

(2, April, 2019)

[Yuito's POV]

"Ahhh~ O-Oh gOd~!" Sumire's seductive voice rang out in moans that thew my masculine instinct for a loop.

I was lying down on the bed and both my arms wrapped around Komi and Marin respectively. They were also breathing heavily due to the intense session we just had.

Sumire was riding me and moving up and down on top of me. One of her hands played with her nipples and groped her breast while the other was touching the place where we were connected.

Her hand was placed on my crotch to make sure that she did not fully impale herself on my dick. It would be too intense and she would pass out quickly if she were to take my full length.

She continued moaning and grinding herself on me and I enjoyed the beauty of her action. She had come around the whole - solely pleasing me - after I told her that she could get pregnant with my child.

Now, she was not shy to enjoy herself to the fullest and had submitted to the pleasure I could give her.

"i-I'm going to- MAAAAAHHHH!!" She grinds her hips rapidly before sitting down on my crotch, taking my full length. 

Her back arched and her pussy contracted and spasm as if it was determined to milk me as she cum. I gave in and painted her womb white, in my essence.

Her tongue rolled out and her scream of ecstasy reached a new height before it was silent, replaced by a quiet scream.

She was a trembling mess and for a moment, I thought I might've broke her with the special ability. It took 2 whole minutes until she even breathe again and she fell on my chest.

She greedily took in air to her lungs, "That was- That was insane." She gasped out and I tucked her hair behind her ear before kissing her sweaty forehead.

"You did well." I said and grabbed her ass before grinding her again to make sure I empty everything out. She whimpered like a puppy.

"I am going to miss this when you are gone." She said and snuggled up to my neck. She took in my scent.

"Me too." I said and played with her dishevelled hair.

We all went silent and just enjoyed the afterglow of sex. The room was filled with the scent of sex and there was a thick, warm atmosphere of love in the room.

We all snuggled close, skin touching the skin and letting our bodies cool down from the activity. 

The girls pressed their soft bodies against me. Sumire pushed her giant boobs on my chest while Marin and Komi pushed theirs into my rib. My hand also played with their soft tits as I wrapped my arms around their smaller body.

The pleasant silence was broken when Marin spoke.

"I'm worried Yuito." She said to my side. I turned to her and gave her a reassuring kiss.

"What's on your mind? Is it the way I got you your guns?" I asked. Although it was not exactly a legal process, I made sure there wouldn't be any problems.

She shook her head.

"No? Then what is it?" 

"it's you." she said, "I am worried about you Yuito." 

She caressed my face with her dainty fingers while I was left to think about her words.


"You are so worried about what would happen to us in your absence, don't tell me you didn't think we would feel the same way about you." Sumire said and gave me a hickey as a form of punishment.

That's true. But I was the man here, they didn't need to worry about me. I was supposed to be their protector, so how would I be able to protect them if I can't even protect myself?

"You don't have to worry about me. I am strong." I said.

"You said you were strong last time too. Do you remember what happened last time you went to Korea?" Sumire asked me and I closed my mouth.

I could say nothing back.

Last time, I made everyone worried by fighting Gun and being injured to such an extent that it took months to fully recover.

I still vividly remember how worried my mother was and how she was blaming herself for my injury. Although nearly two years have passed, their fears haven't died down.

"Yuito." Komi called me from the side and I looked at her. 

I was surprised by the sheer weight of the emotion I saw in her eyes even without the help of my skill.

"You are going to do something dangerous aren't you." She asked, her soft voice echoing in my ears.

"What?" I asked and looked at all the girls. "What made you guys think that?"

It was true that I was going to do something dangerous. There were many threats in Korea that I was not sure I would be able to deal with.

I might have gotten so much stronger to the point I would be able to fight against the top fighters there but this was real life and not a match. What if two enemies attack me? What if they used weapons?

Was I really sure I would survive a combine attack of Gun and Goo? If it's one on one, I was sure I could pull a victory somehow even if I was not as strong as them at the momenr, but two at the same time was a matter of survival.

And I was planning on involving myself in the canon to both train myself and to make sure it would be safe when the girls came to Korea.

But how could they know all this? Or even got the idea that I was in danger when I haven't said a word about it. What do they talk about behind my back I wonder.

"You are panicking." Marin said, "You are afraid."

"What? What gave you that idea?" 

"It's the way you have been training us and making sure our safety is assured." She said and I argued, "That is because of the things happening in the news."

Marin shook her head, "Are you sure? But you are so persistent on training us even though Sumire and I barely made progress."

"It almost feels like since training is meaningless to you, you are projecting your desire to improve on us." She said. "And crime is not new here, murder, the yakuza and things like that happen all the time. It doesn't make sense why this one got you so spooked."

Was that true? Was I frustrated at the fact that I couldn't improve anymore even if I trained so I coped with it by training my girls instead?

"And your whole paranoia also shows that you are on edge." Sumire said, "Honey, tell us what's wrong?"

"The thing that happened to you last time, it wasn't the end was it? Do you plan on getting revenge?" She asked.

Whoa whoa whoa. Who would've known that they were observing me so closely like that? I needed to make sure they do not come up with their own theories at least.

"It's not like that." I said and flicked her nose.

I sighed, "Korea is a dangerous place filled with many powerful fighters and the gangs are very prominent there." I said.

"So are you planning to-" Sumire asked but I cut her off?

"No, nothing like that. it's just...I might involve myself with them. It's nothing to be worried about though, I will make sure I stay safe." I kissed them.

"That's not a satisfying answer at all." Sumire said.

"Sorry, but that's all I can say." I said. Even I was not sure of the dangers I might be in when I go to Korea again.

The first time I went there could be said to be the peaceful time of Lookism. Now, the main cast was in their final years and it was going to be full of gangism and fights.  

If the timeline and the information I got from White Tiger was anything to go by, this was the time Daniel was at war with the Workers.

Human experimentation, killing, illegal underground games like Squid games where people are killed, and human trafficking. Smuggling of drugs, serial killers on the lose etc. There was so much shit going on right now that I should be prepared for every danger.

It was really a bad time for my title fight. 

I looked at the girls again and smiled.

"I promise I wouldn't put myself in a dangerous position." I said.

Although part of me wanted to test myself and get stronger while saving countless of lives with my future knowledge, I would try to avoid any danger.

I wonder when I got so selfish like that. I remember the time I was willing to risk my life to save a goddamn stray wolf.

But now, my life was not mine alone. It was theirs as much as it was mine.

"Well, that's a promise." Marin said with a happy smile before she suddenly sprang up and crawled to the back of the bed.

"Mawhh~ No Kitagawa." Sumire said with a blush and looked back. 

"Well, it's my turn again now." She said and pulled out my dick from her pussy. Cum spilled out of Sumire's pussy but Marin made sure to lick everything clean.

Komi also got up and went to share with Marin as they gave me a double blowjob.

It felt strange since I couldn't see them. The sensation of their tongue was intensified.

Well, the sex marathon continues I guess.

I should do it as much as possible before going to Korea.





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