
A Lich's Life

Liches are one of the highest-ranked races among the undead. Created by magicians who sought the answer to eternal life. They are an amalgamation born from the combination of magic and necromancy. With their expertise in the dark arts, their endless armies, immortal bodies, and infinite life spans liches were one of the most fearsome undead you could face. Asiera was a world of sword and magic where liches stood steadfast as one of the major players. Countless legends tell of the terrifying and age-defying feats liches have achieved. Silvio Morell's a young man who reincarnated as a lich. Follow our young lich carve out his own story. This is a practice novel any feedback on my writing, grammar, or basically anything else will be greatly appreciated.

Daisyberry · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Status Update

Unfortunately, I have been diagnosed with covid-19. Currently, the symptoms seem mild so with hope I will be able to bounce back as soon as possible. For now, I am going to put writing on hold for the sake of my health.Originally I had planned on binge writing a couple of chapters. But I've taken this as a sign that maybe I shouldn't continue this story. A big thank you to all the readers who read my first practice novel. I apologize for this abrupt ending to the series. I plan on rehashing the concept into a better more refined book which I am planning on working on after I recover.

From here is just me rambling so if you don't wanna read that's cool.

Although it saddens me to shelf this I was quite disappointed at how my story was progressing. As an avid supporter of the necromancer class and undead race, I always wanted to write a book that showcased all their awesomeness especially Liches. But due to their semi-immortal status, it created a massive writing block when I tried developing the story. I would be stuck trying to figure out ways on how to make the MC's adventures important and have worth.

Even though most readers subconsciously know that MC most likely will survive most encounters the chance of failure on an adventure is what makes reading interesting. That's why having an immortal character who could just pop back to his phylactery made it hard to make any of his journeys seem fun to read. Most of the time I was just stuck with either a riskless MC who steamrolled, extremely overpowering of enemies, or I would have just to nerf the MC to the ground so his immortality wouldn't ruin the story.

Of course, liches aren't infallible by any means. There are many written examples of liches getting defeated such as sealing, banishing, and destroying the phylactery. I felt the story would be really boring if I gave every single enemy the means to deal with his immortality. The final option if I really wanted to could have just altered the definition of liches to make them still powerful but lack immortality. Even though I could do that I felt that was a disrespect to the archetype of liches. I have an idea on how to fix this for my next novel and yes without a doubt my next novel will be about a lich necromancer. I honestly don't know where A Lich's life is heading. Whether I continue this in the far future or just shelf it is up in the air. If you read this far thank you for listening to this sick man's rant. Thanks for your time and I hope you'll stick around for my next book. Have a wonderful day mates.