
Reviews of A Living God Seeking Luxury, Knowledge, Power & Adventure


A Living God Seeking Luxury, Knowledge, Power & Adventure


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I don’t usually write reviews in general, like ever, but I couldn’t help it this time. This story is so well written wether it be the wording, plot, world-building, or just how realistic the character reactions are to such sudden changes. It’s surprising this novel isn’t so much more popular than it currently is as it deserves WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more recignition. My only regret is that I found this novel way too early :((. It currently only has 39 chapters. But almost as if to make up for that, each chapter is very lengthy and detailed, which doesn’ leave much to complain about. The author does like to use the word potent quite a lot but it’s easily ignorable 😂😂. I strongly encourage the author to continue this story. A literal all around five star story in my opinion. I wish they had ratings for authors as he seems to interact with all his readers both in chapter as well as paragraph comments.

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Hidden gem. Just great. Well written. Good wording. You deserve money for this. I'm sorry. Need filler . Need fillerNeed fillerNeed fillerNeed fillerNeed fillerNeed filler


This novel is a step above its conterparts in grammar, plot and world building. Its a truly unique read and every chapter leaves me thirsting for more, if I could I would give this book a higher rated review, its simply that grand, expect next to no grammatical Errors or typos from this peice.


A hidden gem but I hope that the focus of this novel remains on his power and his godly things not on things such as quarelling girls and orbitting kids.