
Sincerely, Gen

"Gen." I write on a loose piece of paper.

"Gen, how are you doing? This is the 1st anniversary of being penpals. Tell me, have you gotten tired of reading my notes? I still can't believe you live a whole ocean away."

I sit back in my swivel chair lightly, pondering. I gaze out my window. The sun is rising, in hues of purple, pink, and the lightest of blues.

"Gen," I write, "Gen if only you could see the sunrise right now. That's my favourite time of day. When the sun rises. The clouds, Gen, they speak softly to me. They tell me stories that take place long ago, the tragedies unspoken, unspoiled by the human tongue. Gen, you like tragedies, don't you? You still won't tell me your name, still, you always tell me to call you Gen."

I look up. It's 6 AM. "Gen, when do you wake up? I wake up at 5 AM to watch the sunrise." I have endless questions for Gen, and they have endless time to answer. All is peaceful at this moment. Just me, my letter, and the soft presence of Gen in my mind. Gen and I share interests. They like comedy, and I enjoy it as well. Gen enjoys reading. I do too. "You know Gen, maybe we could meet up sometime. When; I don't know, but I think it might be enjoyable." I look up once more. I've run out of time to write. I need to get this to the post office. I quickly sign the note and address it.

A week later, I practically burst through the door of my room. Gen has answered. I sit down, and carefully remove their letter, it's written on a beautifully decorated page. It reads;

Dear Faith,

I'm so glad I heard from you. I was thinking about sending a letter on the anniversary, but it was your turn. As for if I have gotten tired of your notes? No, I have not. You do sound like a good person. (Also sunrises are incredible. At least we agree on that.) As for the unspoken stories, well, they've been spoken about now. Let's tell them, so everyone can hear the clouds. When do I wake up? Dude, you wake up at 5 AM?That sounds like torture. I wake at 7 AM and am asleep by 10 pm. The tragedies? Well, I do wonder what these clouds have seen.

Your idea to meet up is a good one. We've known each other for a year, and I already took a boat across to your hometown. Your mother somehow contacted my family, (I know right? Mom superpowers are legitness.) and here we are. So consider this one of the last letters.

I hope to see you soon,

Sincerely, Gen