
Dance Competition

The subsequent days passed by uneventfully. Soon, it was the day of the 'let's fight dance competition'. It would begin at 8pm. It was noon and Emily had already started hatching plans on how to leave the house secretly and successfully.

She made plans with her brother for him to get their mom get dad in their home around that time. As for that bodyguard of hers, she already knew how to deal with him. She cared less about those half sisters of hers but she had to find a way to outwit her stepmother.

At 6pm, the plan was set in motion. Jaden tricked their mother to get their father spend the night at their home. Emily put Murray into deep sleep by sneaking sleeping pills into his drink. She evaded her stepmother and tiptoed out of the house. Upon sneaking out successfully, Emily let out a sigh of relief and headed towards black street.

Not far away, Justina spotted her and called the man she hired to stalk Emily.

"Are you ready? The girl has already left," she said with little emotion.

"Got it. I'm expecting payment immediately the job is completed," the man said.

"First make sure you do your job successfully."


"Emily! You're finally here! We've been waiting for you! I hope noone spotted you," Blair said.

"Pheew...I'm never doing this again. I feel drained of all my energy," said Emily.

Laughing, Blair hooked her arms with Emily's and headed for the venue.

The competition started soon. It was hot. The first teams competed among themselves. Emily's team, Teen Stars, were among the last groups to compete.


Soon, it was the turn of Teen Stars. They were battling it out with Wild Wolves, a team of eight.

"And now...let's welcome...Teen Stars...!!" Said the female MC. This was followed by a round of jubilation and screaming.

"I love you Teen Stars!"

"Break a leg Teen Stars!!! We're counting on you!!!"

"We love you!!!!!"

Waiting for the jubilation to die down, the male MC took over.

"Welcoming...Wild Wolves...!!!!" Again, another round of screaming and jubilation set in.

"I love you Alva!!!"

"Tim, I love you!!!!!"

"Wild Wolves, I'm rooting for you!!!!"

Almost all the females were going crazy, as the members of Wild Wolves were very handsome. Alva and Tim, their leader and co-leader respectively, were the most handsome of the eight.

"This competition is going to be very hot, judging from how highly anticipated it is. What do you think Jerry?" Said the female MC.

"I think so too, Philomena. Both sides are a force to reckon. Neither is weak. On one side, the leader of Teen Stars, Meliya Z, has won best solo dancer consecutively for three years while on the other side, Alva appeared all of a sudden last year and swept clean the dance world earning him the title Black Street King. As to which side I think would win, I have no idea since both sides are so formidable. I will just sit back and watch how the drama unfolds."

Meliya Z was Emily's stage name. She started dancing four years ago.

"I think so too," said the female MC.

"Without further ado, let the competition begin!" Said male MC said and the music blasted. The competition had begun.


A few metres away, someone took pictures of Emily dancing vigorously.

"I'm done. The pictures are all of high quality." Said the man, speaking to his employer via phone.

"Great! You already know what to do next..." She said and her lips curled into a sinister smile.