
A Life That's Fake

He saw that shy appearance of hers as she walked out slowly, her beautiful wet lips parted slightly as she complained feeling embarrassed, “It isn’t coming well. Don’t you have any other trouser or maybe something to tie it?”. Roff who didn’t realize how his eyes were stuck at her, couldn’t really hear her words, he was just watching and observing each and every move of her that constantly made him breathless. Leigh found his stare uncomfortable and tightened her clutch, “Excuse me? Hey? Sigh… Mr. Gordon, I am asking if you have another pair of pants?” she scowled, her tone higher than before. Roff got yanked back from his imagination and averted his gaze while feeling embarrassed, “My clothes are of my size, so naturally I have no other pair for you and I have belt…” he hesitated for a moment, his cheeks reddened when he thought about the word ‘belt’. He couldn’t help but imagine the drama he once saw where the male lead tied the female lead hands with a belt. He started to rub his hair, putting the dryer down, keeping his eyes away from her wet hair that made him thirsty, he got up, “I have nothing more for you, be grateful for what I am already giving. Anyway, I have told my men, they will bring your things here by tomorrow morning for you since from now on you will be staying with me”. Leigh frown deepened, she let the trouser fall on the ground. The shirt was already so big, she never saw the reason to wear it, but because she was given that trouser so she simply wore it. The guy in front of her had his eyes popping out in shock and mouth wide open, he was blinking madly as if wondering what was going on in front of him and he swallowed. The girl remained unfazed even after walking closer to the man whose upper half was naked, leaving his chiseled muscles and sexy packs to be seen by her. “I am telling you again… I have really thick skin so if you are thinking of torturing me by yourself than forget it, that won’t work. This whole thing will only be in my advantage and nothing more. You still have a chance, better you hand me over to the police”. It took her a lot more guts than she thought. Her heart was beating louder since she was going against him and her words might really put her behind bars but the thought that she has to live with a person who was going to give her a hell of a life was bad enough to go this far. Roff put on a smirk on his face and his eyes which was avoiding her till now looked back into her eyes properly, he raised his arm and took a lock of her hair, “I feel that handing you over to those police will be a wrong thing. They will ask you questions and may torture you a bit but, in the end, they will let you live with other criminals”. “I don’t want your life to be as easier as the criminals of this country, so I, Roff Gordon, will especially take care of you and I think you still might be useful. Anyway, if you try to escape or hurt me like how you did at the campus, things will not be any good for you”. Leigh swallowed, she looked down while wondering what he would do if she tried to escape or something else. Her brows were creased and she slightly peaked at his neck that she has bitten. Her marks were there though it wasn’t bleeding anymore but it looked painful. “Do you want to know how I will punish you?” he asked, his smitten eyes were staring at her pretty lips and her white neck that was quite empty. Leigh raised her eyes in shock, “What?” “Yeah, I should give you a trailer first so that you would not make any such future mistake”. Leigh tried to back off feeling pressurized as his hands grabbed her chin and shoulder, and his mouth moved closer to her neck but that was quite an unavoidable circumstance because of his tight grip. And he bit her soft neck.

Ananya_Mk · Urban
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56 Chs

Childish Tia

The fresh smell of green leaf and the air surrounding the calm environment, Tia couldn't understand what this feeling was.

She looked amazed, getting chills at every few minutes. Her eyes scanned the greenery of the big garden and stopped at the sky after moving through the big building.

In her memory, the only building she has lived was covered with vine and looked eerie with the pungent smell of gun powder and blood surrounding it.

This fresh and new feeling was the first for her.

Ryan looked at Tia who was completely amazed and couldn't take her eyes off the blue sky and greenery around her.

"If I had known that you would like this garden so much, I would've brought you out earlier," without putting much thought in it, he said aloofly.

Tia glanced at him once and started to walk slowly. She wasn't alone with the doctor, there were more patient who were roaming around to get a fresh feel out of the hospital.

"That… is the city also this beautiful?" she asked feeling a bit awkward for her lack of knowledge and increasing curiosity.

The doctor shook his head without thinking too much about those words, "No, this is just a garden and a hospital, the city is prettier and bigger".

While walking, his head was constantly repeating her words as he felt somewhat weird about it and when he realized what was in it, he turned back and looked at her with his brows creased in surprise.

He pointed his finger at her, "You react as if you have never been to a city or even to a garden before".

Tia swallowed, she looked around feeling a bit ashamed over it, but at the same time she didn't want to let him see how ashamed she was because that would just increase the feeling more.

Whereas, Ryan who found it easy to read her expression coughed for a second and tried to change the topic, "So, how much have you remembered?" he asked.

Since Tia was going to fake about her memory loss, it wasn't necessary for her to know much about her family or collegemates right away but still knowing nothing seemed dangerous so Ryan and Roff decided to let her at least have a summary of a few things.

Tia nodded, "Everything".

She replied feeling a bit proud.

At that Ryan threw a sly gaze over her, "That whole diary you say?"

"Of course, if you can't believe you can just ask," she again felt proud but tried to keep her boastful expression at minimum but Tia was really bad at hiding her expression.

Because of that, Ryan really felt as if he was handling a child and not some terrorist. He was amused and can't help but hide his laughter.

"Wow, that's amazing," he controlled his laugh as he praised her whereas Tia's nose became long with proud.

She was like an open book that Ryan was having a hard time to read from the past few days. After all, a terrorist who is literally a criminal wouldn't be that easy to read but no matter how many times he met her, he was convinced that she was what she appeared to be.

"So, when are we going to Leigh's house?" she asked, her eyes a bit down, sneaking a glance at him now and then.

Dr. Ryan put his finger over his lips, "Hmm… let me think, maybe by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow".

"Oo…" she paused; her head turned down. There was always a question within her mind after coming here, but she wondered if it was a right thing to ask. Since Ryan appeared to be kind till now, her words couldn't stop from leaving her mouth, "That man… I mean your brother; he was there to save his grandfather. Did that old man survived?" her eyes down in guilt as usual.

Ryan looked a bit stunned for a moment but for whatever reason he quickly changed the topic, "You must be feeling tired, let me take you back to your room".

Tia piercing gaze lifted up for a moment as she tried to look what was into his head but with no answer and she was back to her room that was on the top floor.

'It's beautiful here and I don't want to leave but they will send me away to some other place after some time when their work is done'. She felt sad over her thoughts and sighed.

Clutching over the window rail tightly, she looked down to stare at other people.

Until now she never tried to look once since it didn't matter to her and she wasn't curious but after seeing it once with her own eyes, she wanted to go out again.

Like a bird longing for freedom, her desire for it only grew more.

"Why isn't her hand plastered with bandage anymore?" Roff asked.

His eyes looked sleepy and he kept yawning from time to time but when he looked at Tia whom he has come to pick up, he frowned more than yawning. His level of annoyance was high.

Ryan smiled, "She didn't need those heavy plasters anymore. This girl is quite healthy now," he patted Tia. The girl like a cute kitten felt shy in receiving his love and turned her eyes down whereas Roff scowled seeing the situation that turned weird just after a week.

He furrowed his brows and grabbed his brother arm, pulling him to a bit further from Tia, "Brother, why are you so nice to her?" he whispered.

Ryan with a smile patted his brother's head, "She is not a bad kid, you will know it once you spend some time with her".

"And why the hell I will do something so awful?" Roff slightly shoved Ryan with his hand and while scoffing moved away.

He was completely serious that no such thing can happen but that was only for the future to reveal.