
3. No..no..no...!

Slowly opened my eye,then I rose up my bed.

Wait a bed?

how can i wake up on a bed when I thought died this day.

Looking through the room this seems like a clinic.As i hold the blanket I notice that my hand seems a little bit tanned. As far as I can remember I have white skin. Did I tan my

self or something which I don't even remember doing it to my self. Though I'm a little bit exposed to the sun my skin never had become this much darker. I wear the shoes which I never seen nor wear this in my entire Existence. Walking in the room I wonder if this is a dream? but this felt so re—

Oh! my God! what the h*ll! I exclaimed. I took two steps back bumping my back in to something.

"Ouch!" I definitely felt the pain. Teary eyes but I egnored that pain and took a step closer to the mirror.

Looking through the mirror that can fit two people while standing side by side. I hold my face... with both hands caressing.

"This is not my face" I said talking to my self.

Pinch my cheeks, blinked my eyes looking at my self. But nothing happened I can't wake my real body up.

"What the..." pacing back and forth in front of the mirror and talking to my self. If anyone can see me like this they'll think I'm going crazy. Which I think I'M GOING CRAZY too. Who in the world wouldn't freak out in this situation. I'm trying my best to calm down.

"ho-hoo! ho-hoo! inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale"

nothing, no changes or sign of waking up my body.

"No..no..no...! this can't be happening I was there at the plane, there was an emergency call from the captain, there was an explosion then I di—" i stopped and stare again at my face, THE new Face, i mean ME. Realization came crashing down on me.

"I'm DEAD!? i was supposed to be dead, how could this be happening? Why am I alive? with a new Face? I'm so confused right now that I felt like my head can explode anytime soon. When I heard someone opening the door.

"oh! your awake already"- the doctor said noticing his wearing white lab gown with glasses that most doctors wear.

"Ahem!," blinked my eyes as I looked at him I asked "What happened to me?"

"Please Miss Lorraine have a sit" he pointed to a chair near a disk table. I did as I was told.

"Someone Found you at the library floor this morning, you passed out on the floor as the librarian pass by your table She report your case immediately. Ending you in here at our clinic."

"But docto—"

"stop, let me finish first, I know you are in a lot of pressure right now but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself studying even when having a fever. We all should take care of ourselves in order to us to perform well in this coming finals. okay? and when was the last time you've eaten something? i know this will be your Last year in college but you can try to enjoy your college days here in our university. I know you're a good straight A student you can do and think right decisions for your self. Feeling better now?

I blinked my eyes looking at him at what he told me and I just nod my head.

"Let's do some Test for verification, alright?" he said

"okay" I replied back in a whisper