
A Life That's Fake

He saw that shy appearance of hers as she walked out slowly, her beautiful wet lips parted slightly as she complained feeling embarrassed, “It isn’t coming well. Don’t you have any other trouser or maybe something to tie it?”. Roff who didn’t realize how his eyes were stuck at her, couldn’t really hear her words, he was just watching and observing each and every move of her that constantly made him breathless. Leigh found his stare uncomfortable and tightened her clutch, “Excuse me? Hey? Sigh… Mr. Gordon, I am asking if you have another pair of pants?” she scowled, her tone higher than before. Roff got yanked back from his imagination and averted his gaze while feeling embarrassed, “My clothes are of my size, so naturally I have no other pair for you and I have belt…” he hesitated for a moment, his cheeks reddened when he thought about the word ‘belt’. He couldn’t help but imagine the drama he once saw where the male lead tied the female lead hands with a belt. He started to rub his hair, putting the dryer down, keeping his eyes away from her wet hair that made him thirsty, he got up, “I have nothing more for you, be grateful for what I am already giving. Anyway, I have told my men, they will bring your things here by tomorrow morning for you since from now on you will be staying with me”. Leigh frown deepened, she let the trouser fall on the ground. The shirt was already so big, she never saw the reason to wear it, but because she was given that trouser so she simply wore it. The guy in front of her had his eyes popping out in shock and mouth wide open, he was blinking madly as if wondering what was going on in front of him and he swallowed. The girl remained unfazed even after walking closer to the man whose upper half was naked, leaving his chiseled muscles and sexy packs to be seen by her. “I am telling you again… I have really thick skin so if you are thinking of torturing me by yourself than forget it, that won’t work. This whole thing will only be in my advantage and nothing more. You still have a chance, better you hand me over to the police”. It took her a lot more guts than she thought. Her heart was beating louder since she was going against him and her words might really put her behind bars but the thought that she has to live with a person who was going to give her a hell of a life was bad enough to go this far. Roff put on a smirk on his face and his eyes which was avoiding her till now looked back into her eyes properly, he raised his arm and took a lock of her hair, “I feel that handing you over to those police will be a wrong thing. They will ask you questions and may torture you a bit but, in the end, they will let you live with other criminals”. “I don’t want your life to be as easier as the criminals of this country, so I, Roff Gordon, will especially take care of you and I think you still might be useful. Anyway, if you try to escape or hurt me like how you did at the campus, things will not be any good for you”. Leigh swallowed, she looked down while wondering what he would do if she tried to escape or something else. Her brows were creased and she slightly peaked at his neck that she has bitten. Her marks were there though it wasn’t bleeding anymore but it looked painful. “Do you want to know how I will punish you?” he asked, his smitten eyes were staring at her pretty lips and her white neck that was quite empty. Leigh raised her eyes in shock, “What?” “Yeah, I should give you a trailer first so that you would not make any such future mistake”. Leigh tried to back off feeling pressurized as his hands grabbed her chin and shoulder, and his mouth moved closer to her neck but that was quite an unavoidable circumstance because of his tight grip. And he bit her soft neck.

Ananya_Mk · Urban
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56 Chs

A new journey

'For the first time, I got this new feeling of wanting more. It's an uncomfortable feeling. My heart feels weird whenever I think of him.'

Tia eyes were down, she was feeling disappointed since now she can hardly meet Ryan. He was the first person after Leigh who didn't show any hostility toward her but unfortunately, she has to leave the hospital since finally she was heading toward Leigh's home.

She glanced at Roff who stretched his hand toward her, a small black box was over it. He gave it to her while driving.

Leigh without questioning took it.

"Open it". He said and placed all his attention forward.

As she opened it, she got a really expensive looking digital watch and a smart phone. Her eyes fell back over him curiously.

"It is yours now. Wear that wristwatch all the time so that I can keep track of your location. My men will always be keeping an eye over you, so don't think of making a move. And that phone has already my number, if I call, pick up within three rings… I don't like waiting".

Tia nodded silently and wore the watch in front of him. her eyes slowly rolled over to look at him secretly, "What… what did you do to Leigh?"

Over her question, Roff threw a look over her and averted his gaze back in annoyance, "With all ritual I buried her".

But thankfully he responded since this was a question, she was curious of the most.

For a few minutes, the awkward silence felt suffocating until Tia remembered that she has more questions to ask.

"How long are you going to lie to Leigh's family about this situation? Isn't it a wrong thing to do even if she was your fiancée?".

"None of your business," he scowled.

'Honestly there is nothing likable about this girl, so how in the world Ryan could say such horrible words. He pondered over what his brother has said before he left with Tia.

While the girl sat in silence, it didn't last long as she hurriedly said, "What if it took too long for you to complete your mission? You aren't thinking of pretending to be my fiancé till then, are you? And why aren't you asking anything about the organization from me?" her words gave the feeling of a rush.

Roff stopped the car in midst and took a deep breath, he was calming his irritated feeling, "Not something you have to worry about and I tend to do things my way, so don't teach me rather pray that the mission delays as long as possible because after that, your life ends here".

Tia creased her brows, she herself was in a difficult position because of his high temper but his words made her frown more and she turned her head toward the window, ignoring him.

Roff scoffed seeing her impudence of ignoring him but since his top priority was getting the things done right now as planned, he controlled himself and drove again.

As she walked out of the car, she firstly observed her surroundings. It was neat and calming but what made her uncomfortable was the skirt whose length came till her knees. She wasn't used to wear such thing since pants were her everything.

There were a few wounds left on her sexy body and she looked neat herself.

After walking out of the car, Roff scanned Tia to check if everything was perfect but even if he saw Leigh for only once or twice in a year, he knew that except for their face, there was a huge difference in their body.

This body was quite well built and perfect unlike Leigh who was quite thin.

That's why he made her wear full sleeves top over the light pink skirt.

"Listen from now on you are Leigh, so never make even a single mistake," he moved closer to the girl and whispered. But the girl was busy staring the wide gate where she could see a few people from inside the big mansion coming toward her.

The gate opened, giving a royalty vibe and the first person who walked out was an elegant woman wearing a proper skirt and a red cotton shawl covering her top as a fashion.

The women had her hair done in bun neatly and her eyes only saw Roff, "Oh my, darling! You came all the way, I apologize for all the trouble," she stood in front of Roff.

Tia felt weird. This was Leigh's mother but she never gave a glance to her. she wandered if a mother recognized that this was a fake girl and not her daughter!

She was quite convinced by that thought since words about how a mother can recognize their children at any time was very famous even at the place where she lived.

Disappointedly that was only a thought of her and nothing more. While her heart was knocking as she was looking at Mrs. Filin, Leigh's mother was ignoring her completely.

"Please come inside, we must repay you for saving our foolish child. She must've been a nuisance to you all the way," Mrs. Filin apologetically said and threw a look back at the house keeper who was in her forties.

*From this moment onwards, the name Tia will be not taken often and instead, Leigh will be used for Tia*

The housekeeper who was only standing behind her till now, nodded and walked toward Leigh, "Miss, this way please".

Leigh was extremely confused and glanced at Roff before leaving. His smirk seemed to have given her half of her answer.

While the girl was imagining the situation differently, the real situation was completely different and once again, she felt alone in this unfamiliar new world.