
Chapter 10: Plans

After losing consciousness, he had remembered a piece of information, in fact, it was more than just a piece, of an event that occurred before he was reborn.

"I remember clearly..."

After Kazi was drawn by the big fish octopus looking creature, he appeared in a different space which he assumed was within the creature. There he met a certain entity that appeared as a bal of dazzling light. At first he mistook it for some kind of god, but it was nothing of sorts.

The entity shocked Kazi when it asked him to make three wishes before he got reincarnated. Though unexpected, Kazi already knew what he wanted. That was to become invincible and immortal. His sole wish was to escape death actually, that was his greatest wish. Unfortunately enough, he was rejected such a request, so instead, he requested that the knowledge of how to become immortal be impacted unto him so that he may achieve it himself after he gets reborn.

There were different ways to g about it, so Kazi checked up on the rest an saw that the safest out of them all was the third option, so he chose that and the knowledge was imprinted into his memory.

'I still don't know how I forgot. The entity did say something about this being a great wish that will surely cause an imbalance, but I never expected for my memories to be blocked and sealed to maintain said balance.' Anyway, it didn't matter anymore; after all, he had gotten the memories back.

Kazi's best guess was that the memories were meant to be unsealed later on when it would be too late and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but that was just a speculation.

"Now that I am my complete self, I won't waste a single second not working towards achieving my goal." He wore with a serious expression on his face, one a kid of his age should not be having on, as it distorted his face a little. Thinking about what is to come; Kazi couldn't help it as his face morphed into a sadistic smile. 'Before I put the first phase into fruition, I need to first graduate.'

. . . 10 years old . . .

It was the fourth year and the final year in class 2 for those in that class. After studying different strategies and battle formations and every other thing he would need even up to the first part of the next class, Kazi deemed himself ready to take on a much difficult task.

'In as much as I hate this, it is an essential part for the future.' 

"Welcome to the talisman class, I will be your teacher, Zucan Ai. Take your seat wherever you like."

Kazi gave a small bow after introducing himself and turned towards the class to scout out a favourable seat for himself, to his surprise, 'So spacious... Why are there only three students in the entire class???'

Of course, the answer to this question came to him rather quickly. As for where to seat, there really was no way for him to seat farther away from the front of the class, after all, the students who sat there did so for a reason. This was because Ai was a very unenthusiastic teacher who spoke only as loud as he could hear himself.

Twenty minutes into the class and Kazi found out why the students were so little. 'This is like learning programming all over again! Only that this one can actually kill the physical body and spirit if you fuck up!'

The experience was brutal, but Kazi persevered. In addition to talisman making being extremely difficult, Ai refused to teach what he had already gone over, this meant all the work from the first year up until the fourth year, Kazi had to find some way to learn himself. This was partly because unlike the rest of the academy, the talisman class only did an official admission once every three years. Anybody can join at anytime, but they would have missed a lot, much like Kazi was finding out.

It sure was brutal, but thankfully, his somewhat above average looks were enough to charm one of the girls in the class who was older than him to volunteer to teach him what he had missed.

'I was actually planning on targeting her,' he glanced at another girl in the class who seemed a little more reserved, 'but since you've offered yourself, Jalen, I can only accept for now, hehe...'

To his surprise, Jalen was better at it than the others and since she was ever willing to teach him, he soaked in a lot from her like a sponge.

Unlike others that went through the academy, those in the talisman class seemed to only want to focus on talismans and nothing else. It wasn't something one could use actively on the field during combat, so they had to draw and create them before hand, but creating them was easier said than done. That was why those who specialised in the difficult art of talisman creation were different and only focused on that. They could still fight and do some things, but they would pale in comparison to others.

'Unfortunately for these old humans, they are yet to understand the true power of talismans and rune art. For someone who has seen the things that can be done through programming, not to imagine programming that can affect reality it self... oh myy...' Kazi really couldn't wait to learn this and begin experimenting.



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