
A Life That's Fake

He saw that shy appearance of hers as she walked out slowly, her beautiful wet lips parted slightly as she complained feeling embarrassed, “It isn’t coming well. Don’t you have any other trouser or maybe something to tie it?”. Roff who didn’t realize how his eyes were stuck at her, couldn’t really hear her words, he was just watching and observing each and every move of her that constantly made him breathless. Leigh found his stare uncomfortable and tightened her clutch, “Excuse me? Hey? Sigh… Mr. Gordon, I am asking if you have another pair of pants?” she scowled, her tone higher than before. Roff got yanked back from his imagination and averted his gaze while feeling embarrassed, “My clothes are of my size, so naturally I have no other pair for you and I have belt…” he hesitated for a moment, his cheeks reddened when he thought about the word ‘belt’. He couldn’t help but imagine the drama he once saw where the male lead tied the female lead hands with a belt. He started to rub his hair, putting the dryer down, keeping his eyes away from her wet hair that made him thirsty, he got up, “I have nothing more for you, be grateful for what I am already giving. Anyway, I have told my men, they will bring your things here by tomorrow morning for you since from now on you will be staying with me”. Leigh frown deepened, she let the trouser fall on the ground. The shirt was already so big, she never saw the reason to wear it, but because she was given that trouser so she simply wore it. The guy in front of her had his eyes popping out in shock and mouth wide open, he was blinking madly as if wondering what was going on in front of him and he swallowed. The girl remained unfazed even after walking closer to the man whose upper half was naked, leaving his chiseled muscles and sexy packs to be seen by her. “I am telling you again… I have really thick skin so if you are thinking of torturing me by yourself than forget it, that won’t work. This whole thing will only be in my advantage and nothing more. You still have a chance, better you hand me over to the police”. It took her a lot more guts than she thought. Her heart was beating louder since she was going against him and her words might really put her behind bars but the thought that she has to live with a person who was going to give her a hell of a life was bad enough to go this far. Roff put on a smirk on his face and his eyes which was avoiding her till now looked back into her eyes properly, he raised his arm and took a lock of her hair, “I feel that handing you over to those police will be a wrong thing. They will ask you questions and may torture you a bit but, in the end, they will let you live with other criminals”. “I don’t want your life to be as easier as the criminals of this country, so I, Roff Gordon, will especially take care of you and I think you still might be useful. Anyway, if you try to escape or hurt me like how you did at the campus, things will not be any good for you”. Leigh swallowed, she looked down while wondering what he would do if she tried to escape or something else. Her brows were creased and she slightly peaked at his neck that she has bitten. Her marks were there though it wasn’t bleeding anymore but it looked painful. “Do you want to know how I will punish you?” he asked, his smitten eyes were staring at her pretty lips and her white neck that was quite empty. Leigh raised her eyes in shock, “What?” “Yeah, I should give you a trailer first so that you would not make any such future mistake”. Leigh tried to back off feeling pressurized as his hands grabbed her chin and shoulder, and his mouth moved closer to her neck but that was quite an unavoidable circumstance because of his tight grip. And he bit her soft neck.

Ananya_Mk · Urban
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Not mom?

The lady in her late forties took Leigh to the living room and like a stranger said, "Sit and wait here for madam". She left onwards.

Leigh scratched her head in confusion and played with her dark black hair that came under her shoulder. She sat obediently and bit her lips. Her eyes looked around the hall. It was thrice as big as the room she has stayed in the hospital. For her, it was very luxurious.

She was in awe and forgot the situation for a moment.

'Such a big house. It was big from outside but it looks more spacious from inside. How amazing would it be to live here," a smile appeared on her lips without her realizing.

Only a moment later, she realized that there was an empty feeling inside this big house. It was because she remembered the words of real Leigh who often talked about how nice her three sister's and mother were but what was in front now, was complete emptiness.

'A daughter came back after escaping from many harsh criminals, isn't it weird that no one is welcoming her? or is this normal in a normal family?'

