
A Life Pact with a Witch Queen

Depending on the necessities of the plotline, the author will now alternate between the names Triston and Aarav (as Aarav's soul transmigrated into Triston's body). ***** "What are the ramifications of my life pact with Queen of Witches, System?" he wondered. […] [You are Sierra Whitmore's subordinate as a result of a life contract you made with her. The blood connection between witches and humans with huge mana reserves is symbolized by the five-leaf clover emblem on your neck. People who use mana, like you, have established blood or life pacts with witches. They procreate with the humans with whom they have struck a contract to suck their mana through blood and expand their power, as well as to prevent interaction with the outside world.] "What? So she's going to use me as a sacrificial lamb? Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" [You didn't inquire] "Is there any way I can get out of this pact?" he inquired. [No] He sighed deeply! [...] [Witch Queen, stands 178 cm tall, with long black hair, emerald green eyes, a curvaceous body, and a pair of G-cup breasts.] "What? G cups? Is she even human?" with astonishment he enquired [She's a queen of witches, duh!] "Well. Witches, in my opinion, are not inherently evil by birth. I'll deal with this later; the more pressing matter is to become powerful now." [*chuckle*] ______________________________________ He had no idea that his destiny had enormous plans for him, and that there was no serenity in this realm. In this world where powerful beings make life pacts with mana users to keep their power in this power-hungry culture. He was chosen by the Goddess of Light to be the world's Sovereign.

TheInfamousJoker · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Horse stable?

As Aarav opened his eyes, light swept over the darkness that surrounded him. "Huh? Am I alive?" he panicked and struggled to stand up, only to find a swarm of foreigners surrounding him, giving him a despicable look.

"Wait, why are there so many foreigners?" he wondered with a confused expression. While attempting to comprehend the situation, he detected a foul odor of pee and excrement in the air.

"Am I in a stable or something?" he wondered as he peered about. "Who are they, and what is this foul odor emanating from my clothes?"

He was in a horse stable, a quiet magnificent structure, made entirely out of white marble and embellished with intricate gold filigree. The roof is adorned with shimmering crystals that sparkle in the sunlight, creating a dazzling display of colors that dance across the walls.

The horses themselves are unlike any you've ever seen on the Earth. Each one is a different color, ranging from bright gold to shimmering silver to deep purple. Their coats are sleek and glossy, and their eyes are large and wise, seeming to gaze into your soul as you approach them.

""is it really a horse stable?" As he attempted to comprehend the situation, a slew of questions raced through his mind. "Wait! forget about stable, I had just been in an accident, so why am I in this strange place with so many strangers?"

Aarav woke up to a completely different world. He was no longer in the busy streets of his hometown but instead in a horse stable.

As he tried to take in his surroundings, Aarav noticed something strange. He felt different, as if his body had changed. When he looked down, he saw that his hands were now rough and calloused, and his clothes were no longer the ones he wore when he left to buy flowers and cake.

As he struggled to raise his upper body, he screamed in agony, "Ahhh! my stomach hurts. Wait, am I not dead?"

As he savored the fact that he was still alive, an excruciating pain ran through his entire body, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

[System has been installed, and the host's memory files have been recovered]

[The host needs to give permission to begin the memory transfer.]

"Huh?" Aarav wondered, "What was that voice?"

As he fought to stand, he vomited another mouthful of blood owing to excruciating discomfort.

"I have to stop this bleeding or I would die oozing up this much blood again and again," he murmured with an irritated face. He decided to prioritize medical treatment before everything.

"May anyone tell me where I can get a doctor?" he called out to the crowd.

"Doctor? What's that?" and the murmur of the crowd grew louder.

"Hahaha, you got what you deserved, you half-demon," a group of teenagers laughed as they taunted him. Among them was a red-haired boy who appeared to be in adolescence and was glaring at him with disdain.

As his pain slowly began to subside, he noticed that foreigners were looking at him with varying degrees of anger, hatred, and sympathy. "I can sense trouble here, but who am I? And who are these people? and how could my stomach hurt so much without any sign of external injury?"

[Host, during your duel, the red-haired guy used the fire spell on you.]

"Fire spell?" he exclaimed. "Wait, who are you, why can't I see you, and what's the deal with the system and host nonsense?" Aarav said in a low tone.

Aarav is a brilliant law graduate with a promising trait; despite his reckless behavior, his understanding and grasping abilities of things around him are quite high for an average being. So, he wished to gather as much information as possible.

[I'm a wind spirit, some powerful magic has locked my memories. SO, I can't tell you more but I can read your mind as I am connected to your soul through that talisman around your neck.]

"For God's sake, is it really happening? I hate those cliché transmigration stories, and now here I am being a part of one," Aarav sighed as he looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"I guess I'll have to bear this situation and find a way back home soon," he thought to himself before realizing, "Wait, you just told me you are wind spirit, then why were you talking like some cliché system before?"



Aarav has been transmigrated into a 16-year-old boy named Triston with curly black hair, glinting golden eyes, and a slim gloomy face. He wore a rag that was once a shirt, a vile jumble of dirty fabric, grime, and muck that barely hung from his shoulders like a discarded old towel. A massive hole in one of his shoulders exposed much of him to the elements. His jacket and pants were filthy, torn, and worn out, but at least kept him safe for a little while. but that's not all, he was surrounded by group of foreigners, who were looking at him with hatred and contempt.

"Demon Child deserved it, let it be an example," a man shouted, and the pitiful expressions of the crowd turned into hateful and angry gazes.

"Yeah, I can tell by the looks you are giving me that you despise me," Aarav said in a quiet voice.

"No need to say it out loud."

Aarav didn't gave much notice to the crowd rambling rather he was more focused on the red-haired boy who slowly approached him with a dismissive look in his eyes.

A young man with fiery red hair that falls in untamed locks around his angular face, started closing in on Aarav, bent down as he approached him, and whispered in Aarav's ear, "Stay away from Anna, or I'll make your life a living hell."

"Anna?" Aarav made a bewildered face.

"TRISTON!" A beautiful voice interrupted the red-haired boy before he could finish his sentence, changing his hateful expression into a jealous one.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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