
Illusion Sequel

A illusions makes our Dreams outcome to a beautiful setup.... And Martin & Simon were just going through this..... They were just under the control of a suspicious thing that made them happy and abnormal.

A victim of dark illusions that now affects both of them... They just rush towards as its a beautiful gift and inbetween to win from each other they just hit each other.

At last somehow Rozy threw the phone and it break down to ignore all the evil calls and messages.

Then she just broke the glass and enter the house... She just shouted...

Simon..! Martin..! Simon...! Martin..!

But they were just controlled by some dark illusions which is making them hear what they..... Want,But at last Rozy find them and pulled them to get out of there... But there was no effect on them..... Then she just Bring a rod and tried to hit them to bring back there sense... But nothing worked out.

Rozy just gota tired and aside of her there was a cool water in a bottle... In anger she just throw water on both of them..... And they come out of that serious black illusions.

Rozy just hold both of them and went up stairs through which she got in... And with the help of stair case they all just came out... And some troops of police and first aid came.

Martin & Simon were just panic. They just hugged each other and had kiss...And Rozy just entered.

Rozy-:Are you both all right? What the hell had happened why weren't coming out or not responding also.

Martin-: A big black illusion which made of our dream out there which just make us out of our sense.

Simon - :That means Harry & Joy must be also trapped in this..... And they weren't able to come out and still stocked.

Martin-:Don't know actually Harry may be but if they are in illusions where are there body if they alive or dead also. Where are they somewhere must be there. They were no where.

A confusing world made thier case more suspicious. They don't have any clarity clue or any dead body or any thing.

Where are all they going any black magic Yah..! any paranormal activities yah..! any Black illusion is just them away from tjis world.....!

Something a big is going on in this world and till now 16are victims.... We just have to do something before more get missing.

Is it a black Illusions..? Or a black magic...?