
A Little Memory

"Disappearance of a Family" read the headlines. I got two papers: the other one read, "Beginning of a new Project..." ---- Juliana Mace began to recover her memories which were lost due to Amnesia or so they said. Were all these memories happy, or were they sad? Was there a secret hidden in there? Everything looks suspicious to her. She begins her dangerous adventure to find the truth behind her hidden memories. Its the story of a psychopath who denies her true personality. The people who are named as her 'family' tries their best to keep her belief intact, but the truth won't hide itself for too long no matter how hard they try. The monster inside her secretly works behind the story and brings darkness to the little light that is left. Get ready to dive deep into the mind of a psychopath and enter a world full of plot twists...

C_A_Gunawardhana · Teen
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34 Chs

The Start?

For the next few minutes he was talking about me. He was asking me questions. Questions in which I didn't feel like answering.

He kept the meat opened in front of me and kept speaking. It was like a lecture, never-ending, I only heard faint number of words from him. I was more concentrated on the meat. Looking at it made me feel dizzy, my stomach growl and my head ache.

I'd realize that my eyes were slowly closing on it's own and the room getting darker. I thought I died. But that wasn't the case...

. . .

Seconds... Minutes... Hours... Days... Weeks... Months... Years...

One by one they must've passed on for ages... I may have seen dreams or I may have replayed my memories. Either way I knew that my life was no longer the same.

When did it all start? Why was I separated from all that I had? I knew the story would begin.

I have yet to become a threat to this world...