She used her 100% of brain but since she hasn't ever known what family was really like, she was wandering if this was only just her imagination!

But soon she realized when her mother came back in the house without Roff. It meant that he has left.

She stood up in respect of the elderly while her mother sat down facing her. she looked pretty irritated as she said, "So, you really don't remember anything?"

Leigh nodded; she had no idea what to do in this situation neither she was taught to, so she tended to go with flow.

"I thought it was your karma Buddha has bestowed upon you but look at your luck, you are back and even without any memories. You must've done something worthwhile to get such a nice luck". Filled with hostility, Iam Filin frowned.

'Losing memory is luck?' Leigh creased her eyebrows but then she lifted up her head when her mom got up and walked toward her.

She was pretty confused by this lady behaviour who wasn't acting like a mom. Her eyes remained narrowed while she stared at the woman. Iam placed her hand over Leigh cheeks, her eyes pitifully looking at the girl yet it appeared that she wasn't looking at Leigh particularly. She was lost somewhere mysteriously while staring the girl with her painful eyes.

"Mom?" For the first time Leigh who was actually Tia used that sacred word, her heart fluttered at the same time and she swallowed in fear of the unknown reaction that she was about to get.

Iam scowled and shoved the girl face with a stubborn look on her face, "How unfortunate! I have to teach you again from the beginning".

Mrs Iam looked angry and that was too much for Leigh to not understand the hostility in the woman eyes.

She felt flustered over just the thought of it. 'What now? Should I be feeling happy that I am not getting any love here that the real Leigh deserved or sad for the real Leigh who loved them but in return got despised?'

'There is nothing hidden here. I can clearly see how she hates me… no, the real Leigh.' She swallowed and averted her gaze away. 'Pathetic I am to think that they will tell a terrorist to go and live in a house full of love. I feel miserable because I forgot my real place while staying with a kind doctor in the hospital'.

She turned her head down and laughed at herself mockingly for desiring something which wasn't hers.

Leigh at that moment was really confused about her feelings. She clutched her fist tightly, angry over the fact that she was accepting something nice to happen to her in a girl house who died because of her. she was really furious over herself and her expression revealed it.

"What, are you angry now?" her mother chuckled, "Even if you forgot how things were used to be between us, you should still get used to it obediently without showing such despicable look," she frowned in irritation.

Over her words, Leigh attention was displaced from her own thoughts and expression changed quickly, she looked pale and got up. Mrs. Filin moved back, frowning over the girl who was acting mannerlessly, "What?"

"That… I am not angry, mom". Leigh again tried but seeing the woman who was now her mom clicking her tongue, she become completely silent because the girl had no idea what was wrong with this woman.

'Maybe I am saying something wrong?' Leigh turned her head down and her thought appeared to have been completely right when the women said, "Don't call me mom, got it".

Her eyes lifted up in shock and silently rolled down with a nod after seeing the serious look over the woman face.

Mrs. Filin patted her shoulder from the side slightly, "Good girl, now get ready to leave".

Leigh looked back at the woman who turned her back at her. she was already very confused and now the situation seemed more baffling.

She looked around the house and wondered, 'Is this house not Leigh's?'

"But where?" and she slightly with her low volume asked hesitantly, "Is this not our house".

"No," Mrs. Filin turned back toward her and crossed her arm while keeping her lips pursed, "This is my house, you live with your grandma. Now hurry up and walk out of here, since Roff has already left, there is no reason for you to stay inside here".

"What do you mean?" that was quick leaving out Leigh's mouth which in turn irritated the woman.

She took a deep breath and muttered some words to buddha with her eyes closed before facing Leigh calmly, "I keep forgetting that you don't have your memories. But its ok, I will take care of everything".

An irritated smile left her face and she threw a look at the house keeper who came just in time, "Sonia, take her out".

The house keeper simply nodded with a proper standing posture and turned toward Leigh, "This way, miss".