she escorted me to the main palace. Along the journey I was only thinking of her words. I saw Rosetta, and tried to appraise her. Is she also not trust worthy? But my mother trusted her with her life. I always had seen her being loyal to my mother only. She did not marry anyone and after mother's marriage, she came to palace with her. She accompanied mother for more than thirty years. If anyone knew my mother well was her. She had a very cold face. She only smiled at me when I was a baby. After I become a bit bigger, she never even smiled at me. She gave an ambiguous expression. On could not tell, if she was sad or not. But her eyes became lifeless, without any hope. She was sad just like me. She also had a heart break as her only master had left this world.

We arrived at main palace on a carriage. The main palace is the place for all important events. The court hall was situated here. When we arrived at the gate, the guard announced my name. With that I entered.

A lot of new faces were there. On the stage was the emperor sitting on majestic throne. And on sides were the nobles sitting in chairs arranged according to their status. Grandpa was also standing there. Father face like always expressionless but his eyes were swollen as there were traces of crying. Everyone was wearing black a sit was the custom.

Someone unknown, a noble man though he introduced himself, started questioning me. I also wore a sad expression and told them, I saw a black figure but since it was dark I could not see his face. He attacked us in the middle of the night. But mother protected me with her life and I lost my consciousness, when they were confronting each other. When they asked about the fire, I told them he had the affinity for fire.

Because of fire, all traces of my mana were gone. The room was burned to ashes. So even if they wanted to investigate they would not find anything. The court was dismissed as the assainan was anonymous. And I was escorted back to my palace.

When I came to my room, I made the maids go away. Being all alone, made me reminisce the last night events. Those red eyes, they were shining as if it were a jewel. Could it be what I think it is.. I ran to the library and started to find history books. Just then I found the thing I was looking for. "Demon King", I opened the book and ran through its pages. Red eyes that shine like jewels and pitch black hair. Asura's strength, immune to magic. It was a demon.

But they are nearly extinct and live in the underworld. Why would they come to the surface. And they hate to interfere in human affairs. Did mother knew that demon. Several questions raised after finding one answer. Should I give up on finding him. Mother can never come back now. Just as I was having second thoughts, my attention diverted to a page in the book. Demon are weak against divine magic.

I went to grab a book about divine magic and started reading it. Divine magic, the most pure form of mana. Demigods usually have this type of mana. Since I'm a descendant of one, there is a chance I can use one. All I need to do is purify the mana channels and open all of them. It's a risky process since it can harm one's life or may you never be able to use mana again as it can destroy the channels, if not done properly. I tried to find a way but the page containig that information were torn. Shit!

I tried to be optimistic as now I knew who he was and how I can defeat him. I can never forgive that bastard for murdering my mother. She was the only one who gave me sense of security. I teared up again but felt suffocated as I started to miss mother. She was basically the center of my ten years. I wiped my tears because I'll make those people pay who wronged my mother. I remembered mother's words to stay strong. And I have to be strong. She never liked people who cry. It's a sign of weakness in this world. So I won't cry anymore, I promised myself.

But the question 'why' turned into anger and that feeling just drove me crazy. In amidst of my uncontrollable emotions, I saw golden light particles started to surround me, and I closed my eyes. When I opened again, I saw my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were light purple now. I was appalled by this change. Should I go out and ask someone but can I trust someone in this situation. It will backfire. I took deep breaths and tried to recall my knowledge. History of Aurelius family, the eye color was unique due to the difference of mana channels. Being demigod descendants give us a close connection to the nature and more mana channels means more power. But I couldn't figure out the change in eye color. But after calming myself down, the light faded. And my eyes returned to normal.

I went to my room, and started to read the books. I read books all night. I was tired but I wanted to go through each book as soon as possible. But could not find any valuable information. There was a strange book without a title but it was in history section, so I took it along others. The book did not open, it was locked. I got curious, so I used all of my force but it did not open. There ware faded marks of our family crest on it. It got me an idea. I cut my hand and pour fresh blood on it. The book was engulfed in red light. After that it did open. I was just taking a guess but this blood seal method seems popular here.

