
A Light in the Darkness ~ The Story of Arachne Coborial

Arachne Coborial, a dark elf, explores her society's darkest nooks after a shocking tragedy that happened to her when she was young. But when she discovers that she has a special connection to a rejected Goddess, what will she do?

AspiringWriter3 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Lore of Abburth and the Relevant Gods

I did some reading around in Webnovel, and I found that the use of Volumes is to aid in separation for the reader. So, I dug up my lore notes and decided that this may help any of my readers in understanding the overall layout of Abburth, as well as the Gods of some form of importance to the story itself, because, believe it or not, I actually planned the plotline of the story.

First, we have the hierarchy of Abburth, which includes the High Council and their Matron Mothers, and what they are known for.

The Head Council, or first five Houses of Abburth in order from first to last are Houses Coborial, Kilsek, Vandree, Telenna, and Eilservs. House Eilservs was recently appointed into power after they destroyed House Caddath in a raid. House Coborial is led by Matron Aunerae, who is known for her skill in battle and her intelligent twin daughters. House Kilsek is led by Matron Haelra, known for her cunning and skill in subterfuge. House Vandree is led by Matron Ilharess, who is known for her abundance of slaves and cruelty towards Houses below her. House Telenna is led by Matron Nathrea (not to be mistaken with Matron Nathrae II), who is known for her interest in religious lore, and her successful wizard sons. As well as House Eilservs led by Matron Chenzira known for her life dedicated to prayer and commitment to Lolth. The late House Caddath was led by Matron Angaste, who was known for her sternness towards her soldiers, earning a strong fighting force.

Next, we have the schooling system within Abburth itself, which here will be listed the names and purposes of each school, as well as pronunciation, since some of the names are quite strange.

The wizard school is known as Gloufmarth, whose head wizards are from the High Council Houses of Telenna and DeVir, as well as a few other minor houses. The school of the sword and its arts is called Slaekmia (sly-kee-ma), whose heads are K'yornl, Matron Aunerae Coborial's mate, and one of Matron Chenzira Eilservs's sons. And finally, the most important school and training center, Amaxselts (amax-sleets) the Center of Religious Training, whose heads are the Matron Mothers of the Head Council to train all future priestesses of Lolth. Eventually, these priestesses-to-be lead congregated masses that the school holds, specifically the daughters of the Matron Mothers of the High Council.

Finally, in the Abburth lore, we have landmarks or places of interest within the city.

The time teller, otherwise known as the grand clock that tells the time of the surface, to determine when drow elves should retire for rest and evening prayer is known as Mystérieuse (myst-air-ri-oous.) The time is told by a lit and extinguished blue candle. At the beginning of the day it starts as a new flame, and it wanes as the "day" continues, until falling as those on the surface would loose light and retire for the night. Another landmark would also be centerpiece of Abburth itself, a gigantic spider-tiled plaza where exterminations or killings would take place. The last notable landmark would also be the arena, which is located near the outskirts of the city itself, with a large circular dome with black sand in the interior.

With the lore of the Gods, I will list a few, some have been mentioned so far in the book (for those who have read the currently released chapter), while others have no, and that is perfectly fine. All will make sense in due time.

First, we have Corelleon, the main God of the elves, and often called the Lord of Cowardice by the drow as a term of hatred towards Him. He fathers three children, Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, and Vandria, although all of them take residence in the Abyss with their mother, Lolth, or at the time of their birth, was known as Araushnee before Her dealings with a faction of the elves who soon retreated to the Underdark, and soon became known as what we would call drow elves.

Next, we have the aforementioned Lolth, Queen of Spiders, and ruler of the Demonweb pits, the sixty fifth layer of the Abyss. Mother to Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, and Vandria, and former wife to Corelleon, She is the chief deity of the Underdark, and the most terrifying of all of them. Sworn enemy to Eilistraee, Goddess of Dance, she idolizes malicious chaos, and supports senseless death, and even encourages it in Her followers.

Eilistraee, the most important of Lolth and Corelleon's children in the book, is the chaotic good Goddess of dance, song, and the moon, commonly known as the Lady of Dance or Lady Silverhair, on the account of Her long and beautiful silver hair. Her goal is to bring the drow to a better future, by reconnecting Her followers with the surface, to maybe one day tear Her mother away from Her throne, and end the conflict between the surface elves and drow.

Tymora, commonly known as Lady Luck, is a chaotic good Goddess of the surface world, and patron to most gamblers and rogues, and main deity of the Halfling race. She is the embodiment of luck in its entirety, where in front of all of Her temples there is a fountain, where, before entering, all believers must drop a coin in it for good luck, to be taken by the Church to further their journey to worship their God.

And lastly, we have Paladine, or Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. He is a lawful good God of the surface, and twin brother to Tiamat (otherwise known as Takhisis), while also standing for justice and the distribution of fairness between all parties. His followers hold their friends closest to them, and have a silent vow to keep them safe no matter the obstacle.