
A Lone Path To Immortality

In another world filled with strange energy known as ora, deaths and cruelty, a young man has been reincarnated into it with the clear knowledge of how to attain the one thing he seeks very much more than any other thing in the world, IMMORTALITY! After living a mediocre life and dying before he could achieve anything, Kazi vowed to never be subjected to such things, and chose to be reincarnated into a world were he could live forever. As for his cheats, he didn't choose a system or a strong beautiful waifu to hug her thigh, instead, he chose to have a clear knowledge of how to attain Immortality! Being a naturally pragmatic and selfish person, Kazi definitely will not allow the world drag him down or get in his way to achieving his dream of immortality. Unbeknownst to him, this new world has since lost the path to achieving eternal life, so his journey had already become a long and rocky one before he even began. . "Being born to a trash clan with mediocre talent will not hinder my goal. Even if the path is lost, I have the blue print to reach that lost path, I will survive and achieve my dream, no matter the cost!"

Killix_Kreed · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 31: Frontline Battlefield II

Kazi managed to jump back just in time to avoid the collapsing wall and the one who had crashed into it. This time it actually wasn't an enemy, but a body that had been sent flying into the wall. The body belonged to an enemy sutori, and actually, the person was still alive. Kazi didn't even think of killing the enemy sutori, instead he ran away from there since there were several second class enemy sutori around who had killed the others.

Seeing that Kazi was the only one still alive, two of the second class sutori gave chase to make sure they finished him off. Of course, the others didn't wait by idly, they immediately set out to kill more enemies. 

After managing to evade them for a while, Kazi had already experienced how others were killed, both friend and foe, it dawned on him fully. 

'How could I become so cowardly in the face of war? If I keep running, I will only end up dead, I can't do that.' He decided in his mind, putting one foot on the ground firmly and turning with the other in one motion.

Now, he faced the very ones who had been chasing him.

"Finally gave up?"

"Foolish brat, just accept your fate."

'Despite all that talk, I was faster than them...'

Kazi didn't shake from their words, rather they felt something off with his how he was now, it was like they were looking at a different person. Suddenly, they heard Kazi say something.

"That's right, out here, ITS KILL OR BE KILLED." His face was cold as he looked up at them. The two were a little taken aback, it was natural to see war veterans and older sutori with such expression, but seeing it on a child was disturbing.

"This kid is a devil, DIE!"

The first man lunged at Kazi, but Kazi expected this. He quickly sidestepped while pulling out his sword. The man also used a sword, as his missed Kazi, Kazi's sword thrust cleanly through his neck, then Kazi dragged it sideways which caused the man's head to hand towards one side the next second.

The second man who saw this was definitely surprised, causing him to react a bit slow, allowing Kazi the room to send two flame bullets through his chest before moving in to finish him off. Of course, it wasn't every time people just die from one hole through the heart. They could still make an effort to move a little and during that time they may summon enough strength to throw one powerful dagger at the opponent's skull. Naturally, Kazi wanted to avoid such things.

As if on queue, three enemy sutori appeared out of nowhere, and once they sited Kazi and identified him as an enemy, one moved in to finish him off, they had also seen the bodies of their people, but it couldn't be said if Kazi was the culprit, he was a child after all.

Without saying a word, one of them approached him with a dagger from behind. Kazi barely sensed the incoming enemy towards the last second and moved his head to the side to dodge the dagger. He then turned his body in the same motion as when he shifted his head, now, the attacker who seemed to be slower than he was, was by his side, and it was too late to make any other move as he passed Kazi by. Kazi used his turn to cut off the man's head, alerting the other two.

One of them pulled out his sword immediately while the other had a weird weapon that looked like a sickle was attached to the end of a chain on both ends.

The one with the sickle weapon used the technique 'Four Aspect leveling', causing the weapon to fly out of his hand and turn into fast spinning weapon that would cut off everything that touched the edges, and entangle anything that came in contact with the chain. He stretched out his hand and the weapon obeyed and flew forward. Kazi, seeing this, raised both hands upwards to activate the earth wall technique. This time he poured more ora into it, so the wall grew big and large, even then, he jumped back and prepared to launch another technique because he could sense that both men had moved already. 

'Not gonna happen.'

As the view had been obstructed, Kazi used the shadow faint to hide quickly. Unlike him, people don't usually use this technique during fights because of the drawback, but he had mastered it so that he would not experience it, even then, it was only so useful.

While the flying weapon destroyed the earth wall, both men also came behind it even before the wall was destroyed, but found no one there, but the one with the sword quickly spotted that the ground beneath them was softer than all round, so he suspected that Kazi had used some kind of technique to hide underground, so he immediately stuck his sword into the ground easily.

'Thank you.'


'The strength of the hand bomb is efficient I guess, but if I hadn't put ten in there, I doubt the strength would be enough.'

In that instant, the two sutori died and Kazi moved on from there.

From there on out, Kazi didn't get a chance to breath or rest, he didn't stop to rest either, he just kept on moving, stabbing, cutting, and piercing all in his way. He hadn't realised it, but through these fights, he didn't even need to actively concentrate to maintain his sensory technique, though the range only increased slightly. He had fought until he found himself in the forefront of the battle where it was intense.

After that battle was won, they returned back to camp. Kazi made sure to maintain similar position to when they were going, to avoid any sad circumstances. They had left with about 600 sutori, but they only returned with less than 200. This battle was particularly hard won.

One thing Kazi made sure to do though, was go around and gather all the weapons he could find and anything valuable. Even though this was very much real life, the game habits of looting were still present in character from the little games he had played. This was certainly the right way to go, after all, in times of war, it wasn't as if the sutori who were out on war would be paid handsomely or anything, after all, they were fighting for their nation.

Once Kazi reached camp, there was one thing that became painfully clear to him, and that was the fact that he needed to learn more techniques. 

After facing the first batch of enemy sutori who used their weapons more with little techniques, the rest proved to be more difficult, or perhaps more like annoying to face, since they could just bombard him with dangerous techniques from a distance and didn't have to get close.

'If techniques are firearms, my arsenal is too weak. I have bullets that come out of glocks useful but not in high intensity war.'