
A Little Fortuitous

A person plans whole life. But there is no assurance that all will go according to plan... Sometimes unplanned and UNEXPECTED things happen. And then they bend your path of life.. Same happened with the handsome Duke of Florence. Deitrick Alexandro de Medici was a person who had laid out a plan for next five years of his life. What he didn't planned was an encounter with an injured yet pretty lady on his way to his palace just after telling his mother that he despices the idea of marrying and settling down for the rest of his life. Diana Stallard Preface is a young American lady with a bit of fortune in her name. Her father died in an accident but was it an accident? Let's enjoy the rollercoaster ride of life with these two people.

Misbah_Saleem · Realistic
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Another Attack


My anger exceeded par the normal level after listening to the words that poured out of doctor's mouth.

I clenched my jaws, "Who in the world dared to commit such a grave crime in Medici dukedom?" My voice flared with anger.

I need to take a sudden action in this regard. Respect for women is the first priority in my territory, and the one who tried to ignore it will face my wrath for the rest of his life.

"Wouldn't we have taken a step ahead of time in this case if I had known correctly about the situation a bit earlier?" I glared at the doctor with a dark haze starting to appear in my eyes due to his delay in the examination.

A guilty expression appeared on his face, which is of no use in my eyes right now.

"Flavio?", I called him.

"Yes, your excellency," he said with respect.

"Check the area where this accident happened and have a go at the person who is responsible.", I commanded.

"Sure, your Excellency", he listened to my command and went for the work that I had assigned to him.

I looked at the doctor with whom I was talking earlier and asked him while rubbing my painful eyes, "How much time do you think will be needed for the lady to gain her consciousness?"

"It will take three to four hours, your excellency.", he answered.

"Then you can go busy yourself Dr. Bernard. Moreover, inform me when the lady gain consciousness." I said to him before he walked away.

Now that patient has some time to get up then I should do some work...

Damn it, I completely forgot about Madre. She would be worrying for me. I took my phone, which was silent until now and dialed her number after seeing the missed calls that I received from her and waited for her to pick the call. After some time of ringing, she picked the call.

"Hello! Deitrick are you alright?.... Why didn't you call me back?.... Do you know how worried I was?", My mother's very anxious voice came out of mobile the moment call connected, shooting me with questions one after the other. "First, I thought you got yourself a girl so you are late but then I received a call saying that you didn't reached the Villa. Do you know how much worried I was?"

"Madre,... I'm alright.... A lady got into an accident and I'm in hospital. As her condition become stable I'll come back in a while.", I tried to explain the situation in single sentence and tried not to bang something at her thought of me with a girl.

What does she keep thinking in head of hers about me?

I heard a sigh from my mother on other side of phone, "You are not lying to me. Are you?" she didn't completely believe me.

"No Madre, I'm not lying to you and when did I EVER lied to you?" I said in irritation, here a minute ago I was comforting her, explaining about my absence.

"Who is the girl?" she asked ignoring the fact that she charged a bill of indictment on me, a minute ago.

"Madre!" I almost shouted.

She doesn't forget to paly devil with my mood.

"Blow yourself, cool, Figlio. Anyway, I'll know it by myself." She said with a voice full of pride as a powerful duchess of Medici.

Sometimes I think that she has more authority than me, here in Florence and even in the whole of Europe.

My father, even being a duke himself, gave her so much freedom that she broke almost all rules of nobles, pitting her wits against them.

And she always won in every situation.

"How much time will it takes for you to come back? She asked when I was in a pool of my own thoughts about how powerful she was.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon.", I assured her.

"Now that you are attending a patient then stay there... Don't worry about anything else. I hope that lady get well soon.", she said. She is thinking something else. Isn't she?

After this brief conversation, she ended the call and I focused on the documents that were pending for my approval.

I chose to remain in hospital for the time being to avoid another round of drive from palace to my hospital.

"Your excellency. The lady gained conscious." a doctor personally came to tell me about the patient. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that finally she got up after six hours of comatose.

"Then what are you waiting for... Let's go there. ", I stood up from the sofa and walked out of the room in which I was sitting for all this time and went to the private ward where she was lying.

When I entered, my gaze landed on pale yet beautiful face of a young girl, covered with bruises. Her brown eyes were wet due to the pain from which she suffered all this time. My heart ached. I made up my mind to bring that criminal to hell.

"How are you feeling, Signorina?", I asked in English because I suspected from her appearance that she is doesn't know Italian.

She tried to talk but her face filled with pain expression then I realized that she cannot talk right now, so I said, "It's okay. If you cannot talk, I'll ask you some other time."

Her expression eased up a little.

I continued with my conversation, "I have some important work to do so I'll visit you in the evening... Make sure to be better in our next meeting.", I said with a smile on my face.

"If she needs anything, then contact me as soon as possible. I have to go for now." I said to the doctor in the surroundings and went out of the room.

I faced an interrogation from my mother early this morning, and it's all after I spent a whole night in the hospital. I told her about the accident, excluding the attempt at rape, in order to not make her worry.

I handled my work for today in just two hours and went to get some sleep. After an hour, a phone call disturbed my good sleep.

I got up from my sleep and attended the call after looking at the caller's ID.

"Your excellency, someone tried to attack the lady, but we stopped him in time... We already investigated him, but he is not opening his mouth.", Flavio's anxious voice came out of the phone. This news proved effective in the sense that my sleeplessness flew away in a second.

I suspected this to happen, so I set security in advance. Still, I didn't expect this to happen this soon.

"Use the brutal ways." I said with a cold voice and then added, " Increase the security of the hospital. This incident is not as simple as it looks."

"Si, Your excellency."

I ended the call and got up from the bed to take a quick shower and decided to go to the hospital, but before that I decided to see that Assassin who tried to commit a murder in my territory.

After a drive of thirty minutes, my chauffer pulled the car in front of the base where that Assassin is kept incarcerated.

My employees greeted me and led me to the room where they kept him.

I looked at the man and understood that the brutal ways are already applied on him so I asked a simple question from Flavio, "Did he tell something?"

"Yes, your excellency. He said that he was paid with huge amount of money to kill the lady at any rate." Flavio's firm voice informed me.