Before I could even read the book, there was a knock. I looked around, the sun was up. And then I remembered that today is the mother's funeral. I moved all the books into ring and then allowed her to enter my room. It was Margaret, my personal maid. She was 14 years old. She brought warm water and a light breakfast as I did not touch my food yesterday. I washed up myself but I did not had any appetite. She begged me to eat, as my body would not be able to handle anymore stress. Her words made me remember as I have a ten years old body. I was tired so I had not any energy to argue. I only took some bites and drank some milk. After satisfying her, I changed my clothes. Today again, I wore black. She combed my hair into bun. My face was showing sign of being haggard. But the veil hat was perfect to hide that. In mirror, I saw my reflection. Eyes were puffy and swollen. Color was pale as if it devoid of blood. I could see after the battle, I lost some weight as well. I looked like someone who lost their dear one. It was true though.

We took the carriage and arrived at cathedral. It was huge and could accommodate more than a thousand people. The carriage ran slow and there was a huge crowd outside the cathedral. There was a sea of people who came to capital to join the funeral for mother. When my carriage arrived there, I could sense everyone's gaze at me. Since they only recently knew of my existence, it was expected. Being a daughter who lost her mother, there were a lot of sympathy in their eyes.

I entered the cathedral. It was jam packed with people. All other members of royal family had arrived earlier, I was the last one who entered. There was a huge hall with a glass dome. On sides, the glass window had pictorial story of God Aurelius and his son. In the center of platform, there was a coffin. I dragged myself there. I did not had the courage to see her but I had to give her farewell.

No one could ever say that the person who was lying there was not sleeping. It felt like a sif she could wake up any moment now. She looked so beautiful and fresh as she was freed from all the burdens. She wore a white dress and a veil just like her wedding

Her wedding was also held in this hall. How ironic it is.

Oh, mom I can never forget the love you gave me. Tears flowing down my cheek. With trembling hands, I placed her favorite flower, the blue rose in her hands, as she was surrounded by lilies. Mother never liked any lilies. So I burned all the lilies surrounding her. I could hear people gasping and their murmurs. But I paid no attention to them. I mean how could nobody knew she hated lilies and everyone gave her lilies. It was my last gift to mother.

"You don't even know that lilies are not liked by the Empress", as I said that they stopped talking. The priest was glaring at me as it was custom to decorate the coffin with lilies. But most of them were shocked but it did not matter anymore. I was going for a rebellious image. I did not care a damn about what other people thought of me. Only mother's feelings mattered but as she was no more, I would do whatever I felt like.

The fire did not touch anything else. It was also the display of my power. I backed down and went to stand beside the emperor. Everyone was standing according to the hierarchy. The priest sang praises of mother and all her contributions to the empire. What a marvelous Empress she was! She was going to be recorded as the wise, kind and generous woman in the history.

After a group of guards came and took the coffin to hurry it in the royal graveyard, we could hear the sound of people crying and wailing. Father had a cold face. Edward was also there and he gave me a hug as he was conforting me. I hugged him back and whispered in his ears to meet me.

Among the crowd, I got a glimpse of Aerik. But neither he nor I said anything. Lilian also tried to console me but I only pretened to hear. After what felt like eternity, mom was buried in the graveyard. Here tomb has engraved her name: Diana de Aurelius de Obelion, Empress of Obelion.

There were still quite a few people giving their condolences to father and grandpa. Both of them looked quite devastated. But I pitied Uncle Nick the most, as he could not even show his sadness freely and nobody could give him condolences. He was just standing behind them, lowering his gaze. Trying his best not to reveal his emotions.

I asked Margaret to give my message to grandpa and uncle. And then went back to the palace.