

When I was young, I always had a dream of being one of the most famous people that leaved on earth. I always looked up to one of my role models (I said that cause I have quite a lot of them). Her name was Sophia Foxx. This woman was what you could call the epitome of beauty, her ever so radiant skin and her hair, oh how I loved the colour of her hair. It was the colour of the night sky or should I say raven's wings or jet black? I don't even know, but there was one thing I was sure of; I wanted to be like that woman when I grow up.

My family wasn't exactly one you could call poor but neither were we rich. I guess you could say that we were a middle class family. I was the oldest, then along came my annoying brother and my rascal of a sister. We didn't exactly have a dad but don't worry, you'll get to know about it sooner or later. The story I'm about to tell you, is one I will never forget in a life time. Of course I can't forget it cause it's my life's story...